Monday, May 8, 2023

A Few Words and a Story about Vida Blue; Duane Kuiper Won't Be Asked About Brother Glen on KNBR With Brian Murphy; Monday Coffee


Vida Blue could have been a great baseball analyst; his down-to-earth style and keen intellect made him look and sound genuine and smart, which he was up 'till the day he died.

He used to appear on radio/TV post-game for Giants' games. He provided expert analysis without being a jerk or know-it-all. He had passion and enthusiasm but it came his way and he was devoid of falsehoods and BS. He was a great human being who just happened to be able to throw a baseball with precision.

More in a second.

*Duane Kuiper does his scheduled Tuesday radio bit on KNBR.

He won't be asked about his younger brother's verbal transgression the other night but he should.

It's fair game and a legitimate question.

Like, "Duane, we know you can't speak for Glen but what happened, we're all so shocked and surprised".

Something to acknowledge and simply state for the record. Duane could acknowledge it himself and politely move on.

But again, he won't and more importantly, Brian Murphy of KNBR will not even ask him and ignore it all.

Murphy is nothing more than a SHILL, a professional fanboy who kisses major ass for Larry Baer and state radio KNBR. He's an embarrassment.

This morning he bragged for twenty minutes about having Larry Baer give him his, (Baer) seats on Friday night when the Giants played. It was even more gruesome given we heard all this even before Murphy and his equally pathetic co-fanboy, Paulie Nac, acknowledged the death of Vida Blue.

Murphy has no credibility.

*I MET Vida back in 1986 --his last year with the Giants.

It was late in August when there was a roast for Larry King at The Other Cafe and Vida was one of the guest roasters.

He knew all about Larry King but wasn't detailed on some more personal stuff, I was told, so me being friendly with Larry I volunteered to Vida I'd write him up some personal info he could use in his copy about King.

Vida used it and it got quite a few laughs. Vida thanked me and I felt quite gleeful. We became good friends.

I organized a tribute for him in Oakland, (picture above) and he also attended my events for Rick Barry and Jim Brown.

*All the tributes and adulation about Vida Blue is 100% accurate. He was a real nice man, a human being and a genuine person. I can't fathom, yet, that he's gone.

It's tough.


  1. I don't agree with asking Duane about what his brother said. Maybe it is a legitimate professional question, but it's also a personal question: it's his brother. So I think it's fair to skip it with Duane. I don't really think Duane's is the ultimate authoritative opinion on the matter anyway.

  2. Vida a big loss for both sides of the Bay. Met him a couple times during the SF ballpark election and couldn’t be any nicer and sincere. Smurf on the other hand.....

    1. Great Human Being, RIP, God Bless

  3. Well said Rich. I found him to be very pleasant in my brief exchange with him. The man upstairs has one helluva ball team!

  4. After Gary Rad left, so did I. The shows now are poor

  5. I agree with 10:30. Why ask?
    Does Duane K get asked about other announcers who have gaffes?

  6. I met Vida in the players' parking lot after he got his 199th win, a complete game, on the second to last day of the 1985 season. I asked him if he could get number 200 the next day in relief. He smiled and said "maybe." He didn't get it until the next April. He was extremely nice.

    1. Ah yes, my Wife and I met Vida at the old Albertson’s in Petaluma in 1974. We used to throw rocks at cars on his breaks. Such a lovely man.

      Jim and Nancy Felch

  7. Vida Blue seemed to have a sincere friendship with former Giants pitcher Bill Laskey. You could tell it was genuine when they used to be analysts together for the Giants pre and post game shows back in the day. Always found that quite nice to witness in this day and age when everybody is seemingly at each others throats. These two were old-school and real in their admiration for each other. Wish the world could take a lesson from it. Rest In Peace, Vida. You were a legend and really gone too soon at 73.

    1. Vida and Bill had an excellent show. I was a regular listener.

  8. KNBR is a part owner of the Giants. They are not going to have one of their employees put another one of their employees (even if he's not a direct report) "on the griddle" which only makes sense. It's fair game for other outlets to ask the question, but we know the answer is going to be "no comment". I'm sure it's that important to ask the question if you already know the answer especially when it's a family issue.

  9. Pulitzers awarded today. How many did the Chronicle win?


      oh wait, Pulitzer FINALISTS were named today, Chron nom'd for two

      "The San Francisco Chronicle has been named a finalist for two 2023 Pulitzer Prizes. The Chronicle was honored for its investigation into the crisis inside city-funded permanent supportive housing for homeless people and for its photography of the fentanyl epidemic."

  10. It would be poor manners to ask someone about their brother's verbal misstep.

  11. Great accounts Rich, with regard to Vida. Became a fan of his in '71, and he was a unique/special talent and person. I was really saddened when I head the news of his passing.

  12. Smurph and Snac are just an ultimate embarrassment. How whatzitname got seats for Friday night before talking about Vida Blue. Priorities (huh?!?).

  13. Rich, you lucky devil. Being a friend of/to Vida Blue gives you serious street cred. Like many of us, I listened to Vida on the radio and thought “this guy is a good dude!” I am sad that he has moved on.

  14. To be clear, the Chronicle was a finalist for two Pulitzers, which is laudable.

  15. @3:01
    It wasn't a "verbal misstep."
    What Glen Kuiper uttered isn't a slur that rolls off the tongue for most unless they're already comfortable using it. Anyone other than an apologist knows this.

  16. FYI, Murphy did ask Duane about it, in an understandably low-key manner. Just asked if he wanted to say anything about it, to which Duane said there will be a time when he'll talk about it, but not right now. I think that was a fair way to handle it, not putting Duane on the spot about it, but not ignoring it either.

  17. Yes. Vida seemed like a good guy. Except when he beat my tigers!😉

  18. I had the great fortune to meet Vida Blue twice. First time was in Yuma AZ 1981,at the Padres Spring Training game vs.The Giants. I walked in to the mens room that was beyond the centerfield fence at the complex, and Vida was using the urinal, a can of Miller Lite in his hand. After he was done, I said hello and asked him about being traded (he was trying to get away from The Giants then), And we engaged in small talk. I called him Mr. Blue. He responded "My friends call me Vida". A great little chat. Second time I was on a flight from Oakland to Chicago and he was across the aisle from me. I offered my Chronicle to him as he looked bored. He declined and took a nap.

  19. I got to know Vida back in the mid 1980s when he returned to the Giants for his second stint with them. Dusty Baker loved the guy and used to bring Vida on the road trips so he could pitch batting practice. Vida told me that he never had an arm problem and probably could’ve pitched well into his 40s. Vida had a wonderful smile and could light up the room when he walked in. I can’t think of a single person that didn’t have nice things to say about Vida Blue. He was a warm, lovable human being who loved people and loved baseball. He will be missed!

  20. Rich - Brian Murphy did address Glen Kuiper's controversy with Duane when he was on KNBR this morning. Duane respectfully declined to speak about his brother's situation at this time. Murph also did ask Mike Krukow about it yesterday (Monday) morning as well and Mike spoke eloquently about it. Brian Murphy is a journalist by trade and he would have been remiss in not asking Kruk and Kuip about Glen Kuiper's gaffe. He is okay on his own but really gets dragged down by Paulie Mac.

  21. Well, Brian Murphy did indeed ask Duane Kuiper if he wanted to comment on Glen Kuiper and Duane said it wouldn't be appropriate at this time.

  22. A hotel that I worked at used to host athletes in town for local events. Vida Blue was one of the kindest most humble guests we ever had. Two other class acts were Roger Craig and Bill Walton.

  23. Met Vida in person, he is a very nice person. RIP
