Saturday, March 25, 2023

Frank Somerville Interview on KRON; Backstory and Ken Wayne Fingerprints

Frank Somerville's interview on KRON (with Pam Moore), was pitched by Frank himself--with a major assist by one of Frank's past buds at KTVU.

More on that later.

Somerville tried to get similar interviews on every station (except KTVU) and was turned down.

KRON agreed to the set-up. The interview, broadcast this Tuesday night at 10, is KRON's way, (I guess) of sticking it to Fox2--no doubt airing it at 10 is no coincidence. And given KTVU's state of cratering at 10, Frank's sit-down with Moore should be a ratings winner.

The interview had an appeal to KRON's parent, Nexstar, which directly competes with Fox. Nexstar and Fox are not exactly bed fellows. Put two and two together.

Not that Somerville has a future ticket at KRON--that's way, way too many odds to overcome--could it take place? Sure, but not likely. Nexstar would not only be legally incompetent but largely desperate, which points to the Somerville late-night snack/MO, to begin with. KRON thinks this is a winner, albeit a temporary one but numbers are numbers.

How did Frank wet KRON's appetite? Most of the shebang was set up/negotiated by Ken Wayne, who worked with Frank at KTVU when both were there. In fact, Wayne was one of the very few people at Channel 2 that liked Frank. Frank's friends at KTVU are few and none.

It was Wayne that massaged Pam Moore's ego and KRON's suits to allow Frank to tell everyone he's a savior now. I haven't seen the interview yet but I've seen snippets. It has a lot of Frank's sanctimonious excess littered all over it.

Like I said, Frank is a good politician.

KRON's willingness to give Somerville air time was met by a few voices at the station who were not exactly thrilled with the decision--more on that and other tidbits soon.


  1. Thanks for posting this, Rich. This right here is a prime example of why we need Rich Lieberman in the bay area!

    1. Yes, Rich, Yes. We are blessed to have you watch over us. Praise your godson Gary; he follows in your footsteps. Thank you, Rich. Lunch is on us.

  2. Great scoop Rich but Frank ain't coming back. He is sure an attention-hound just like a 15 year old girl on TiKToK.

  3. If you want sanctimonious Frank read his Facebook posts.

    1. That would mean going on Facebook, so no thanks.

  4. Great PR move for Somerville to gain visibility in hopes of getting back into the marketplace. Frankly (no pun intended) I do not care whether he comes back or not. Aside from his personal issues, I did not particularly care for his stance on wanting to address (commentary) disparities in media coverage of white and Black crime victims. When I tune into the news I want to see news, not commentary. You want commentary? Do a podcast.

    1. I want a commentary if it is fact-based. Frank's agenda is emotion-based. Objective studies have been done on this, only to find there's nothing there. See City Journal, UK Guardian and Deutsche Welle, among others.

  5. Nexstar,should have avoided this like hot garbage and taken the high road. Parading your competitors ex as a side piece for a one-off ratings not a good look. Cheap sensationalism.

  6. @2:32 I think him on the view is the best for him so he can spew bs

  7. I don't "hate" Frank S., but I also just don't care for or about him; I'm not particularly interested in what he does or does not do. In another thread, I already suggested he or anybody else looking for a job/career to try the USPS, aka Post Office (I'm serious. Not everyone is cut out for retail, food service, or dealing with the public).

  8. "Somerville tried to get similar interviews on every station (except KTVU) and was turned down."

    This fact alone makes Frank and KRON both look small and desperate. This is what local news has come to. TMZ has more credibility and class, and that's sad.

    1. Spoken by someone who knows they're about to get their ass kicked in the ratings. Again.

    2. Huh? Exactly who said 4:46PM is from a TV station?

  9. I hope Pam Moore pulled no punches, and rather than serving up softballs (or HighBalls), she grilled Frank about personal responsibility. If she asked the tough questions, I will admire her even more than I now do.

  10. The streets on this side of the Bay are dangerous enough, without that drunk on our roads. Please keep him on the other side of the Bridge.

  11. Frank has no shame. He'll humiliate himself for his job back. I wonder if they'll show the video of his Porsche smashing into the Audi outside the bar.

  12. I'm sure many people are curious about what happened to Frank, and KTVU would hardly be the right channel to air his story. But I think the Gabby Petito story is flimsy. Did Frank EVER COMMENT on anything, as news anchor? Journalists should stick to the news and avoid the temptation to inject their opinions. Now, there may be a place for someone to comment on events. But that position is not news anchor.

    1. I'm with you on that. Read the news only, then, get off. Nobody cares what the news people think or their opinions. They get paid too much money in the first place, sensationalize ever story, and are mostly Wankers.

  13. Why are they giving air time to a drunk who isn't at all remorseful about what he has done? He says he's sober but didn't use a program nor has he gotten therapy. He acts as if the Black community appointed him savior and spokesperson.

  14. I like Frank and having him back online would be great. My friends on BARF miss him dearly.

  15. Frank is just a talking head nothing more. A complete nobody.

  16. The only reason KRON puts this story on is because they are a low budget, no class, station. If they didn’t have Liviakis they would be gone. Who cares about Frank? Move on. News people come and go all the time.

  17. If I had an opportunity I’d ask whether Frank is still into Krav Maga and also does he still workout at God’s Gym on Broadway?

  18. I seem to remember when George Watson got his story told by the local newspapers like the Merc. Except for the fact that Frank acted way more "annoying" than George ever did.

    Making |"Amends" is not just an AA thing. Amends can take many different forms and paths. Don't rip on Frank for wanting to share his's part of a process.
    But we should ask just two question from Frank...
    "Are you sober now?"
    "How do you plan to stay sober?"
    That's all that matters right now.

    Good luck Frank...stay sober.

  19. No interest in seeing this. I will not be tuning in to watch, especially not on KRON.

  20. Frank thought he was the voice of the bay area not just a news anchor. He talked about running for mayor of Oakland not long after he got big on Facebook years ago. hw is the definition of a pompous as*

    1. The scary thing is, we've done worse, mayor-wise, as has SF.

  21. Will Frank be at the interview or will it be just his glorious mane of anchor hair?

    1. Don't be fooled. Most of his hair is fake. Matches his character.

  22. Hopefully the station is charging him full price for this infomercial.

  23. I found him extremely sanctimonious on Facebook especially when he spoke on race. He’d tell us how he never sees a person’s color and then go on to tell us about his adopted black daughter and how he’d gotten beat up by a black guy while in high school. Unbelievable. However I’ll tune in to KRON just to see if he has made any progress and at least got rid of that crazy beard he was sporting on Instagram after crashing the Porsche.

    1. Um, there's a screen shot from the KRON interview right at the start of this post and, no, he hasn't ditched the beard and still looks like someone you'd give a dollar to on a sidewalk grate.

  24. I understand TV people who've been away from the camera for a while aren't going to look as polished necessarily, but he looks like a homeless person...or alcoholic. He's not doing himself any favors or repairing his imagine by appearing like that. He just looks sad and delusional.

  25. There's no way Ken Wayne would have had much to do with this. They were not particularly on warm terms. Ken always resented that Frank succeeded Dennis and he didn't. That was one of the main reasons why he eventually went to KRON.
