Saturday, June 17, 2023

Saturday Inside Dope: Did Pam Moore Retire at KRON Knowing CW Was About to Take Over Bulk Programming? The Burning Question

SEEMS to be the burning question at KRON: was Pam Moore's retirement at KRON hastened by the CW net taking over programming soon?

Of course it was. But there's More to Moore.

She not only knew the CW mode was coming, she was alerted by the bosses. It wasn't anything clandestine but it sure did irk a lot of KRON's senior staffers, including, significantley enough, a STAR anchor!

More on that in a future posting.

Moore is leaving KRON after a 31-year stint at the station; her retirement, I bet, didn't mean to go down this path, I'm sure.


  1. Undoubtedly with 31 years at KRON she would know what was going on. Maybe it's time for her to take the main anchor chair over at KTVU and give them some mojo.

  2. Maybe she “un-retires” and goes to another station

  3. I was in her shoes and was given prior knowledge of a major change forthcoming. I appreciated the honesty, went about my business until my last day. Observant and intuitive people can read the room.Rarely are any of these events "surprises". Yes, it was an early retirement.

  4. I think she just wanted to get out before looking as if she's ready for death, like Heenan does.

  5. She could go to any other station in town. She could put in a good 5 years before really retiring. Management at the next station could show their present folks that they're not the "hot stuff" they think they are. Might be worth some big buck$ to Pam as queen she can rule over a bigger kingdom. Maybe just a walk across the hall to KGO? Do ya think?

    1. "She could put in a good 5 years before really retiring."

      You need to adjust the sharpness settings on your TV.

  6. Has anyone served more time as a KRONvict?

    1. far.

    2. “Catherine…by far.”


  7. They’re adding an 11pm newscast maybe the prospect of working late on the Nightbeat was a good time to go out on a high note

    1. Nightbeat? It hasn't been the Nightbeat since the Pete Wilson days.

  8. “Wherever Ms Moore goes, mine eyes will follow,” said Shakespeare, who also noted,”Summerville will be hoisted by his own petard”.
    The guy was prescient !

    1. Alas poor Summerville, we knew ye well.

  9. "Did Pam Moore Retire at KRON Knowing CW Was About to Take Over Bulk Programming?"


  10. Sometimes you have just worked long enough... then you retire. I can tell you there is much to do after retiring.

  11. I love Ms. Moore, ultimate professional, easy on the eyes, very precise voice delivery and I / we will definitely miss her, enjoy your retirement

  12. Pam made the right choice retiring at the right time. And besides, she is already pissed having another anchor next to her for the last few years when she once done solo reporting. Frank and that boring guy who got fired.
