Thursday, March 2, 2023

The Thursday Pulse; Reising/Burkhart Drama at KCBS; EGO Run Amok; Almost Two Years Since Stan Bunger Retirement Still No Replacement; Others Too; KRON's Most Powerful Player You Never Heard Of; Men in Black Invade KPIX


The PM drive news anchors at KCBS, Patti Reising and Bret Burkhart, sound murky of late largely because a good majority of staff tell me Reising's ego is to the point, she routinely SHUTS OFF guests on a phone interview if she doesn't like the voice. How thoughtful of her.

And Burkhart's "wow" reactions, a verbal malady he had at his former KGO Radio, is back at KCBS. With Burkhart, the biggest retread in Bay Area radio, that's not going away anytime soon so get used to a daily barrage of yes, "wowwws."

*EXTRA KCBS: The honeymoon is over for another ex-KGO player: Pat Thurston started out strong and has now mightily regressed; her "folksy" constant patter and jousting with traffic anchors, (especially with Clair Beverly and woefully bad, Carolyn Burns, is wearing thin.)

EXTRA, Extra KCBS: We're now almost two years since Stan Bunger's retirement and STILL? No replacement. Not for Bunger, not for Susan Leigh Taylor; not for Larry Sharoni (7-11 PM) and Steve Bitker (sports) --The result? KCBS is an ongoing DISASTER stripped of its legacy image and run into the ground by an INCOMPETENT BOOB who gets daily passes by parent company, Audacy.

When Jenny Seelig, who has NEVER worked as a reporter in the field, is gone only then will KCBS have a pulse.

*While parent Nexstar has seen increasing revenue, its overall financial portfolio has detoured south, hence its internal audit of stations like KRON which continue to under-perform and make people like staff nervous.

KRON itself is still making money although when head chese, Angela Fawcett, (she watches the money) is seen lurking in the background, that makes current KRONvicts ever more anxious.

By the way, some people at KRON believe Ms. Fawcett is the most powerful figure at the station. That's a wow if I ever say it and I just did.

*The still missing "Wild 94.9" FM Radio guy --Jeffrey Vandergrift--is nearing a sad conclusion --here's hoping a miracle takes place.

*FIVE mysterious guys --all dressed in Black Suits--were seen coming and going at the CBS/KPIX building on Battery the other day. They weren't there to take a peek at Sara Donchey's latest disco outfit and they didn't smile. They looked serious and downright depressed and despondent.If you think they were there for more onerous reasons then you ought might be going to Vegas to put a few bucks on your favorite horse.


  1. Maybe KPIX is run by aliens. (The space kind).

  2. Man Rich, once again you just hit it on the head! two things, Sara Donchey's wardrobe has gone bad again. Last week, I thought she had figured it out, but no, for the past two nights she has been wearing these pants that are NOT at all flattering! They clearly show her stomach sticking out, along with having a flat butt that is not exactly on the small side. Last week though, she was showing off her nice feet and toes, so it was all good then!
    Regarding the DJ, I am sure you either know, or will get to the bottom of what has really happened to him, because of the statement his totally hot wife released last night saying that "he wasn't coming back", whatever the heck that means! I mean, how does she know he isn't coming back, and not coming back from WHERE? This is a strange case, and the guy must have lost it, because who would leave a totally hot wife like he had/has, Natasha Yi? I had never heard of her, so I googled her, and she was a former Price Is Right model, as well as a Playmate! Once again, thanks Rich, for all you do, and I look forward to your indepth analysis of this situation!

    1. Sara Donchey can dress in a cardboard box and I would still watch her at 11:00 pm. She still is HOT!

    2. Sara's back to her Kermit-the-Frog green again (Thursday). She seems obsessed by that ugly color.

    3. That "DJ" JV has a long standing career here in the bay area. 30+ years.
      He started in San Jose at hot 97.7 KHQT in the late 80s. Then moved on to Wild 107.7. Then wild moved to 94.9 after the country station folded.
      Lasting way longer then any AM radio shit show.
      Although music on FM these days is like the poor mans McDonalds sandwich. Tepid music selections that repeat every hour.
      My understanding is the DJ was is terrible pain from living with Lyme disease. It MAY have been a planned death. If you read his social media accounts. The writing is on the wall.
      But the wife's involvement in this stunt is questionable & suspect.

  3. I'm not surprised about those 5 men in suits. KPIX has been very nuts about this standing up on weekdays and even weeknights. On weekends, the newscast is more decent.

    Can't they just go back to the sit in 1 place? Also the weekend morning newscast for the last few years since Emily Turner's departure is only run by Devin Fehely.

    They sound like they are cost cutting on weather and Peck is no longer working his double shifts on weekends. Is it possible they may completely eliminate the weekend morning newscast next?

    PIX does not have anything after their 7AM newscast like other stations that even have it as late as 9AM or 10AM.

    1. > I'm not surprised about those 5 men in suits.

      I was there. They all looked like Ed Harris. They came in and pushed a button on the elevator that went to a floor that was marked just by a pyramid shape. No one else can go there; the elevator only goes there for them. They didn't talk and seemed to communicate by blinking. After two hours they came down and went to a waiting limo outside—black with no license plates. The limo left and all the red lights along Battery turned green just as they went through. I jumped into my car, parked in a nearby lot, and followed. They arrived at SFO, where a large silver craft was waiting for them. It had no wings or propulsion system I could see, and glowed softly as it took off; the hair on my neck stood up and I felt a strange burn on the left side of my face. That night my ears wouldn't stop eerie series of tones, five of them, over and over. Since then I have been obsessing over mashed potatoes.

  4. Is Jeff Bell still at KCBS? I aways hear him on the animal report.

    *EXTRA KCBS: The honeymoon is over for another ex-KGO player: Pat Thurston started out strong and has now mightily regressed; her "folksy" constant patter and jousting with traffic anchors, (especially with Clair Beverly and woefully bad, Carolyn Burns, is wearing thin.)

    Rich, you are 100% right about Pat. Getting very annoying to listen to.

  5. Kyla was anchoring on KRON again today. If they need more money keep that lady on all the time. Love her hosting and anchoring and doing the weather too. Best hire they've made in years in my opinion. No crazy clothes just sharp in every way. Rich you were right about her.

    1. If you were paying attention, Rich was saying there was nothing special about her all the while she was at Ch 2. It was some of us who were pointing out how good she was and he just kept saying "I don't see it." Of course, he'll probably never let this comment through the Iron 415 Curtain.

    2. Can't handle her wigs.

    3. LOL no one wears wigs. Might want to check your eyes or that SD TV you've got? Kyla is a babe. A smart as hell babe too. Love it when she's on.

  6. You mean to tell me Pat Thurston is failing? Who didn't see that one coming? Oh yea, those of us who told everyone here how bad she was on the radio. Same Nikki Medoro. Look at her Youtube show numbers, pretty much zero viewers. She doesn't have Chimp to play off of anymore. No Chimp ass to kiss, no Chimp insults to parrot.

  7. Just looked up Chimp. He's pushing his Youtube podcast on his twitter. Heading to Youtube, only views in the hundreds per episode. 1 episode broke 1 thousand. It looks like he gave most of it up 3 months ago.

    These are the clowns people worshipped on KGO? Chimp can't draw flies on his podcast while Nikki draws a basketball team. Pat Thurston is dying on the vine per Rich. Got to love liberal hosts when KGO isn't carrying their baggage.

  8. Not topical but timely: I came home at lunchtime, put the TV on, and went to make a sandwich. Then I heard an authorative anchor voice coming from the other room: it was Andre Senior. I would rather hear him at 10 than Mibach. Did KTVU ever consider him?

    1. Can't figure out why KTVU moved him to mornings from the evening (not that I'm complaining with morning) he's a lot better to listen to than Dave Clarke whom I think voice wise Andre beat him by a mile and when Dave delivers the news sometimes you wonder "what did he say" and if you notice lots of whistling too

  9. Here we go again. Julie Haener has been awol for the past week, while her colleagues pick up the slack for her as usual.
    But no harm no foul, Heather and Cristina appear to be fine with working hard, unlike Julie who thinks the world (and everyone in it) revolves around her.

    1. You know, she can take a week of regular vacay...

      But regardless, I never miss her. I find the substitutes far better anyway. When I bother to watch, that is. Most of the time KTVU is just press releases.

  10. So sick of Clair Beverly's ads.

    1. It's the Clair Beverely voice..needs voice coaching much as Pat Thurston has forever. The two together are a cacophony of ear -splitting annoyance. A coach could teach them both how to breathe while talking, and stop isn't hard.

  11. Speaking of KPIX... The way they are treating that Santa Rosa school stabbing is very unjournalistic. Allowing the family of the kid who was stabbed a LOT of news time to tell their one-sided story should be embarrassing. I'm sure Jaden was loved by his family but nothing happens in a vacuum. Disappointed in KPIX. No. I am NOT affiliated with anyone involved.

  12. Not mad at KPIX 11 o'clock. I'm rarely up at that time but Monday I tuned in and thought it was refreshing. It's obviously trying to tie in to Steven Cobert. Yeah, Donchey has no booty but she's attractive and her energy and delivery fits the 11 o'clock. I call it a success for PIX

  13. Jeff Bell left last summer. Those animal reports were in the can months ago.

  14. Why has KCBS run multiple, obsessive reports and interviews on Twitter’s financial problems, but I’ve never heard them report on the SF Chronicles finances?

    1. why? all newspapers everywhere are one buys papers.. everybody gets news online..not a story...Twitter affects everyone who participates all over the world...entirely different scale.

    2. Chron is a SF institution and KCBS regularly references Chron stories. But its finances aren’t a story, but Elons are. Ok, gotcha. Are you KCBS staff - or mgmnt?

  15. I saw the brand new reporter Kelsi Thorud filling in for Devin Fehely on the newscast. She does a pretty solid job anchoring, but she is a bit of a female version of Paul Heggen of anchoring & reporting. She pronounced Heggen’s name as Heegan. Interesting.

    The other fill-ins like Max Darrow, Andria Borba (on extended leave), Choi and Justin Andrews (on the morning show) are great and have more personality.

    I guess Devin is off but I would like to see him on a weekday morning or even take Sara’s place. He is one of the best anchors on KPIX.

    1. Saw the Minute on the stream and she doesn’t really smile. She is mostly like the female version of Paul Heggen of being an anchor, except Heggen smiles a bit more.

      Others doing the Minute smile a bit and inject more personality in their news delivery.
