Friday, March 3, 2023

The JV and Wife Status; Mystery Continues; KRON Internal Stress; Borba Longshot to Return to PIX; Still Worn Out; KQED Money Managers; KTVU Lovey-Dovey Married Anchors; Friday Unease


I'M JUST GUESSIN' ..but a few hunches... The wife of the missing SF radio host, Natasha Yi, knows a lot more than she's tellin'. And I'd guess the cops know that too--and I'm sure they do.

Jeffrey Vandergrift was a troubled guy and left messages--before his disappearance--that may explain his current status.

Here's hoping for a miracle.

*KRON staffers are doing their best to carry on despite a plethora of issues, in house...

Like a much-anticipated corporate combustible engine about to explode and they're in the crosshairs. Everyone is pretty much freakedout--as they should be.

Plus, the internal issues that abound in the newsroom that are about as complicated as a drunk Rubic's cube.

*JV's wife is a, yes, former Playboy centerfold, which has ZERO to do with his MIA status ---before you jump to conclusions. Plus another thing: you can have a "hot" wife and still have problems.

*At this point, looks like it's a long shot for Andria Borba to return to KPIX. She's still worn out and taking an extended LOA. If she's playing a mind game, like the stressed-out deal, some ploy to get money from CBS, that's news to me, (you too)--a close pal of Borba says she's emotionally and physically burned out and this is no act.

Borba has been absent from PIX for almost six months.

*KQED is once again, embroiled in an internal audit mode: where's all DA MONEY? Senior managers are being cross-examined as to how the budget surplus is now nearing deficit arena. They may not say much because KQED managers make close to a MILLION and that's a lowball opinion.

I wish I had 1/10h of their dough to spend freely.

*That that KTVU anchor with the slick hairdoo was seen, late night, with another KTVU anchor is no big deal because he's frequently seen with her just now he's been more visable. She's married; he too, so whatever.


  1. I'm wondering if changing Bay Area demographics may be affecting public contribution $'s to KQED?

    1. So the white ex-hippie progressive women from the 60's that dumped money at KQED are aging out and the newer people don't give a shit about KQED because they have all the Chinese stations now?

      Sounds about right.

    2. Perhaps that, and a woefully crappy schedule of programs...

  2. It’s funny you should mention the KTVU lovebirds. Last night I noticed a certain (married) female anchor looked especially put together and even more sexy than usual. What caught my attention is she ‘freed the nipple’ with the dress she chose to wear. It was subtle yet obvious. I assumed she and her hubby had a date night but now I have to wonder if she and Mr. Greasy Hair (who was also working) had a secret rendezvous?

    (While I won’t mention names, we can rule out Heather Holmes who isn’t married. We can also rule out Julie Haener who has been awol for a week now and, besides, is shacked up with Marky Ibanez in the Vinyl Room.)

    1. Greasy hair? Probably Torrez, but he’s a Friend of Dorothy.

    2. As far as I know Heather has never put herself in a position where she makes the company look bad. She seems like a really professional employee and also a great mom.

  3. What's up with Darya? She has been wearing long sleeves all this
    week. Was she told to cover up her new tats? Field reporter, Michael Johnson has been onboard only a short time, but he is already #1
    in his job at KRON. Not sorry to see Camila Barco go. She never
    improved one iota in her time at the station. Sara Stinson has peaked
    as well and that is not good for her career. Will Tran's folksy style is
    an acquired taste, but largely unprofessional IMHO.

    1. Those were henna tats, pops; they're not permanent.

  4. Sounds like the JV disappearance may end up being another Golden Gate Bridge tragic ending, sadly. Had two people I know choose the same fate. One caught on security camera. The other body was never recovered. a

    Life can be a challenge. I read somewhere JV was also dealing with Graves Disease which may have compounded matters even more.

    People can touch a lot of lives. Have beautiful spouses, wonderful children and seemingly successful lives yet still feel alone and suffer with things we may not know or even understand. The late great local guy who made good Robin Williams often comes to mind.

    Remember in this often cold, unfeeling world...Someone cares. Be kind and stay well. Love is the answer. Even when it seems nobody's buying.

    Suicide Prevention Hotline: 988

    1. Lyme disease was the ailment. My bad.

  5. When I lived in the Bay Area eons ago, anytime KQED did their pledge breaks either on their TV or radio station - I tuned away. I was told by a former teacher of the Mass Com classes at Chabot College that KQED had more moola then to shake a stick at.

  6. Now I know why VDLC cannot find another job in CA, every station knows she plays hooky using my son my son my son as an excuse to find love and have another one claiming she wants her son to have a family and sibling. Back to VDLC, she started this next, Dennis with a medical excuse, now another reporter. This shows how one reporter actions changes the environment in a station. Stress, who doesn’t have stress even if I am rich or open my own business, always stress. And for VDLC, she is in the East Coast and she is not married still single and makes us wonder does she want to have a child without true love? Good luck KPIX

    1. Uh, as a card-carrying male we all have creepy intentions towards women we find attractive (and maybe others!), unless we are quibbling over the exact definition of "creepy."

    2. You could tell something was going on with Dennis before he left. It seemed like he was having some difficulty in speaking.

  7. Very sad about JV. A great job, throngs of people who genuinely care about you and a beautiful wife doesn’t make one immune from the frailties of the human mind.
    And no doubt there will be some lowlife creepy-guy losers who’ll use the opportunity to slide into his wife’s DMs.

    1. She's Chinese.

    2. She posts practically nude photos on virtually every social media channel. Would you blame a guy for wanting to chat her up?

    3. Unless someone has ‘creepy’ intentions, there’s nothing creepy in and of itself if a guy wants to chat with a woman who finds attractive.

    4. Ummmmm, sliding into the DM’s of a woman you think is hot simply because her husband is no longer in the picture is the dictionary definition of ‘creepy.’

  8. "Like a much-anticipated corporate combustible engine about to explode and they're in the crosshairs. Everyone is pretty much freakedout--as they should be."

    I doubt they're in more freakout mode than the usual watercooler gossip that's always present. KRON has been about to "go nuclear" for at least 15 years now. Yawn.......

  9. Everyone is expecting suicide. Read her message again. Read between the lines. They just haven't found the body yet.

    1. Ya insurance money or spousal benefits...until found.
      Kinda fishy.

    2. Tragically, it’s all but certain that JV took his own life. By this I mean 99.99999%. But until authorities provide an actual confirmation, it’s important to remember police often withhold information from the public - and family members - so as not to tip someone off that they may be under investigation.
      There is a reason police aren’t stating that a body has been found, despite the ominous statements from his wife that JV won’t be coming home.
      The only thing that would be more tragic than JV taking his own life would be if others played some sort of role, for their own benefit.

  10. I nor any of my friends or people I have asked had ever heard of "JV". 30 years in local radio? Years of listening to Howard, Ronn, KGO lineup, Radnich, Lamont and Tonelli, KCBS, et al. Never turned on that Wild 94.9 bullshit.

    1. 94.9 bullshit ?
      So I guess an employer that stays in business for decades is bad ?
      You like those blood bath cumulus stations that FIRED everyone ?
      Or that shitbox KCBS ?
      Looks like this blog is switching to FM because AM radio is DEAD.

    2. "I nor any of my friends or people I have asked had ever heard of "JV". 30 years in local radio? Years of listening to Howard, Ronn, KGO lineup, Radnich, Lamont and Tonelli, KCBS, et al. Never turned on that Wild 94.9 bullshit." OK Boomer.

  11. The wife, Natasha Yi, posts half naked pictures on Twitter so of course as one guy said, "People are going to slide into her DM's". If you saw what she puts out there for free we're not exactly dealing with Mother Theresa.

    1. 100% agree. Based on the amount of attention she seeks online, I suspect she won’t be single for long.

    2. I think you’re talking about Betty Yu.

    3. There was no "Mother Theresa". It was Mother Teresa. As for a woman who likes sex and likes posing for sexy pictures, why do you seem to find that so evil? Freedom

  12. How does kqed get away with pledge drives every 3 mos if they have millions in bank? Why arent they stopped?

    1. More money kqed makes, the more money kqed has to spend on infastructure, salaries, building upkeep, et. Kqed is the most wealthy pbs station in the country. I won't donate because they don't need the money!

    2. I believe KQED has a huge surplus because of their continual pledge breaks, their lack of local programming, ie, news and entertainment. I know that they rely on PBS for national news, arts, music and science programs, but I suspect they spend millions on British produced dramas. I do watch the PBS Newshour, Frontline, NOVA, Ken Burns, etc, and I know shows for children are important.

      They should publish the salaries of senior management and be transparent. What are they hiding?

  13. I surmise that Borba has a legitimate chronic physiological and/or mental health-related disorder/disorders. I.e., she is not malingering.

  14. I think it's pretty obvious the DJ guy has committed suicide. I don't understand the "tippy-toe-ing" around it. With this much unnecessary drama is there any wonder why? Geeze. I don't want it to seem callous but I really think everyone should just be clear and straight forward about it. The honesty might help someone else on the brink.

    1. "I think it's pretty obvious the DJ guy has committed suicide. I don't understand the "tippy-toe-ing" around it."

      Um...maybe because there's NO EVIDENCE.

  15. My heart is breaking for JV!! Been listening to him for years on morning radio. Never met him, but these folks become part of your day….They entertain and make you laugh on your way to work. It’s been a week…I’m losing hope, but praying for a Miracle!!

  16. Borba's case sounds like classic depression, very treatable. Not necessarily related to her occupation.

  17. The woman who Mr. Jockstrap apologized to a couple months ago just gave her two weeks notice.

  18. Hey Andrea, a 6 month LOA? Really? If you can't hack it, just quit.
