Thursday, January 5, 2023

"Golly-Gee" Amateur Storm Reporters Gush Central; Gag Me; More Eric Thomas Excess at KCBS; "Local Traffic? Nope; Schlocky Lawyer Ads; Spencer Christian Nada on Walters ABC7; TaRhonda Thomas Local NBC? Come on Down; Stormy Weather Thursday Media

THE HYPERVENTILATING reporters doing live shots? What amateurs.

It's beyond irritating, it's proof-positive of what our reporter roster has become, supremo amateuritis.

The latest storm was worth all the attention. It was impressive, of course it was but when doing a live shot from wherever, you want good info, set-the-scene, tell the story...NOT constant gushing and gee, golly, look at me.

We're seeing lots of that and it's a drag. Get a sandbag and smother it!

*Eric Thomas, I hate to keep picking on you but you keep on, keeping on. The KCBS morning anchor guy was downright giggling and laughin this (Thursday) morn while talking to a wave expert, some surf schmuck who told people, even expert surfers to "stay away from the coast," gees thanks Captain Obvious. Actually, I was going to call my friend and take a convertible to Ocean Beach.

Thomas, I guees, is trying to show a personality for Morning Drive only he's not funny or even remotely humuorous. Sorta like taking a PBS guy and sticking him on Comedy Central. Thomas's attempt at being funny is probably an attempt by Jenny Seelig to make Eric sound like Mr. Groovy. Yeah, he's a regular Kevin Hart.

*One of KCBS's better-than-average traffic reporters, she's on at night, Claire Beverly, does the traffic from a computer in Portland, Oregon. Yeah, "live and local" my tuchus.

*That "category-5" storm was nowhere near as forecast by our good friends at "The Building a Better Bay Area" Disney home depot. Maybe "building a bettrer weather predictor?"

*Those schmucky father-son lawyers who are on KCBS hawking their trade every two minutes are fast approaching Kars-4-Kids terrain only slightly more obnoxious.

*"The Storm desk", "The Sports desk", no wonder it's hard to find a good desk these days.

*More pompous than ever: KTVU's perpetual guck-face Tom Vacar who should have retired twenty years ago when he first threatened KTVU to fire him. KTVU should have oblighed but were worried he'd sue 'em and he'd have won but who cares, Vacar last smiled during the waning days of the Bush administration. He and Claudine Wong have something in common.

*Spencer Christian, the bloated-ego weather guy at Channel 7, didn't/hasn't said a word about Barbara Walters --he worked with her for years at ABC--which can only tell you about the real Spencer.

*By the way, some say Christian is still at Circle7 because he's buddy/buddy with Dan Ashley, who's buddy/buddy with Bob Iger. Go figure.

*By the way, Danno? less hairspray.

*The "Mr Wow" guy, Bret Burkhart, aka: local radio retread proving one thing: you can migrate from has/been KGO over to KCBS if you know the right people, right Jenny? "Wooooooooooow!"

*TaRhonda Thomas, one of the most prominent Black woman TV News anchors, was visiting NBC Bay Area and I DO approve of this imminent message!


  1. KCBS is turning into a comedy show however it's not very funny. Just give me some people that can speak and give me the news. Kinda like Joe Friday use to say "Just the facts ma'mm"

  2. I watched KTVU this morning and 50% of their ‘storm coverage’ revolved around a tree that fell on 280 during the middle of the night, blocking two lanes. I kid you not. The other 50% involved Sal’s traffic reports and an unnecessary and excessive number of reports from Steve.
    So from my perspective, KTVU was the biggest loser once again.

    1. Yup. I noticed the same. after hearing about that tree for what felt like 20 minutes, I couldn’t take any more so I just turned the channel.

  3. You can access all the traffic info online. There is no longer any specific need for the radio traffic reporter to physically be there.

  4. Bret Burkhart has covered many such storms and fires and disasters in many years as a reporter. This involved considerable risk to his personal safety. He is not a "has-been". The information KCBS is providing is critical.

  5. This "Cat 5" storm wasn't as bad as the last "Cat 2" one. I can tell by the standing water in the backyard and the fact the pool didn't overflow this time.

    1. When did the National Weather Service adopt these Cat-1-5 storm definitions???
      Answer: They never did! Cat 1-5 is a KGO thing that means nothing! KGO can make up whatever storm ranking the marketing department wishes. This is as bad as those made up "Winter Storm Names" The Weather Channel assigns.
      Lets get KGO to show us the definitions of cat 1-5.
      NWS rates storms as "strong" or "moderate" etc. ratings...NOT made-up fake numbers.

    2. @ 1:90pm - FYI... They've been naming storms since the late 1800's.

    3. Actually NWS has been categoring ARs since 2019

      ("CW3E Releases New Scale to Characterize Strength and Impacts of Atmospheric Rivers". Center for Western Weather and Water Extremes. February 5, 2019. Retrieved 16 February 2019.)

      What is puzzling to me, however, is that not once in my EOC Operational period briefing over the last two days has the NWS liaison ever refer to the storm as a, "bomb cyclone". I looked up the term the other day and the definition of a BC is, " barometric pressure pressure must drop 24 millibars within 24 hours. I only saw drop of around 14-16 mb between Tuesday and Wednesday. The kind of stuff the happens over the Rockies that causes havoc (75F one day, and then 45F n 8 hours).

      I wonder where the media folks picked up on that sensational sounding term? I haven't heard Darren Peck, Hackney or Steve Paulson use it either in their forecasts.

    4. KGO does use arbitrary numbers in their storm rankings. However, see my post above about AR rankings. Yes, to the guy siting on his duff in Hayward it can be confusing.


      Number 1 means a light storm with 1/2 an inch of rain or less and likely lasting a few hours or less.
      Number 2 is a moderate storm with 1/2 an inch to one inch of rain forecast and could include scattered power outages.
      Number 3 is a strong storm with one to two inches of rain and could include widespread hazardous roads, minor flooding, and numerous power outages.
      Number 4 is a major storm with two to three inches of rain, moderate flooding, widespread mudslides, and widespread power outages all likely.
      Number 5 is a severe storm. That means three inches or more of rain and could include extreme flooding, roads impassable, and power outages for several days.

    6. It is called, the Storm Impact Scale. Not a Category 1-5, c'mon!!!

    7. Years ago when the movie "Backdraft" came out, pretty much every televised news story abut a fire would use the term "backdraft." "Bomb cyclone" seems to be the trendy term now.

  6. Yes...ABC 7 needed to take that 'exclusive' LEVEL 5 STORM TRACKER' down a notch. This was a level 4 at worst. It was like the boy who cried wolf over there. A Level 5 should be reserved for something like an impending hurricane or tornado. Rare if ever on the west coast do these things happen but judging from the predicted 'global warming' effects, not out of the question at all. Time to re-calibrate that storm tracker scale for future storms, though.

    Nice to see they all found out where the toppled Valero Gas Station is located in SSF. Even got network meteorologist Ginger Zee to do a spot from there. That's after Zee going up to a rail and getting hit by a wave splash in Pacifica. 'Look people...waves are acting like waves'. Visuals are everything, i guess. Sensationalism?? Never. lol

    They also had 75 year old Spencer Christian in studio working overtime in Sandhya's absence. Got him 11 PM shift and then leaving at midnight to drive many miles home during these recent storms. Let that man go home and get some rest after the six pm newscast. lol

    And yes...TaRhonda Thomas does look promising. The gals working at KRON or KTVU are likely to be sharpening their claws if either of those networks land her. Minx!! KRON seems like a better fit as KTVU seems to prefer more Heather Holmes types at the desk. Neither Alyana Gomez or Sara Sidner lasted very long there, unfortunately. But both seemed to move on to other networks and thrive. (Is Amber Eikel still in charge of hiring?? lol)

    1. tell that to the parents of the infant killed by a falling tree. category that, 12:37

    2. 3:40, so I suppose when we have light showers for an hour it should be classified as a level 5 if someone dies in a weather related crash? LOL

    3. It seems the storm was more severe in some areas than in others. Part of Sonoma County and Santa Cruz mountians seems to always get harder hit than most area. Some of you need to think outside your own little world. I live in Contra Costa Country (Concord/Martinez) it didn't seem that bad by my house. However, creeks was overflowing, trees down in Concord and Walnut Creek, and yesterday afternoon when I was running errands the were a very heavy downpour, lasted for about 20 minutes, pour visibility, I was just driving on local streets, but not a pleasant experience.

  7. With all due respect, where is John Rothmann? His insightful and penetrating political analysis is sorely missed.

  8. Fake news fake weather don’t see any Level 5 and Drew claim Level 5, he is nuts

    1. You mean the same Drew Tuma going apeshit like a little fangirl all because Chrissy Teigen mentioned him in a tweet the other day? This guy has no shame, it’s embarassing.

      The whole level 1-5 thing means nothing when the NYE storm that dumped 5.5” of rain in SF in one day was ranked as a level 2, one step above drizzle, and yesterday’s was a level 5.

  9. Up here in Sonoma County, the winds were wild and woolly! Lots and lots of rain too. Just because the weather was not so rough where you are does not mean it wasn’t a bad storm. Of course for some folks a tragic storm is when some patio furniture ends up in the pool.
    Be thankful your house still has an operable roof, and you aren’t sleeping under an overpass.

    1. @4:07. You nailed it. The wind took my neighbors trash cans and blew them down the street. Trees down. Gas station in the South Bay collapsed. It was knarly.

    2. San Jose area didn't get a lot of rain, less than 2 inches, but, for several brief periods, very, very strong winds. I'd refer to this storm as "severe". It was plain mean. I don't think I've ever seen a storm behave like the before in the South Bay.

  10. Who's going to tell KPIX that their new graphics look like someone spilled coffee (or something) into the chyron generator so they replaced it with a 5-year-old's doodlings in Microsoft Paint?

  11. KRON (4.1) gets the award for best storm coverage, continuous from 3 pm to 11 pm. Imperfect, but far more comprehensive than the rest of Bay Area Media. In the way of improvement, suggest larger, bolder letters on the radar maps for the 3 major cities running north to south, Santa Rosa, San Francisco, and San Jose.

  12. Let not forget that a toddler was killed in Sonoma County.

  13. I DESPISE the constant barrage of personal injury lawyer commercials now taking over every SF local station. Jesus, don’t the local stations employ anyone to sell spots anymore? Insurance, mattresses, cars and lawyers (plus miserable Comcast) aren’t the only businesses in the Bay Area…

    1. Kars 4 Kids vs Ambulance Chasers. Pick your poison.

  14. About 2 days without power in West Marin...But does not compare to the loss of that child's life in Sonoma county...May the toddler rest in peace... jf

  15. The KPIX graphics are still gawd awful.

  16. Don’t forget the ads by MDs who help men

  17. I don't think Spencer has a big ego problem. Recently I've seen him on Mark Thompson's Youtube show and he talked about his gambling problem and other stuff that many stars wouldn't want to talk about in public. Maybe him and Walters didn't get along. Some say Barbara wasn't always nice to people she worked with.
