Sunday, February 26, 2023

KTVU Misses Frank Somerville; KPIX Glenn in Limbo? In Search of Sports Anchor; Big Burp on KCBS Heard; KRON/Nexstar Factoid; CBS/PIX Shows Betty Yu Mucho Love; 'CBS Sunday Morning' Tribute to Belva Davis; Sunday Media Brunch


While some of you might knock this, (and with good reason), the KTVU "10 O'Clock News" has gone downhill largely due to Frank Somerville's departure. And to a lesser degree, Mark Ibanez.

Only half of the Core4 remains: Julie Haener and Bill Martin.

Haener's got one foot out the door, and Martin, who wanted to retire years ago, is nearing an exit stage. Either way, both Haener and Martin can't save a sinking ship.

Somerville continues his exhile in his luxury Downtown Oakland condo; he's remained silent about his present and past (lawyer's order) and hopes to make a comerback some day but at 63 that could be a longshot.

Rumors of him trying to work in Sacramento persist but I'm not sure that will ever be a viable option for Frank.

Somerville was the prototype anchor; he looked and sounded the part before a troublesome 2021 year marked the end of his career at KTVU after thirty years and most likely, the end of his anchorship as a whole.

*KPIX (CBS News/Bay Area) has put out in the trades an ad for a sports anchor position --I'm sure Vern Glenn is just thrilled. The #1 gig --which used to be held by Dennis O'Donnell, is apparently up for grabs. I'm almost certain it's Vern's to lose but KPIX may be in CYA mode.

*This morning, (Sunday) on KCBS at 10 AM, as Jennifer Hodges tossed to CBS News for the top of the hour update, a BURP, a loud BURP could be heard. Who heard it? I did and so did many of you. It was both shocking and downright funny. Whoever belched --and it may have been Hodges herself, I'm sure has a lot of splaining to do come Monday morning.

*On a more prestigious note, a RIGHT ON to CBS Sunday Morn tribute to the great Bay Area TV journalist, Ms. Belva Davis. What an awesome show.

*Nexstar will make a Zoom meeting note to GM Jim Rose this week; KRON will get the results of an internal inquiry into an under-performing audit by corporate: get your act together, guys, or yeah, HEADS WILL ROLL!

*MORE PIX: the contract has yet to be signed but it's nearing finality: Betty Yu is close to a deal from CBS that would make her the HIGHEST-PAID reporter in the Bay Area.

It's a three-year $750K deal. And she gets to anchor too. Not great money in today's TV News biz, but not bad, either.



  1. Watching PIX news and thinking, Betty Yu, doesn't this woman ever go home???...JF...750, deserved...

    1. Does Betty Yu buy fake social media followers like “Lt” Jessica Burch did until the public and then her colleagues caught on?

  2. All of the Bay Area news should had burps and even some farts. It's more interesting than their content and anchors. I bet ratings would go up along with advertising revenue. Gas-X would be a shoe-in.

    1. If only Mr. Constipation Man (Mike Mibach) would get in on the action. The guy looks like he's in a constant state of constipation, like he hasn't taken a dump since 2004.

    2. Maybe they can get Ex-Lax to advertise and give him some free samples.

    3. Don’t forget Jim Taylor’s diahrretic debut as a morning anchor on KCBS. Had to run out of the studio to the bathroom.

    4. If I wanted to see constipation on an anchors face 24/7 I would watch CNN.

    5. @1:26 you just described every anchor on CNN pretty much all day long. It's pretty funny.

      Guest: "And then she was brutally murdered and the police are currently searching for a man seen carrying human body parts in downtown S.F."

      Anchor: (Constipation face)(No reaction)

    6. Maybe Constipation Man was sitting in his car screaming like a baby because he was pushing and straining too hard.

  3. Anything sounds better than Lisa Chan.

  4. My thought is that Vern could still maintain his current position, but since you had pointed out earlier that Dennis O'Donnell officially cut ties with KPIX, it's more likely than not they could be searching for a new sports director at KPIX and Vern/Charlie get unaffected.

    If anything, they could have promoted from within. Andrea Nakano if anything deserves to be sports director; she knows how to interview and anchors very well both on the news and sports side. Even Gianna could take that position too; we have also often seen her in the evenings as a fill-in rather than just do traffic and anchoring.

    In terms of Betty Yu, I would not be surprised if she took the anchoring spot and replaced Donchey and put Donchey back to field reporting (or any other spot, say maybe the Sat/Sun morning news anchored by Devin Fehely, who in my opinion deserves to be on the weeknights especially at 11PM since he has anchor written all over his face). Betty Yu has reasonably good reports and I think it would be good to see her on the anchor desk. Time will tell.

    1. Betty Yu doesn’t want the anchor desk gig. $250k for a field reporter job is what she wants. An anchor desk job would get in the way of where she makes her real money on Instagram. Sara Donchey has nothing to worry about.

  5. Why would Frank Somerville want to go back to being an anchor on a major news network like FOX 2? Because if you think about it the news on the whole really is quite depressing. I know many anchors are able to separate themselves from the endless slew of tragedies they're reporting on. But for someone like Somerville I would imagine it would take its toll mentally over time.

    In fact, wasn't part of the reason for him regressing the final time at KTVU was his desire to speak up for people who were not part of the 'missing white girl syndrome' that news stations so often love to lead with. I say kudos to him for speaking up for missing women of color who often get ignored because of inherent media bias.

    Frank is a man with a good heart. In spite of his addictions which seemed to be triggered by his chosen profession he had a gravitas behind the desk that one could tell was sincere. At this point (63) he might be better off enjoying life away from the cameras in his sunset years. And yes...there is a void over at KTVU in his absence. And Mike Mibach definitely wasn't the best choice to fill it.

    Mark Ibanez was also a trusted sportscaster in local media and a staple at KTVU for years who was basically politely shoved out the door 'cuz his hair was too white (i.e. he'd gotten too old). So yes FOX 2 has got problems. Not sure Amber Eikel is the one to fix them between her shopping sprees.

    1. By missing person of color do you mean every story that breaks involving a perp of color where the picture and description is somehow left out?

    2. Frank's "missing white girl" campaign seemed like a last-ditch effort to stay employed. (See, my heart's in the right place, they can't fire me.)

    3. Amber‘s workday shopping sprees are legendary. When she’s not at Nordstrom she can be found at the cafe down the street gossiping and venting with her staff or parked at the end of a dead end street in the industrial part of Jack London Square sitting in her car taking a three hour “mental health” break.
      Her big addition to ktvu: Roberta “Elvira” Gonzalez.

    4. No. I meant what I said. Women of color go missing all the time and don't receive 1/10th of the coverage that others do (Gabby Petito, Natalee Holloway, Chandra Levy and on and on...) Heck, Nancy Grace made a second career on the now defunct HLN turning these 'missing white woman' stories into a nightly hour long news program that were a ratings bonanza for her. Other straight news networks followed suit. Devoting large portions of their scheduled programming to the latest MWW (a term coined by the late PBS journalist Gwen Ifiill, btw.).

      Meanwhile...whenever someone of color turned up missing...It was alway CRICKETS from mostly ALL the networks. Frank Somerville was intent on addressing that on air at the time the Gabby Petito story was constantly in the news right before he got fired. He had a point. Some just aren't willing to acknowledge it.

      Now if you want to discuss missing perps of color and their pictures not being displayed. Apples and oranges but...O.K...let's go there. The news media has had a long history of showing mug shots of people of color more frequently and of longer duration than white perps EVEN THOUGH the white perps commit just as many if not more crimes based on the fact that they are the (shrinking) majority in America. That's called BIAS.

      That bias is what has helped perpetrate FALSE perception that only people of color are the ones committing crimes. And we all know that is absolutely not true. And we won't even get into mass shootings where the perps are often apprehended without a scratch (and sometimes driven to Burger King for a sandwich as was the case with SC church shooter Dylan Roof.) Meantime for people of color a minor traffic violation often turns into a death sentence. Conscious and unconscious BIAS, my friend.

      Sadly that bias exists in everything involving people of color. Just one example being an unfair justice system. Same crime different time depending on the amount of melanin in your skin. The stats prove it. In economics the subtle red-lining that still goes on today. Where in order to have your house appraised fairly one has to remove ALL traces of the fact that a black family lives there. Reporter Julian Glover did a great exposé on that very issue for ABC 7 recently. We're talking differences of hundreds of thousands of dollars here!!! Unfair and just plain wrong.

      I could go on and on. Labor. Law. Politics. Religion. Education...Racial bias and discrimination is still there on some level in one form or another. So to the extent that the news media has tried to balance this unfair bias in their specific profession by taking a harsh look at how they present 'perps' in their broadcasts with a desire to change and be truly fair and balanced (not the Fox News version) in terms of the people committing crimes who come in ALL HUES I say kudos. Introspection and evolution are wonderful things. that we're done with that I suppose your next go to talking point would be the 'What about Chicago?' Yawn. Don't have the time or energy to deal with tired tropes that are best left buried with Rush Limbaugh.

      I suppose one day we'll get to the point where one will be judged by the content of their character as opposed to the color of our skin. But systems of oppression and people who think in ways you've expressed surely make it difficult. Sigh.

    5. Rich thank you for recognizing me. I really appreciate that. I’ve been for over a year. Yes a made mistakes. I couldn’t let stories go. I thought about them say and night. I could see what it was doing to me. But my thought was that main anchors don’t ask for help. That shows weakness. So instead I used perscription drugs and the alcohol to help. Worst decision I’ve ever made in my life. I can’t go into detail about what happened but part is already on the record. I disagreed with our coverage of gabby petito. Everyone knows that the reason she got so much coverage was because she was a cute white kid. The station disagreed. And now here I am. If I had to do it all over again I would do it the same way. I grew up in Berkeley. I stood up for what I believed was right. Period. Since I was fired I’ve taken time to get over everything. I very rarely drink. I take no perscription drugs. I’m back working out. Playing hockey and training in Krav Maga. If I get a second chance. Cool. If not I understand. I just wanted all your followers to know from me… where I stand.

    6. Just one last thing. It’s no accident that the ratings have taken a nosedive since I left. Ya despite all my mistakes. I’m still that good.

    7. And some of us haven’t forgotten about Nia Wilson. The young black woman who was stabbed to death on the Oakland Bart platform by a crazy white man back in 2018. And what did KTVU/FOX 2 do while reporting on this tragedy??

      Someone at KTVU went to her social media and out of the thousands of beautiful photos she had there they found the most awful menacing photo of her holding a cell phone case with a gun handle on it and published that on the air!!!

      Now why would a reputable station like KTVU/FIX 2 allow something like that to be broadcast on air? I just can’t figure out why (sarcasm). BIAS. That’s why. To make the victim, a black woman, look like a criminal in the eyes of the public.

      Yes. Some of us don’t forget stuff like that. And who was the one who had to apologize on the air for their station’s misgivings? Frank Somerville. Thank you, Frank. Integrity is a lost art these days.

      Some Ting Wrong over there at KTVU/FOX 2. (Somerville had to apologize for that screw up by the station, too!)

      Meantime, say her name #niawilson. We haven’t forgotten you!

    8. @3:27. Exactly

    9. Dear 8:49.. Chandra Levy, a young Jewish woman who disappeared and was found murdered became a huge story because of her close connection and affair with a sitting congressman. That's a story you didn't want covered because her skin tone bothered you?

    10. Oh, PLEASE. I’m sure he thinks about missing black girls every time he brings a pretty young date into his Porsche and takes her to a bar.

    11. @9:47 They all were murdered. What’s your point? My point is the exorbitant amount of coverage these cases generate in the MSM. Meantime when a black or brown girl comes up missing they can barely get the police to classify it as a missing persons case much less ANY news coverage. And there’s a reason for that. BIAS.

      So no….Skin tone doesn’t bother me. Media bias does.

    12. Christine I think you’re totally missing the point. The fact is more black women are victims of domestic violence every year than white women. Those are just the facts. Name the last time a black woman missing from domestic violence hit national compared to all the white women. You and I both know from being in news for so long that the only reason I’d the skin color. It really is that simple. Frank.

    13. To 1109. Do u really believe what you’re writing. I see the black perspective all the time because my daughter is black. Adopting her has taught so much. As for my car I have it because I love acceleration. And I don’t go out with young women or take them to bars. couldn’t even tell you the last time I set foot in a bar. I’m 64. I don’t do bars. Period
      Hope that helps to explain things.

    14. This is for 2:10 pm. I agree with everything you said. Very well thought out and very well said. I’m guessing you’ve worked in the media. Again because you are SO spot on. Frank.

  6. There is a way to playback the burp on KCBS radio webpage however I have not figured it out yet.

  7. No-one else heard the burp because you were one of the 10 people listening to KCBS at 10am on Sunday.

  8. Poor Vern. If he had taken his job a bit more seriously instead of acting the fool, we would be the No. 1 guy. His Radnich act (why?) wore thin 15 years ago. Playing the idiot is just lazy.

    1. @415 “Moving pictures at 11” with fingers across the screen. Holy Sh*t can you stop that and The RAH-DAS overemphasis!?

    2. I will admit while Vern isn’t bad, I will agree the Radnich act he’s doing is unnecessary.

      Also, Charlie Walter isn’t too bad, he seems very energetic and injects a good personality. Some people referred to him as the sports version of Paul Heggen but he actually does have more personality than Heggen.

      Andrea & Gianna are one of the best. Especially Gianna since she interviews from 95.7 the Game. They should pick one of these 2 instead if ppl feel Charlie Walter is unimpressive.

    3. Charlie has good highlight calls and energy. He clearly knows nothing about hockey, but seems really knowledgeable in all other sports. He has definitely gotten a lot better since he started, which is expected considering he looks to be about 25. LOL.

    4. Speaking of Paul Heggen, has anyone noticed how he's dying his hair and has a bit more of a youthful hairstyle. They're trying to make him look younger, so that he doesn't look like Donchey's dad when he's standing next to her.

    5. Charlie goes by Chuck at 95.7 the game apparently, and after listening to the night show— personality isn’t his issue. He clowns around nonstop.

      His issue is…. let’s face it. he’s a white, baby faced, SAE looking frat star. Whether he can help that or not, I don’t think it works in his favor.

    6. Are you people kidding. You’re actually wasting you time on a burp. Good lord. That’s really sad to me.

  9. speaking of KCBS, does anyone know what happened to KFRC, 106.9 FM HD2? It was classic hits but it appears to now be gone. ??

    1. I noticed the same thing. It has happened before - gone dark for days at a time but comes back. Not sure who monitors that.

  10. The story on Belva Davis was excellent. Nice to see her get her due!! I know she is a very private person and it was so sweet to see Bill give her love and props publically and that she let him come visit her at her home. She paved the way for so many!! Great to see her and wish her well at age 90!!

  11. I’m surprised Amber E. didn’t give Greg Lee the prime time job. He kisses more ass than Mike Mibach and James Torres combined.

  12. Betty can’t be higher than Tattoo Donchey

  13. Glenn standing on a step stool next to Donchey is pretty funny.

  14. Belva Davis, deserving of every accolade, set the standard for great journalism in San Francisco.

    1. Thank you old great one Christine

  15. Is Vern STILL doing the Radnich lounge act? My God get your own schtick. I remember Vern even imitated the neck twitch and held the notes on his hand alas claw man.

  16. Say what you want about Betty Yu, but in my view she is one of the few remaining veteran reports left in the Bay. I've been living in San Mateo since 2005 and watch all local stations. I'd take Betty's reporting over these newly minted amateur "journalists" any day. I hope CBS offers her a respectable salary to keep her in SF.

  17. I usually watch Raj and Jessica because they are my favorites. I cannot tolerate the morning show especially on KPIX 5. None of them come off as locals or veterans. Just wannabe narcissists.

    1. What do you mean none of the KPIX morning show sound like locals? You mean locals don’t call it “Marina Greens” like “Lt” Jessica Burch does? But hey, that’s an improvement over her early days when she referred to the Presidio and also Marina Green as Golden Gate Park.

  18. I don't think you can separate the difference between "Only Frank can make KTVU soar again" and "They just should have picked someone other than Mibach."

  19. I LOVE Betty Yu!!!!!!

  20. Forgiveness and empathy and welcoming back is what separates us from the lower animals; I don't know why Frank is ostracized as he is. His 2021 problems are what many people have dealt with (and if you ask me, somebody in the newsroom staff should have seen what was up long before airtime, he wasn't up to it that night, and not let him go on the air). I can't see him anchoring in Sacto -- it'd be like the job of prep cook for a four star chef.

  21. “ …both Haener and Martin can't save a sinking ship.”. Yea, because they are contributing to sinking it. Bill’s weather presentations are off the wall goofy and all over the place; he conveys opposite things in the same run on stammering sentence. Haener has no sincerity like Mibach. Wondering why no one commented on the at least 2 posts above that seem to be from Somerville. Is that really from him?

    1. I agree about Mibach and Haener. Look up the words ‘flop’ or ‘failed experiment’ and you’ll see a photo of the two of them sitting there like stooges.
      Haener is phoning it in as she hangs on. Mibach is flat out in over his head. A prime time anchor slot used to be a coveted and highly prestigious role. Now it’s apparently a job that any dunce off the street can do when you have people like Mibach, Greg Lee, Jesse Gary and now Roberta Gonzalez anchoring.

      Local news is indeed a sinking ship, and ktvu is sinking faster than the others. Even if Amber grew a brain and kicked Mibach and Haener to the curb and brought it likable and competent people, the ratings wouldn’t increase. All ktvu can hope for at this point is to stop the bleeding, though that seems to be too much to ask.

    2. This is Frank and yes I commented several times to the comments about me.

  22. Betty Yu deserves to get paid. KPIX may have a plan where the weekend crew could be Hackney, Yu and Andrea Nakano as sports anchor. Interesting or have Yu go weekend mornings and promote Devin Feehly to weeknights...
