Sunday, January 22, 2023

The Greatest 49ers PBP Broadcaster in my Book: Lon Simmons

WE WERE ALL BLESSED to listen to Lon Simmons, some of us at least.

I loved Lon calling Giants' games but I loved even more, his fantastic, exciting 49ers' broadcasts. I was in hog heaven: I got to listen to Bill King doing the Raiders and Lon doing the 49ers, what an honor.

Like hearing this:

Mr. Simmons was unique. Detailed, thrilling, eclectic PBP style devoid of artificial enhancement. He was excited and illustrious when he had to be and downright caustic if the game was such.

He didn't need to scream or yell or make false bravado TD calls, he let the game itself tell the story. No manufactured BS, it was all from the heart and genuine to the max.

Even when he was moody, he was great.

Lon Simmons knew the moment.

In my book, he was the greatest 49ers broadcaster.


  1. I miss Lon Simmons....One of the Best of All-Time!!

  2. Lon Simmons and Russ Hodges were the original Dynamic Duo! Russ Hodges 1951 Bobby Thompson home run call is still traveling through space. "The Shot Heard Round the World".

  3. You are 100% Correct (again) Rich
    Lon knew when to talk, when to be quiet, when to erupt. He did not make EVERY play a chance to SCREAM !
    Hall of Famer in life and on the Radio
    Viva Lon Simmons !!

  4. The Bay Area has been blessed with two of the best football announcers of all time with Lon and the inimitable Bill King.

  5. The radio coverage of the 49ers is terrible. Tim Ryan isn't an analyst, just a screaming cheerleader. In the locker room, Ryan doesn't ask questions -- he just makes a homer statement and asks the player to "talk about it." Tim, nobody cares what you think. You're there to get the opinions of the players. The 49ers may be a Super Bowl caliber team, but their radio team is as bad as a student station. I know the broadcast is owned by the 49ers, but the fans won't mind listening to a professional broadcast.

    1. sad the 49ers radio broadcast now sounds like most all the other NFL teams. Homers screaming is not play-by-play, but cheerleading. So painful to listen to Papa and Ryan.

  6. The guy called the game for fox is a complete IDIOT!

  7. “Tell It Goodbye!!” He was an Icon....I miss him!!

  8. I worked for a courier service and had the opportunity to make a delivery to his house. He couldn't have been nicer and took a moment to talk sports. Total class.

  9. Who fired Lon from the 49ers radio broadcasts on KGO Radio?

    1. KGO wanted their own guy and that was Joe Starkey

  10. Lon Simmons - Simply The Best!!

  11. And Lon and Bill King doing A's games.

  12. Where does Don Klein rank?

    1. Up there with Lon and Bill. Just listen to his call of "The Catch."

  13. Lon Simmons brought class and dignity to the booth. He had natural enthusiasm and wasn't full of himself like Gregory Poophead. Sure, his 49ers color analysts like legends Hugh McElhenny and Gordy Soltau were "homers," but they didn't sound like professional phony ass kissers like Tim Ryan. Besides, they were 49ers legends, not man bun transplants. If Lon were back, I wouldn't have to listen to the TV telecast. But sadly, that's not the case.

  14. Lon was the best of all the Bay Area broadcasters. Bill King was excellent, too, but much better doing the Warriors on the radio. Lon's grandson and my son played on the same little league team. You have not lived until you hear Lon Simmons announce your son's homerun: "and you can tell it GOODBYE!"

  15. Driving home listening to the beginning of the Niners game yesterday, I heard KNBR go dead air for some 6-8 minutes. WTH? Don't they have a hard wired connection to the station?

  16. Joe Starkey was the worst 49er announcer. He called plays after they were completed.

  17. Starkly was ok. Frankly, after Lon, Ted Robinson was the best 49 play by plat person. I never understood how they could fire him and go to Papa. His touchdown call is awful.

  18. Lon Simmons was the best 49er radio PBP announcer, the gold standard. Don Klein had the unenviable task replacing. Joe Starkey was okay, but Ted Robinson was good. Greg Papa is awful.

  19. Mr. Simmons "It's a Touchdown for the 49ers1" versus "TOOOOOOUUUUUCCCCCHHHHHDOOOOWWWWN!!!!! SAN... (Pause)... FRAN...(Pause)...CISCOOOOOOOO!!!! Which do you all think is better?

  20. Bill King: the best of all of them. Especially basketball and football.

  21. I worked at KGO cutting promos for the Niners. When Lon and Wayne Walker entered the studio, it lit up with class and elegance.
