Thursday, December 22, 2022

Thursday Pulse; KNBR Loses Major Coin Over Correa/Judge Non-Giants Deal; Nobody Called Larry Baer; Covid Relief at Circle7 (For Now); Frank Somerville is Delusional; KTVU's Senior Moment

GRUMPY OLD MEN at KNBR and there's good reason: No Aaron Judge, no Carlos Correa. The Giants miss out and so does the Giants' flagship radio station. New shiny toys are great for business, lousy when there's NO star to sell. Because KNBR isn't worth selling its own non-Giants/49ers brand and that's no surprise.

*Speaking of Knibber, you would think one of their schlubs who has Larry Baer's cell phone number, would have called the Baer but that would have rocked the boat at Giants' state radio. No call attempted.

*Fan boy Brian Murphy was so upset about the Correa misdeed he failed to show up for his weekly Mill Valley HOA meeting. Poor baby.

*If you got a dime every time KNBR sidekick, John Lund, said, "like you said...", you'd be having Jeff Bezos money.

Lund needs to feed the family, whatever.

*The Covid outbreak at KGO (ABC7) seems to have subsided but I'm told lots of people were really sick and out of shape. So far, no on-air peeps, except Reggie Aqui and Drew Tuma, got hit hard. It's Christmas week so the so-called big stars are home anyway, except Ashley, (Dan).

*There was a time months ago that Frank Somerville would have had a rebirth, probably in Sacramento; not a certainty by any means, just a sliver of a chance. But Frank's delusional pivot to social media postings has thoroughly 86ed any chance.

A former friend at KTVU said it bluntly: "he's crazy."

*Years ago when I was just writing this blog, a KGO Radio sales guy invited me to the Christmas party. I couldn't make it but it was a friendly reminder that I haven't always trashed KGO. It was at a time when KGO was still going strong and the hosts were riding strong and dedicated to their craft. Then Cumulus came along and destroyed all of that.

*THOSE of YOU working at the various outlets this week, yes, god willing, I'll be here for your wit and wisdom if you care to come around.

Those of you at home enjoying the holidays, feel free to schmooze and read me/415 Media. And yeah, throw me a bone because I too enjoy a cheer every now and then.

*ADD KTVU: a morning newsroom figure is supposedly miffed over Andre Senior's recent rip job of a prominent EP and went to the boss. She did her usual lousy lecture and nothing transpired which is pretty much SOP at KTVU, especially in the AM, where everyone goes their way and nobody gives a damn.

What else is new.


  1. Please provide a list of anchor not appearing on tv this week on KGO, possibly got covid. Dan Ama Larry and Sandya all appear on tv, anyone see Ming Sze??? Wondering did Dion got it after Spencer got it weeks ago and she disappear the next day after he announce he got Covid

  2. The Giants will survive. Life is all about choices. Go to the game and enjoy it or not. I personally would like to see the development of our younger players. Thairo Estrada looks like the real deal and others have had flashes of promise. The sports radio man child mouthpieces are useless. Yes, Frank lives in his own little world. Sad really. His one shot at redemption disappeared like a fart in the wind. Can't feel sorry for those that choose to be the architects of their own misery. Andre Senior. Please go find some new clothes that don't make you look like an overstuffed sausage. Greg Lee are you listening? It sucks to admit that we have put on a few lbs.That's life. Suck it up and be comfortable. Merry Christmas all!

  3. Yeah all the stars are off this week at KGO Rich which is why, in addition to Ashley, I saw Daetz and Beil too yesterday. So what stars are you referring to exactly? Dion "I am NOMAD. I am perfect" Lim?

    1. Reggie Aqui, Drew Tuma, and both the 4 PM/11 PM producers were affected, as of now.

    2. Anyone watching the weekend news segments would have seen Dion looking just fine.

    3. People here seem to listen to listen to KGO. Why? When they changed formats and and people, I reprogrammed the button. Now I listen to KCBS and KALW.

  4. If the Giants’ attendance and ratings flag, the on-air talent at KNBR should worry about job security.

  5. Color me skeptical, but aren’t the ratings at KNBR lousy already? As the Giants toss out another so-so product (I lived with that for decades, no big deal), maybe KNBR will move on from the hacks that normally burn hours chatting about nothing. The Subs this week are refreshing and 100 times better than the usual fare.
    I wrote to Baer over the years, and pretty much all of my concerns have been proven right. Switch from Knbr to another station - leave the Chatty Kathys back at Tam Junction, the beer hall, the SportsBook, and Wallet Creek.

  6. Go away Frank Somerville. Your days in TV are OVER!!!!

    1. Obviously he made mistakes. But he was also a damn good anchor. May I ask what is it that you dislike so much about him. And for the record he never did anything with the intern. All he tried to do was help her. They flirted. But nothing more.

    2. "And for the record he never did anything with the intern. All he tried to do was help her. They flirted. But nothing more."

      Hi, Frank.

    3. Frank is your typical TV narcissist 'look at me'. GTFOH and you too!!!

  7. "Murph" was devesated he lost out on TWO more cabana boy jobs he had lined up with Judge and Correa. At least he's still servicing one talentless overexposed,underwhelming Carlos named Ramirez

  8. its the lund adulation voice tone yea yea yea uh huh like you said is the same yep yup submissive talk. btw it was a good song ballad of john yoko yu put awhile back.paul on drums there. listen to his voice tone ,the way he says ''you know how hard it can beeee''.its a pure mc cartney voice tone. maybe its why the yup yep stuff is so annoying on radio. also the warrios guy says ''correct'',like the ''exactly'' guy.

  9. > A former friend at KTVU said it bluntly: "he's crazy."

    File that one under "Noshitsville."

  10. Not sure if you have tuned in, KPIX did a major rebrand with new music, graphics, and logo. No more “5” in favor for a Box that only says KPIX. I noticed on Judge Judy they use the new box logo with no reference as being a cbs affiliate or channel 5.

    1. And that music! Makes me want to go clubbin.'

  11. SFGATE did an article on Frank's recent Facebook posting Monday. I don't use FB, so I had no idea. Instead of taking responsibility for his acts, he took more of a "Problem? What problem? " approach. Completely self-serving.

  12. Giants handling of Carlos Correa makes them look like fools, no Judge, no Correa, no Rodon. Good luck next year.

  13. When there is a need for some deeper sports knowledge, Lund is always out to lunch.

    Complete dithering about when an event happened, who was involved, any details that someone who knows sports could deliver more often than not. He pretends to know/remember what's up for discussion and waits for Papa to deliver details and sort of agree or the producer to look it up and feed it to them in their earpieces, and then talk around the topic.

    1. Lund's entire job consists of kissing Papa's ass...

  14. I'm not at all surprised to hear Senior laid into a producer. I left KTVU the year after he joined. Even back then he had quickly developed a reputation for being super intense and high strung. He was also a perfectionist who had a "my way or the highway" approach that left little room for compromise.
    I was shocked when they moved him to weekday mornings. He doesn't have the warm and fuzzy chit-chatty type of personality that does best in the morning, plus his overly-strong personality combined with Gasia's and Pam's personalities is like a powderkeg ready to explode.

    1. In addition to everything you mentioned, Senior is also totally full of himself and super judgmental, especially when it comes to the foods other people eat. He has zero problem letting you know why what you’re eating is bad for you. He also finds ways to constantly mention that he’s a gym rat. As though anyone cares.

  15. I worked for KTVU for 15 years in the newsroom. Frank never said hello once. He’s a duck.

    1. It's funny how his FB followers boost his ego and don't see how vain he is. How do those people think they know him better than his co-workers & family. He didn't get fired for no reason, his wife didn't divorce him for no reason, his daughters didn't distance themselves from him for no reason and he wasn't arrested for no reason.

  16. The sooner Somerville accepts that Bay Area media has moved on without him, the better off he'll be. He's from the era of the "big, bad anchorman" where 600k+ salaries came with the territory. Those days are gone. Long gone.
    The door slams shut behind these relics of yesteryear the minute they walk out the door. And when you leave in disgrace like Somerville, the best you can do is look back fondly on the memories.
    Not to mention, no local news station has the budget to pay Frank Somerville the salary he thinks he deserves. So unless he's willing to work for $110k per year (which me might be), he's better off trying to reinvent himself as some strange social media personality.

  17. Giants’ ownership is obviously more interested in adding to their real estate portfolio than spending $$ on their team. If they were so worried about an ankle that Carlos Correa fractured years ago why did the Twins and later Mets offer him huge deals? Why did wait until the last minute to back off? Since the winter meetings, the only everyday players they signed are injury riddled vets, Mitch Haniger and Michael Conforto. It was embarrassing and unprofessional the way SF treated Carlos Correa, leaving him and his agent Scott Boras waiting for hours until Boras told them he’d make a deal with the Mets if they continued to hedge. “Fine,” was the answer from the Giants. . Larry Baer, the sleazy, glad handing front office boss who should be called the ‘Teflon Man,”because no one dares to criticize him. probably had his greasy fingerprints all over this mess. Don’t blame GM Farhan Zaidi who was unfairly roasted by naive fans. Zaidi doesn’t sign off on the contracts. Now the fast talking, insincere Baer and his buddy, Trump- loving majority owner Charles Johnson will try to put a positive spin on this disaster. They’ll attempt to salvage things by okaying the purchase of more obscure journeymen vets. The former Giants management team never would never have created such a fiasco. And KNBR is nothing more than a PR front for the Giants because they own a small stake in the team while a sizable portion of their revenue comes.from advertising on Giants’ broadcasts. And of course, KNBR talk show hosts made lame excuses for the Giants’ front office and didn’t let any fans have their say. I’m sure Baer was on the phone with their bosses, desperately going into damage control mode. “ We’ve gotta sell tickets! Stay positive!”
    Can you imagine what the fan reaction would be in Philly, NYC or Boston if one of their teams conducted business in such a shabby manner and lost a prized free agent? I’ve been a Giants’ season ticket holder since they moved into the new park but I’m done with them. Congrats to Baer and Johnson for putting together another team that will probably be as mediocre and boring as they were in 2021.

  18. I worked ther too. For years. He said hi to everyone. So unless you worked on the second floor I have no clue what you’re talking about. He said hi to me all the time.

    1. “He said hi to everyone.”

      This was not my experience. Far, far from it in fact.

      I didn’t work in sales or HR or anywhere else on the 2nd floor. I worked in the news operation and it was widely understood that you didn’t make eye contact with Frank and you didn’t speak to him unless he spoke to you first. Maybe rules were different for the talent or beautiful interns. But for everyone else I worked with or talked to about it Frank liked to make it known that he was up here, and you were down there.

    2. When the Big 4 reigned the ktvu newsroom, Frank and Julie behaved like they were in a whole different stratosphere. You were lucky to get eye contact from either one if you were one of the measly workerbees. Sometimes Julie would give a slight smirk as a way of acknowledging you but she only spoke with those in her crew. If you saw her in the kitchen she might do the half smile, half smirk thing but had a way of making it clear she didn’t want to talk. Bill Martin was pretty much the same though people didn’t try to avoid him the way we did Frank and Julie. Bill was just kind of doing his own thing, not purposely walking around like his shit didn’t stink like Frank and Julie.

      Mark was the opposite. He’d talk to anyone about anything, and if you got him talking about sports he’d talk your ear off.

    3. This is Frank. I’m so sorry that I made you and others feel that way. In fact I’m mortified. I tried to talk to everyone. I know what it feels like to be ignored by main anchors. And if I did that to you all I can say is that I’m sorry.

  19. I even overheard him go up to producers and say: Hi I’m frand. Just want you to know that I’m here to serve you. Don’t worry about dropping my stories. I don’t don’t care about story count. Don’t worry about asking me to ad lib. If I say I can do it snd i fuck it up that’s on me. I will never throw you under the bus. I’m here to do whatever you need me to do to make our newscast number one.

  20. Gee, Larry said “hi” to you? Did he shake your hand! Hope your still have all your fingers!

  21. Tolbert and Copes sounded like to uneducated idiots when the contract with the Giants failed, with the Mets issue not being resolved indicated that the Giants had a strong case

  22. Is it true Frank Somerville recently had lunch with Gasia in Oakland? That rumor is spreading around ktvu but no one knows for certain.
