Wednesday, May 17, 2023

Unprofessional Broadcaster Jon Miller Sporting a Giants Cap (Again) is a BS Look

HE DID IT AGAIN--today's game in the TV booth against the Phillies, apparently he just doesn't care anymore.

And I'm going to call him out, again and again and again.

There's a variety of reasons why Jon Miller shouldn't be wearing a Giants cap.

For one, it's a bad look. It's unprofessional. It's bush league even for a Hall-of-Fame broadcaster like Miller, who should know better. Of all people, Miller supposedly is very proud of his HOF heritage, which makes his cap look all the more ridiculous and minor-league.

It's pathetic on all levels. No, Miller isn't committing armed robbery. This isn't that big a deal but it's important enough.

Bill King never wore a Raiders cap, (rarely) Warriors/A's cap. Never.

Lon Simmons never wore a Giants cap or a 49ers hat. Never.

In fact, Simmons would have shook his head had he seen Miller's look.

And HOF announcer, Vin Scully NEVER wore a Dodgers cap, at least while in the broadcast booth.

Which only makes Miller look more like a doofus.

Those of you that say Miller is a Giants employee ignore the fact so was King and Simmons of the A's. And Scully was paid by the Dodgers.

It's a dumb argument.

Miller doesn't give a shit.

I do.


  1. With all the suffering and over-analytical warm puddles of suck being lurched upon the SFG and soon to be 49er pre and postgame shows by grandstanding Carlos Ramirez, this doesn't seem like such a big deal.

  2. I fail to see the issue here. The man is calling games for his hometown team. He’s in the twilight of his career and is proud to be associated with the Giants. Since he’s no longer network he can show his team pride. I’m glad he’s proud to be the Giants voice

    1. @408 -- You fail to see. Broadcasters and reporters are supposed to be neutral. You can get away with the homerism in the Midwest and South, but not on the East or West Coasts. Go feed your unicorns.

    2. Ditto. He's employed by the Giants to broadcast Giants games. I could see an issue if he was still employed by ESPN and doing an "ESPN game of the week" However, I think Dallas Braden wearing a beret looks unprofessional, especially with no team logo.

    3. You can get away with homerism here too. See: the politicians they elect. Unicorns....don't be a jackass.

  3. Plopping the S.F. lid on his shiny dome seems rather benign. Now! If he were to don the orange troll hair, with orange and black greasepaint ala Braveheart on his mug, then rage away!

  4. Bad look for many reasons! Is he a Monte Moore?

  5. It's a different time. People also don't dress up as much to go out to dinner, church, etc. Today's style is far less formal, and a lot of the old "standards" don't exist today. If Miller did this 30 years ago, sure, give him grief. Today? To quote Gary Radnich, nobody cares.

  6. I remember Bill King famously called a game wearing nothing but his underwear, it's become a legendary tale and its not a big deal. Neither is this.

  7. Rich, I’ll be straight with you. You’re stuck in the past on this one. Nobody cares. If he’s more comfortable in the hat, so be it.

  8. you give a shit about the silliest things

  9. I was at church yesterday...and for a second was REALLY excited because Christian McCaffrey was sitting in a pew...a few rows up. But then I realized it was just an ordinary short buff blonde dude wearing a #23 ""McCaffrey" Niners jersey. For those cringing about wearing sports jerseys to church: at least it was a home jersey.

  10. Hi Rich,
    With all due respect, I fail to understand the issue. Miller is employed by the San Francisco Giants organization and paid to broadcast Giants games. Why is it unprofessional for him to wear an article of clothing with his employer’s name on it? It’s not like he’s employed by ESPN or a network.
    Fleming, Kruk and Kuip wear Giants jackets and shirts all the time. Is there an issue with Miller because a hat, in your opinion, looks particularly unprofessional?

    1. One additional thought I forgot to include in my comment (6:10pm):
      I do agree with you that there is a lot to be said for decorum and presentation. And say what you may, but even in our increasingly “casual” world, there’s still a lot to be said for the clothes one chooses to wear and how one presents themselves, depending on the setting.

      But I’m not sure a radio play-by-play announcer has an expected wardrobe, and I’m not sure why it would matter.

      Now, if Mike Mibach showed up at 10pm in his flat brim Giants hat then that would be a different story. Though when he anchored from home in his sports mancave, he might’ve well just thrown on a jersey and hat at that point.

  11. Jeez, this is a ridiculous thing to get upset about.

  12. Agreed — who cares? Rich, why even spend 2 seconds of time on this?

  13. Rich--wrong complaint--doesn't matter if Miller is wearing a Giants cap. But, but, but---less amazement over 42 percent launch angles and the ball left the bat at 101 mph would be nice.

  14. Let it go, Rich. Jon is not worth the stress. Focus on Sara Donchey instead! 🙂

    1. speaking of Sara, Where did the short skirts go-bring them back!!

  15. Sorry Rich, but I also think this isn't that big of a deal. I think sometimes Jon Miller likes to show off the Giants new merch at the same time. When the Giants came out with the City Connect uniforms a couple of years ago, Jon Miller in a telecast on NBC Sports Bay Area was wearing the Giants orange City Connect Giants hoodie and the Giants orange City Connect hat.

    I watched the replay of today's Giants game, and I noticed in today's game when Jon Miller was on with Krukow for a few innings, the Giants hat he had on today was the Giants hats the Giants wore with the Mexico City series patch on it, from the Giants-Padres series in Mexico City last month.

    But yeah, I think it's all good. Like others have said, if he was still doing national broadcasts on ESPN and he was doing this, then yeah, I can see this being a problem, but it's a local broadcast, and the Giants are his employer and he grew up a Giants fan, so it's all good.

  16. Rich you're a Dodgers fan.

  17. Again rich, where's the outrage with the A's broadcasters and the silly berets. And what about the hosts and analysts wearing athletic shoes with suits? Bill King didn't do that (he famously wore sandals in the booth).

  18. Extremely petty people would be upset with this.

  19. Miller wears a Giants hat during broadcasts? BFD

  20. I'm all for the Don Cherry/Craig Sager look myself. Flamboyant, yet stylish!

  21. You belong in LA where they don't think. Have you ever considered there is a medical reason. Even if not, Jon has earned his right to wear a ball cap. Yeah, and btw Vin Scully is a racist!

  22. Yes, Bill King and Lon Simmons were employed by the team but in those days, the announcers were given the independence to express their opinions and tell the truth. Nowadays, these guys are nothing more than PR flacks for their employers. Miller might as well be dressed from head to toe in Giants gear - it would be a good reminder not to take anything he says too seriously.
