Monday, April 10, 2023

Hard TV News Journalism at KRON: Darya Folsom and Olivia Horton

Darya Folsom chose her disco club outfit for the morning (Monday) drive on KRON. What do you think?

A woman fan of moi expressed outrage. .

I was more like, "what else is new?"

Darya is showing frustration. I think she's got a little "El-Lay" on her mind. Maybe she's following a KRON edict.

Like, for example, Countess Olivia Horton, who I think is the epitome of tough, new media.

Ms. Horton screams, (so to speak), a new dynmic journalism at KRON but she's really more fit for CBS News, a female Sevareid in the making. A woman with gusto, tenacious heights and a bevy of strength in an industry that begs for passion and vigor.

Can you feel it?

I smell a Cronkite in the making.


  1. Rich: I can't watch KRON 4 News due to Darya Folsom, just like I can't watch ABC 7 News due to empress Sze, you got a good instinct about Olivia Horton; she's wasting her talent at KRON 4 not that I'm complaining, just absolutely love her and her show, scared that one day she'll just up and leave

    1. Yeah she would kill it in Bakersfield LOL. She ain't goin anywhere.

    2. Dear pinenuts, she has talent, you none

    3. Huh? Who has talent? I don't see any LOL

    4. Both tacky. At least Darya can read a teleprompter. The other one is practically illiterate. Like the beauty queen who answers every question with for the children or world peace.

    5. Sounds like Starrantino over at KPIX

    6. @8:31 Folsom, no; Horton, YES!

  2. Olivia is not a journalist

    1. What is a journalist? Journalism is long dead, now it's all commentary

    2. I've got to make an effort to watch Ms Horton. It looks like she can really strut her stuff in those high heels, don't know how long she'll last with those heels on any field assignments. But at least she looks feisty.

    3. She's not in the news department. She would never be hired there. Routinely flubs her reading. Can't see that in news lasting 5 minutes.

    4. @7:20 Sounds like you want to keep your job

    5. @754 No seriously , she is employed by the sales department not the news department. That's just a fact. Not a journalist.

  3. I think Darya just hadn't made it home yet.

    1. She should have worn a Playboy Bunny outfit.

    2. Maybe she's keeping late hours along with that other Bay Area TV party girl, Heather Holmes. Anybody got any ideas on what clubs they frequent?

    3. Sure as hell looks that way. Walk of shame work version.

    4. A April 10, 2023 at 4:45 PM --- LOL. Yes!! We have a winner.

  4. Check out Darya's biceps.

  5. What? No high-thigh cut orange shorts and white t-shirt, two sizes too small with the company logo emblazoned on it? W

  6. I’m addicted to Live in the Bay! With Olivia Horton. She has set a new standard for open toed shoes and pedicures. As a man with a foot fetish I would bet Olivia has the most beautiful feet among Bay Area journalists (male or female). I find her absolutely amazing and drool every time she is on. I fear she will leave KRON for greener pastures sooner rather than later.

  7. Desperate for attention both of them. At least the talk show chick isn't really in news at all. Which is good because she is clearly not capable of that. Barely reads the teleprompter in an understandable way. Darya in the morning is vile. I just woke up lady, way too much to cope with.

  8. Olivia is a wannabe. Wannabe an Instagram model but not really pulling it off. Her feed is getting more risque by the day though so maybe she will start pulling it off. It being her clothes. Agree with the other commenter. Desperation. Fun to watch though. Didn't think that would fly in SF. Seems more like a Fresno move.

    1. awww, jealous are you?

    2. Yes I aspire to be a failed instagram model wanna be with less than 10 thousand followers in.2023. One can only hope. Gotta dream BIG LOL

    3. He doesn’t sound jealous to me.

  9. Are you sure you don't mean Olivia screams CHEAP? Darya too.

  10. They're both just growing the following for their impending OnlyFans accounts.

  11. Ha! Rich I love it when you do sarcasm

  12. It's all about eyeballs, right?

  13. Diarrhea Folsom is fishing for a new daddy, since her old one jumped the KRON ship

  14. Darya is 7 years away from Medicare. I doubt LA is recruiting hard.

  15. I also saw Darya Monday morning, and the first thing I thought of was how "cold" she must be in that sleeveless dress, as usually studios are notoriously cool, at the very least. But while I know Darya gets a lot of flack, the thing is, if you really take a good look at her, she has a "man" face and really isn't all that pretty. That having been said though, the woman is in her upper 50s, and considering that, I think she looks pretty darn good for her age. But she does need to cut out the sleeveless blouses/dresses, because nobody wants to see her flabby arms with crepe here and there.

  16. First, Olivia Horton is not a journalist but an entertainment host. Both prove why local TV and especially KRON is terrible, unwatchable and not needed.

    1. @5:42 Yes, entertaining show, you watch the View?

  17. Yeah, Darya was looking good. As she always does.

    1. @10:50 As Al Bundy would say after seeing Marcy naked "I'm blind"!

  18. I find Olivia’s show highly entertaining. It’s local focus is mainly what I like plus the fact she’s hot as hell and has a cute demeanor adds to her appeal. My only complaint is when she goes gaga over Jesus on the Instagram

    1. And her husband

    2. Everything she says is my husband my husband like he just unchained her and let her out of her cage for an hour. Also saw the Jesus stuff. Very weird for the bay area. You'd think someone would keep that private but I guess they get points for converting people? Anyway, it's weird.

  19. Taylor Bisaki is my personal favorite of the KRON news reporters. And its a pretty good staff overall. Taylor B, first off, she's all business, not likely to be appearing in ingénue mode anytime soon. She seems to understand it's a serious new program. Second, she doesn't dilly-dally, gets the main point as soon as the camera sparks. Third, her vocal quality is excellent, no unnecessary inflexions, very clear & easy to understand.

    1. Taylor Bisnasty

    2. My least favorite on KRON is the guy with the eyebrows who sounds like an older lady. I believe his (her?) name is Michael Thomas. He (she?) wears more make up than the female anchors. I’m all for being “you” but if it detracts from your reporting and I’m focused on your eyebrows then maybe pull back a bit?

    3. Taylor Bisacky is long since gone. She quit months ago

    4. Yes, he is just the opposite of Dan Kerman.

    5. Yeah, that thing is over the top.Turn down the flamethrower!
      We get it.

  20. KRON's morning news will be good if they get rid of Darya Folsom.

  21. Just a thought about Olivia Horton not being on KRON meet the team bio...

  22. I've been waiting to see what you'd say about Olivia, I think she's one of most polished new broadcasters I've seen in a while in the Bay, smokin hot too, of course.

  23. Before arriving at KRON 4, Olivia Horton did a weekly football show covering the New York Jets. She already has hosting sports and local entertainment in her resume. Olivia's Live in the Bay! Show fit her personality with the fancy bright graphics and cozy couch that KROn provided. Hope she stays in the Bay. But wont be surprise if a L.A. TV station or ESPN offers her a hosting gig in the near future.

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