Friday, June 16, 2023

Ask Rich Lieberman

ANSWERING your TV/Radio questions; Bay Area media-centric. Please, name and city.


  1. Any thoughts on who will eventually replace the duo of Mike Krukow and Duane Kuiper?

    1. Probably players --an Austin Slater here, a John Brebbia there? Just a hunch.

    2. Javier Lopez -- he's already got some experience in the booth and has the pitcher's type of perspective that has made Krukow so entertaining.

    3. Kevin Frandsen will be brought back to the Bay.

      San Jose native.
      Former Giant.
      Former Bellarmine baseball star.
      Holds baseball records at San Jose State.
      "Basically" related to Radnich.
      Fill-in on KNBR during the offseason.
      Did Kruk and Kuip's job with the Phillies.
      Currently doing it with the Nationals.

    4. Absolutely NOT Kevin Frandsen, he is a di.k. A pompous a.s, with a bad attitude. Every time he comes on I turn off the radio. He is lousy at commentary and an all around jerk.

    5. I could see Hunter Pence taking over for Krukow or Kuiper. He’s great behind the microphone and Giants fans love him

    6. Franny lives here too.

  2. Hi Rich: Bennetti, SF How did the once mighty KCBS slip so far down the Rabbit Hole? It's really hard to listen to the once mighty reporters everywhere motif now not so much, you're lucky if they cover anything live

    1. Just a complete and utter broadcast malpractice --nobody gave/gives a shit and so they let it go to the crapper. It's a systemic breakdown. Lots of people involved.

    2. Lots of people involved...former KGO retreads Pat Thurston and Nikki Medoro to name a few?

  3. Is the new Live 105 worth a listen?

    1. I like the music, I do but I don't see all the fuss. Maybe I'm missing something.

    2. I'll wait until KOME makes a return to have a listen.

      "Don't touch that dial....there's KOME on it!". Best ad ever.

    3. Its been ok so far, but no djs or anything. Playlist seemed pretty big at first but I have been noticing alot more repeats over the last few days. Once they add some djs and such I am sure it will be more dialed in...but I wouldn't expect anything ground breaking.

  4. - Did police / family ever reveal more information about Ray Taliaferro's sad death?
    - Is Jim Gabbert a nice man?
    - Was there ever a serious attempt to bring back KGO talk radio?
    - What is Ronn Owens health status?
    - Bernie Ward went underground after his prison release. Any info on the 'Lion of the Left'?
    - Are there any station tapes of KGOs glory days?

    1. Ray info pretty much as reported.
      No, Jim Gabbert generally mean and still a jerk.
      No on KGO
      Ronn in Arizona I think is a day to day deal
      KGO tapes go to YouTube

    2. Ronn still post on his Facebook page, almost every day, about current events and family as well. He is a grandfather now and sounds thrilled about it.

  5. This is GuRah in Alameda; Here's one for ya' Rich! I have always worn briefs as underwear! I notice that even though I out them in the washer and dryer, with the inside in and the outside out, when I take them out of the dryer, almost every one of them ends up inside out! One time I actually turned them inside out, just to see what would happen, and they came out mostly inside out! So what is it about the washer and dryer, that makes them want to be inside out? I know, this is not a "media" question, but I just wanted to put a smile on your face!

  6. When will Live 105 bring back 10 at 10 and Live from the Archives????
    San Francisco

    1. Join the patron (for free) and you will get a new/old 10@10 each day

      Renee & Irish Greg's Pop UP!

  7. Joe from San Jose.
    If KRON starts broadcasting CW programing, what is Channel 44 planning to air?

    1. Whatever they want to I guess. I have no idea probably lots of syndicated programming.

    2. My guess is Channel 44 will have news for the 8-10 pm time slot after it drops the CW like their sister independent station in Los Angeles, KCAL.

  8. And Rich have you noticed how KCBS uses many CBS news stories that were produced for and aired on network TELEVISION and not radio? It’s great using something on an audio medium that was meant for a visual one. Must be because it’s a cheap and easy content filler.

    1. Yes and yes --they all kinda do it these days.

    2. They do this for also Sharon Chin’s stories for Jefferson Awards

  9. Pat in Corte MaderaJune 16, 2023 at 1:05 PM

    Who is the former Bay Area reporter turned corporate desk person that someone here said the other day has a popular Onlyfans nowadays?

  10. Stan the Observer still alive? He disappeared from your comments section a few years back.

    1. I think Stan is counting his money in Hayward, yeah.

  11. What are your thoughts on the nbc Bay Area investigation team rich? A few won Emmy’s like Bigad and Candice Nguyen. Do you think they have the best team out of all Bay Area new stations?

    1. Dan Noyes is my fav --je's a 1-man band and breaks mny stories plus he's got limited resources

      Bugad and Nguyen are pretty, good too.

  12. Ran into my friend and sometime narrator Jack Kulp at Novato Art & Wine and your name came up. He had good things to say about you.

    1. Good to know.
      Jack Kulp is a nice man and great radio legend.
      Wish him well in retirement.

    2. Thanks Rich, I tend to agree with your list...especially the number 1's.

  13. Hi Rich,

    Who would be your top four bay area tv news anchors and radio hosts of all time?
    Thanks for your great blog.
    Finely warming up in the east bay.

    1. 1. Van Amburg
      2. Dave McElhatton
      3. Bob Jimenez
      4. Pete Wilson


      1. Jim Dunbar
      2. Russ Coughlin
      3. Jim Eason
      4. Peter Cleaveland

    2. McElhatton? Really

      Nothing against him, but I never thought he was extraordinary.

      I'd name (TV):

      Evan White
      Catherine Heenan
      Brian Hackney
      Maybe Dennis Richmond

    3. @ RL: Couldn't agree with you more on your list @ 4:34 Dave came from KCBS, a very good and popular anchor

    4. Rich. You didn’t include Ryan Yamamoto, Donnie Aqui, Frank Mallidump, or “Koomasi.”
      Was that an oversight?

    5. 6:36, correction, I believe you meant “COO-masi” which is how she often refers to herself on her social media. I guess that’s her way of declaring herself “cool.”

    6. Big Mac was lovable.

  14. Today during the 4pm news, KTVU ran a story about the Alameda County Fair, during which they aired video of horses at the fair. As soon as the horses appeared on the screen so did a graphic at the bottom that said ‘Rosemary Orozco.’ Once the video of the horses ended, the graphic disappeared.

    Because Orozco had nothing whatsoever to do with the story, I have to wonder if someone in the control room was trying to take a subtle jab at her, almost suggesting she’s a horse.

    Why does stupidity like this happen so frequently at KTVU?

    1. Happens all the time there, you're surprised?
      They're good at this, a specialty.

    2. Rich, I don't believe this contributor is familiar with one Tori Campbell.

    3. @ 4:21 Do you remember Asiana flight 214? It was KTVU; guess who got fired? Think it was Tori Campbell; either fired or stepped down

    4. The timing sounds way too precise to be a coincidence.
      Whether or not it was meant to be a jab at Rosemary or simply a joke is debatable. But either way that sounds intentional.

    5. Sounds like Pam Cook has been reassigned to the control room.

    6. Tori lasted another 2 years on KTVU ; 214 happened in July 2013 and she resigns after 19years April 2015 ;

    7. @ 10:52 from 6:09 Thank you, should've fact checked first before commenting; in reality it was a couple producers (?) who got the ax, Tori couldn't live down the embarrassment of not figuring out WTHeck on the teleprompter

  15. Hey Rich. Love the site. Hopefully the KNBR chopping block comes soon. Who would be on it first? A big salary or a second banana-Creepy Lund or Useless Copes?

  16. Tolbert, then the morning yutz, Paulie Schmuck.
    Dark horse: Papa.

  17. I hate rosemary orozco. The whole “as we get into the business week” on Friday night just depresses me

    1. “Business week” wtf?

      Talk about out of touch. She should use “work week.”

    2. And has the creepiest photographers.

  18. Hello Rich, great blog! I see Julie Haner is off again this week. Must be nice to have your employer by the short hairs.

    1. Haener makes 600k while missing 45-48 weeks of work annually. This isn’t new. This has been her modus operandi for a few years. Haener apologists and asswipers claim she’s simply using vacation time she’s earned. Bullshit.
      Why does KTVU even keep her on the books when she rarely bothers to show up? Is it a contractual or union thing?

    2. Leverage with a capitol "L" I guess.

    3. 6:30, common sense dictates they’d fire Haener, reclaim her criminal salary, give her job to Heather (who ironically is already doing it 80% of the time), and hire heather’s replacement for a quarter of what they’re wasting on Haener.

      Why don’t they do that? My theory: Haener knows where the bodies are buried, so they’ll keep giving her however much she wants for as long as she wants.

    4. Yeah, let’s fire Haener for using the vacation time she’s earned and accumulated over her 25+ years of dedicated service to ktvu.

    5. "My theory: Haener knows where the bodies are buried, so they’ll keep giving her however much she wants for as long as she wants."

      No, dumb-dumb, you see there's this thing called laws and contracts. You can't just fire someone at whim. That's how lawsuits are born. Before you concoct a theory, you might want to learn about *legal theory.*

    6. This whole "X knows where the bodies are buried" so they're in control is more myth than reality. Most people who know where the bodies ARE buried aren't going to talk ever for a variety of reasons including litigation from their employer as most employees sign NDA's when they arrive and non-disparagement clauses when they leave (involuntarily). The companies know this. So when you see someone who may or may not be past their prime or not good enough or whatever criticism you care to level, their continued presence on the air has to do with just about anything BUT knowing where the bodies are buried.

    7. I’ve worked in corporate HR for the entirety of my career and I agree wholeheartedly with 10:48AM.
      In my 35+ year career, I’ve never experienced a situation where an employee was allowed to run roughshod or call shots because there was a perception that they "knew where the bodies were buried.”

      As far as Julie Haener, there is zero reporting whatsoever that a) ktvu is seeking to terminate her employment;
      b) ktvu has granted her an exceptional amount of slack because she “knows where the bodies are buried”;
      c) Haener is missing shifts or has a work schedule that hasn’t been approved by her management; or,
      d) Haener has committed a terminable offense.

      As a KTVU viewer I’ve noticed what we all notice, she’s not on air nearly as much as she used to. It's noticeable to even the most casual viewer.
      Knowing how corporate PTO policies are structured, it seems highly unlikely that Haener has amassed enough PTO to miss this much work for this long a period of time. Even with her long tenure and assuming a generous PTO accrual rate, at some point you’re using more PTO than you’ve amassed and are accruing. That’s just math.
      I’m speculating here but I suspect one of two things:
      (1) She’s on a reduced schedule, agreed upon by her employer. There’s an assumption that she’s missing work simply because we don’t see her 5 days a week. The reality is she may be showing up to all her schedule shifts, as scheduled. Reduced schedules are not uncommon as an employee enters the twilight of their career. A reduced scheduled almost always means a reduction in pay.
      (2) She’s taking time off and going unpaid, with employer approval of course. This assumes Haener has used up all of her PTO. Many employers frown upon this and therefore limit this practice, but in Haener’s case, her long tenure and high profile may give her leverage that other’s there simply don’t have.

    8. Everyone needs to calm down. Julie is simply using the 79,840 PTO hours that she accrues each pay period.

  19. Nice portrait at the top. Shouldn't Statler be on your right?

  20. Hey Rich, not a question but a discovery of sorts...I was listening to KCBS and guess who I hear on the air giving a news report? The former KTVU reporter Jade Hernandez. Good to hear Jade's voice on the airwaves again here in the bay area. I had heard that she was living and working in L.A. for several years. Guess she got sick of it and moved back.

  21. If the quality of radio has gone down the tubes with corporations like Audacy and Cumulus running the show, what was the previous model in the 70's/80's and is there any hope of returning to how things were in terms of station ownership?

    1. Those companies like ABC? and CBS, (which owned a radio division) and RKO and others were broadcasting pros and had appreciation for the craft. They hired pros and quality people and thus, put superior content on the air. It was successful and they persevered and it showed.

      Today's crapolla is run by a bunch of nincompoops who don't know the business and their product is garbage.

      Hello, Cumulus and Audacy.

  22. Any clues on the producers Carlos/Carlo/Carlie Ramirez/Ramiere/Ramira might have dirt on at NBC?

    1. That and other "attributes" needed in today's demo reality,

  23. Rich, I'm a longtime reader of your blog and have a question less about Bay Area media and more about your coverage of it.

    I sometimes read comments on this blog that use immature nicknames such as Bailey O'Bozo, Frank Mallidump, Sara Donkey, Lt. Butch, Donnie Aqui, Posemary Orozco, and the list goes on.

    Why do you publish this sort of juvenile attempt at humor? Just because people feel the need to express themselves using such immature terms doesn't mean you're obligated to give them a platform.

    1. Blame the Internet and welcome to 2023 discourse. I agree with most of your sentiments but I also acknowledge reality.
      I'll try to trim out the garbage.

    2. 7:23pm, lighten up.

  24. How in the world does 910 Black Information Network continue? Just politically correct? Good spot for talk radio.
    David, San Jose

    1. It has an audience, limited as it is but it does. Plus, corporate support.

    2. 5 people listen, +/- 4 .

  25. Hi Rich, Lou in San Bruno

    What is the name of the blond female field reporter who was arrested while reporting. It was a mistake and the police admitted it. But I have not seen her in a long while - probably because my tv viewing is limited. Do you, does anyone on this blog, remember the woman about whom I write?

    1. I don't, Lou, but someone out there knows, I'm sure.

    2. Katie Nielsen. She’s quite good

  26. “Katie Nielsen. She’s quite good.”

    Thanks for the laugh!!!

  27. Katie Nielsen sleeps with everyone she reports on.
