Friday, March 24, 2023

Frank Somerville-KRON Tuesday Night --The Politician In Action

Frank Somerville is a great politician--he should have run for mayor, he may have won.

Frank has a gameplan --and KRON is part of his missive, good for him and good for KRON. Frank talks and Tuesday night, we'll see his MO at 10 PM. I'll watch just like you.

Soon, I will give you the back story on all this --including the massage by a current KRONvict who got the interview for Pam Moore.

Oh, and a lot more.

I know Frank all too well.


  1. I wish Sommerville would just go away. He is stale bread. Let's move on.

    1. Frank, Dave and Christine. 3 great men of Bay Area Media.

      Mrs Felch

    2. I agree move on. This isn’t news and nobody cares about it.

  2. "Frank Somerville is a great politician--he should have run for mayor, he may have won". Politicians brand themselves. This isn't an interview, more like re-posting his resume on video for potential employment opportunities.

  3. “The massage”? Massaging was involved? Wow

    1. Per Marshall McLuhan, "the media is the massage"

  4. No anger or disgust with FS. There are logical consequences to ones actions - whether those actions were intended or not. FS had a high paying gig, with loads of exposure. Effectively, he ended his career here, but that’s not to say he is finished. There are many other opportunities for him to begin anew in a nice environment, making good money. I do not understand why he is fixated on staying in the bay area, when he can likely do very well elsewhere. Few of us have that opportunity and luxury.
    Best Wishes Frank

    1. Hey, Access Hollywood/NBC anchor Billy Bush made a comeback after his infamous interview with the grab her by the you know what Mango Mussolini. So, Hennything is possible.

      I too, have no animosity towards Frank. Wish him nothing but the best. Redemption is a gift best served with love. Nice to see Pam Moore offer a hand to a disgraced colleague. Very reminiscent of another KTVU anchor George Watson who had his own battle with addiction.

      Keep your head up, Frank. I respect your courage to speak truth to power regarding the excessive Gabby Petito coverage while at FOX 2. May you continue to maintain your sobriety and embrace new chapters of your life wherever they lead with clarity and open arms.

    2. "Truth to Power"? There is only truth. And please stop with the race stuff. Must it always be about race?

    3. "Very reminiscent of another KTVU anchor George Watson who had his own battle with addiction."

      No, not reminiscent at all. GW didn't deny multiple times he had a problem, "go away" to rehab only to fake it, come back, show up drunk on air, lie to his boss and a 6pm producer about the heavily biased and editorialized content in a story, go on a bender, and ram his Porsche into an Audi because it wouldn't get out of his way. Big difference between George, who was humbled by his fall and knew he did wrong, and Frank, who's sanctimoniousness prevents him from seeing he has a serious problem.

    4. Frank is no George Watson. That is an insult to George. George acknowledged he was an alcoholic and never behaved like Frank.

    5. @2:41 Is that you Amber Eikel? lol Was just making the point that they both had addiction problems. And to @2:03 Yes...Everything in this country is about race. Systemic racism to be exact. And when people call it out the real snowflakes get offended. Sorry, not sorry!! Newsrooms should reflect and do better because they have been part of perpetuating the problem for decades.

      Nonetheless, I still wish Frank the best. He's a good person and none of us is perfect. I will continue to wish all that try and do right and make amends for past discretions the best. And yes, I will be watching Tuesday at 10. May be a convert to KRON 4 since they're beating FOX 2 in the ratings these days, anyways.

    6. Imagine if he had been a she, a female anchor who was a drunk who slurred her words on the air and defied what an ND told her she could not do. You'd all being saying she should never be allowed on tv again.

  5. I hope he shows up sober.

    1. "An interview with Frank Somerville. Sponsored by Coors."

  6. I have been seeing the promo for this exclusive interview on KRON last night and today, and I was going to email you today about it, but I am glad you beat me to it! I should have known that you knew all about it! You're a legend, Rich! This interview should be interesting for sure.

  7. This will generate buzz for a few days nothing more

    1. Unless it leads to a job locally...

    2. "Unless it leads to a job locally..."

      Any station stupid enough to hire him deserves what they get.

  8. Who cares? I will definitely not be watching.

  9. It must be sweeps.

  10. I hope it will be online after it is aired since I won't be around to watch it or tape it that night.

  11. This is good for Frank. Hopefully he has a good showing on Tuesday night

  12. All I know is it's making Amber Eikel scream expletives from her office and everyone at KTVU is here for it LOL!

  13. A desperate move by both KRON and Frank. Misery loves company.

  14. Ken Wayne is very angry right now his rival co anchor is trying to steal his seat, better go back to KTVU and kick out Mike

  15. Sommerville was Mr. 10:00 PM for years. Now there are a number of stations at 10:00 PM. The bet is that viewers will follow Frank to KRON. What if Franks numbers at KRON were higher then the 10:00 PM at KTVU?

  16. Off-topic, but happening right now. I'm confused with KTVU's Friday staffing. Today, Friday 3/24/23 @5pm, the line-up is/was Julie Haener (normally Friday off), Greg Lee (political reporter/fill-in anchor), and Rosemary Orozco (weather, but unknown as to her schedule). I'm just guessing some folks were off and on a Friday, I could end up seeing any KTVU reporter/anchor on-screen.

    Regarding F. Somerville: When he was on, I didn't care one way or the other whether he was on or not. Perhaps I just didn't appreciate him; perhaps he was just ok. When he was under-the-influence of something, that was really bad and it'd be difficult to ever picture him seriously again. (FYI. Side-note for anybody interested including Frank S., I hear the USPS is hiring; big operation in Oakland; driving not required for all positions; has/used to have an on-site substance abuse confidential counseling office.)

  17. Not interested. Go away Frank.

  18. Looking forward to Tuesday. I don’t care what anyone says, but I am confident he will be good.

  19. Rather watch an honorable man like Yamamoto than Frank.

  20. After watching ch 2 news Friday night with big Greg Lee and Haener and the endless opening about Ramadan, (Mibach off again) I would definitely go to KRON at 10 if Sommerville were hired.

  21. He'll be back. Americans love redemptions and a comeback.

  22. Why all of this constant chatter about Frank Somerville? Who cares? He made his own bed by going on the air drunk. And we all know he’s not going to ever work in the bay area again. Why not leave the guy alone and find someone else to rip Rich?

  23. Here’s a suggestion. KCBS desperately needs anchors who can read news copy. Why doesn’t Jennifer Selig hire Frank for the AM news 5:00 - 10 am?

  24. People had been following Gabby Petito's story on Instagram well before she disappeared. This differentiated her from the usual missing woman, without a large group invested in finding out what happened to her. And I think local coverage of missing WOC has improved -- look at the respectful and timely coverage of the murdered Filipina-American Alexis Gabe.
