Friday, June 23, 2023

KRON Mood at 900 Front: "We're on Eggshells"; The CW Net Beckoning; KTVU Dread in Oakland; NBC Sports Bay Area Larry Baer-Buster Posey Camera Fetish; KNBR's Brian Murphy Head-Up-Baer's Ass; Papa-Lund Fun Facts; Copey Chuckling World Record; The Friday Flash

AT KRON, the prevailing wisdom: "we're on eggshells."

Fear and anxiety permeate the entire newsroom at 900 Front. With the CW Net taking over on Sept. 1, it's going to be a long hot summer.

"Nobody has any idea what's going on here," said a source,"they've left us all in the dark."

Hey Jim Rose, (GM) maybe a good day to buy lunch and rally the troops.

Publicly, word is newscasts won't be decreased but consensus is mucho cutting on the horizon. Thanks, Nexstar.

*At KTVU, just when things seemed to be back to normal, an inner-office, sexual harrassment controversy has the natives restless. Just what the doctor didn't order.

Meanwhile, the post-Somerville mood is of dire straits and just trying to do simple chores is a difficult deal.

Speaking of being on eggshells: nervous Mike Mibach.

*During Thursday's Giants-Padres game, the NBC Sports Bay Area camera panned in on LarryBaer talking to Buster Posey 12!times--in a span of about two minutes!

Of course Baer was doing a lot of talking and wouldn't shut up! Posey was seen looking ahead at the game, IGNORING! Baer and not saying a word. Good for Buster.

*KNBR's morning frat boy and enabler, Brian Murphy has his head so much up Baer's ass, the only thing missing from Murphy's mouth is a cell-phone image of a hooker with Baer's phone number.

*Murphy has a cramped life with that Posey jersey on his bod he wears to the office every morning.

*Paulie Mac: Darwin was wrong.

Paulia Mac, better hope Cumulus HR doesn't monitor your lunchtime viewing habits.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah!"

*A new cackling record at Knibber: Adam Copeland laughed a new world record numerical 16 times in a span of 15 minutes!

*ADD World Record/KNBR: Greg Papa's "John" mentions in any given day. At last count, it's at least 60 a day.

*And imbecile John Lund's 400K a-day's "Like you said," Greg.

The two kiss each other's tuchus because they both are insecure louts with about as much serenity as a Danville strip mall.


  1. Of course KRON will lose hours of News especially in Prime. More importantly KRON will lose multiple minutes of Advertising Time.
    Revenue will inevitably drop like a stone as a CW.
    They will have to make up dramatic ratings and revenue loss on order to hit budget numbers. Therefore cuts are coming to KRON

    1. And Pam is retiring. Coincidence? I think not.

    2. Darya is going to put them on full display again circa 2015.

    3. Then one foggy Christmas eve Santa came to say, Darya with your headlights so bright won’t you guide my sleigh tonight?

    4. Why the Darya Folsom hate? LOL

  2. Notice how Baer and Farhan disappear during losing streaks and then magically appear front and center for media when the team is playing well? Baer only to be filmed at well-attended games, as well. Transparent doofus.

  3. Local news blah blah blah... Local sports blah blah blah...... Let me say this: That pic of "Grace and Jane" is the funniest ducking thing I've seen in a LONG time!!!!! BRILLIANT!

  4. You think Adam Copeland’s ‘laughing like a wild hyena’ thing is bad? Try listening to Shawn Estes when he broadcasts Giants games on tv. All he does is chuckles and giggles. It’s bizarre and unprofessional. Giggling like a schoolgirl for 9 innings. He makes Copeland look stoic and deadpan serious.

  5. Speaking of kiss-ass Brian Murphy, his head is so far up Buster Posey’s ass he could see out of Posey’s throat. It’s gross when you see a grown man fawning over a professional athlete. I’m pretty sure Murphy would leave his wife and kids just for the mere chance to wipe Posey’s ass …after a massive diarrhea attack.

    1. It has occurred to me that Murphy has incriminating photos of someone - Baer? Zaidi? A KNBR honcho?
      There is NO WAY the “pride of Tam High” should retain his job at KNBR, unless perhaps he is paying somebody.
      Pathetic interviewer, incapable of forethought, zero wit, and old, tired, retreads when he’s filling time.
      Out of 7 million folks in the bay area, he’s the most capable? He is the sole reason I turned OFF KNBR. (And they have several dishonorable mentions).
      Pete Franklin sucked, but at least he knew sports

  6. I’ll never forget the time I saw Mike Mibach at an outdoor shopping center in Marin, sitting on a bench with his child (I assumed they were waiting for his wife who was in one of the shops). Right as I realized it was Mibach, two very attractive young women (no older than 21-22) walked by. I had no idea a human neck could rotate the way his did at that moment. Talk about keeping your head on a swivel.

    1. That’s straight up cool. What a real man does.

    2. Yep, let’s pretend that married people don’t check out other people. Get a life 12:05, or perhaps a new husband because it sounds like he’s cheating on you.

    3. Any man who claims he doesn’t do that is lying through his teeth.

      And that’s a fack. Jack.

    4. Yeah 12:05... you've peddled this story before. We get it! You don't like Mibach and want to expose him for being a full blooded man. Nothing to see here... Move along! Do better.

  7. Sal Castaneda has a new gig! He was at the impromptu Danville car/hot rod show this morning filming.

    1. The entire Morning Show was in Danville this morning. Part of their "Zip Trips" segments.

    2. Sal C, continues to mystify with his cult of personality..a middle aged,rumpled,dishelved man with permanent 5 o clock shadow is a big hit in television!!

    3. How many times are viewers expected to endure the unpleasantness of Sal gobbling up french fries and other assorted comfort foods on these field trips?

    4. Why the Sal hate? He’s a good man and is well-liked by everyone who actually knows him. He goes to work each day to support his family while getting to do something he enjoys doing. He’s never been involved in any type of scandal nor has he ever been credibly accused of inappropriate conduct (keyboard warriors spewing bullshit on this blog don’t count).

      If you don’t like Sal then don’t watch KTVU when he’s on. Problem solved.

    5. “He’s a good man and is well-liked by everyone who actually knows him.”

      I’ve worked for ktvu for a very long time and this is absolutely true about Sal. You won’t find a single person in the building who has an issue with him. Even those of us who don’t work mornings know that he is respected and respectful. He does stuff for the community and for those in need that he never shares. He does so because he cares about people and wants to use his influence and resources to help those less fortunate.

    6. I'm sure he's a nice guy and doing great things in the community,I'm more fascinated that he just looks totally out of place working in television. A mild mannered unassuming bank president who still needs to shave three times a day..that's what he reminds me off

    7. @8:20 Sal is a wonderful person, met him years ago at the King St SF Safeway promoting an event and everyone that had contact with him all agreed he's fantastic and honestly good human

  8. "Fear and anxiety permeate the entire newsroom at 900 Front. With the CW Net taking over on Sept. 1, it's going to be a long hot summer."

    Is that why Pam Moore had a see-thru top on the other night? Bra and cleavage on full display. Same Darya in the AM.

    1. Must be starting a solidarity boobment with ch. 2’s balee o’conley.

  9. Unvarnished hot-take: Amanda Starrantino is better at it than Liz Cook and Sara Donchey and about even with Goodrich. Everyone focuses in on her looks (and, yeah, there's a lot to focus in on there) but once you get past that she's a solid anchor...better than her timeslot deserves anyways. I haven't seen a lot of her interviewing so I don't know how well she thinks on her feet and choses the right follow-up questions but the rest of her skills are where they need to be.

    She will eventually get plucked by a major market if she's left where she is at PIX. There's too much upside for her to stay there. If I was Donchey or Cook, I would be concerned.

    1. Unless Starrantino has improved dramatically since the last time I saw her I find this hard to believe. As Rich might say, she should be selling cosmetics at the Fresno Macy's. If they have a Macy's in Fresno.

    2. That's a bit of an overstatement, 1:04. Amanda has improved during her time at PIX. Given her style and personality, though, I think that she would be a better fit in a different market.

    3. Have to disagree , Sarah Donchey is far and away the best news reader in the Bay Area …and way way way better looking than Starrantino ….She’s cool man , and hot at the same time …”A sick honkey straight goin Donchey “ word too N2deep

  10. No fear and anxiety at Kron just schedule changes

  11. Where’s the shout out to KQED News Room? Hopefully, Thuy finally has a daily news broadcast coming! 🤞

  12. Bailey O’Carroll doesn’t look very happy in her recent live shots…maybe it’s because her male colleagues are talking about her baldness down below and no action has been taken yet.
    Paging Ms Orozco…

    1. (At the risk of sounding totally ignorant….) I may be missing something, but what does Rosemary Orozco have to do with whatever is going with Bailey?

    2. I saw her once, and thought, "My God are they hiring high school sophomores now?!?" Sad what local news has become, a high school production. But I guess it's the only way they can get people who will work for Starbucks wages, if that.

    3. 6:07 Orozco is believed to be responsible for various leaks of internal information. It’s the reason Pam Cook dislikes her.

    4. 4:57 or maybe its because shes not good at her job and knows it.

    5. “(At the risk of sounding totally ignorant….)”

      607 don’t be so hard on yourself, Bailey does that on a bailey basis.

    6. If true, this also explains why Orozco hasn’t been promoted into a more prominent role.

    7. Here’s the TRUTH about the Bailey situation:
      It’s true that several people (on air and behind the scenes) have been actively shit-talking Bailey, however, almost all of the commentary revolves around her incompetence and lack of qualifications for the job. And most of those conversations end up leading back to Amber.
      It’s also true that a handful of perverts have been doing what perverts do, which is making gross and disgusting comments. I haven’t heard any comments firsthand but enough people ‘who don’t lie’ have acknowledged that it’s happening so I don’t doubt it. The “cloth between her buns” has been widely known for a couple months as are some other remarks that I won’t share here because they’re gross.
      Also true is I haven’t heard any mention of Rosie O as it relates to Bailey. I’m not saying she’s not leaking internal details but that’s not a rumor that’s floating around the building.

    8. Thank you 1:45. Speaking the truth. Eikel embarrassed the whole Mo2 bringing her in.

  13. Wait to Nexstar asks KRON
    "Where is the Money"!
    It will not be pretty

    Fear and Anxiety will least of Jim Rose and Companies Issues.

  14. I figured out why Ryan Yamamoto seems misplaced - his goofy glasses! He needs to get some thinner frames, and bigger lenses. He comes across as a dork with those black 1950’s frames. I have no qualms about his skill as a newsreader, he’s just fine. But those glasses need to go. He needs to seek the advice of his co-workers - boy/girlfriend when he gets new frames. He looks like he is emulating 1982 Elvis Costello.

  15. Not sure what the uncertainty is about KRON. Everybody knows the CW will be from 9-11, news 4-9, and then again after the CW at 11. Plus news in the morning and that vomit of a sales driven show midday. They are still doing a lot of that vanilla, rehashing of headlines that impact very few. Not only do television stations like KRON produce far more product than viewers are willing to consume, pick any station and they all look alike, its formulaic. Now given, there is only so much a station can do to differentiate itself, I mean, a bottle of wine will always be just a bottle of wine no matter how much you want to decorate it or make it special. What no bay area station does is have a true connection to its audience. KTVU came the closest with its Oakland connection but it also had a unique product where no other station was, 10PM. That is no longer the case and you can see KTVU's standing and loyalty among viewers drop. There is no magnetic attraction, there is no dominate news personality audiences are drawn to. There was Dennis Richmond, but again, that was a different time because it was the only show in town. I think KRON really missed an opportunity to put Pam Moore on a pedestal all these years. They really should have made her a star, the trusted and compassionate anchor you can welcome in your home. Really be the face of not only the station, but of the bay area. It was her time, now...too late. ABC can do the same with Dan Ashley. Sell him like NBC sells Lester Holt. The marketing departments at the stations are about as lame as their respective news departments. But hey, what do I know?

    1. The CW prime time schedule is from 8 pm to 10 pm.

  16. btw does that frat boy Smurfy still talk to Baer about the primo box seats to attend the Giants game. No wonder I don't listen. Another reason, I'm moving to Denver next week . Still wanna follow your writings here.

  17. Now that the Giants are on a hot streak, there is no way I'm going anywhere near KNBR - it must be a non-stop infomercial.

    1. @ 10:31 Hymmm, what happen to traditional June Swoon? So far only lost 6 games, doesn't matter, going nowhere, lousy skipper

  18. The only time to listen to KNBR is when Marty Lurie, Jon Miller, Bill Laskey, DB Fleming, Pence are on.
    Forget all the others. When either Copeland or Murph start babbling, I change to KDFC or KPFA.

  19. Maybe there’s new place Aaron Pero could work:
