Wednesday, December 21, 2022

Bay Area Sports-Talk Radio Reacts to Giants-Correa Blunder

THE MAJORITY of its KNBR hosts, even its third-tier line, didn't fully understand it had been given a WHOPPER of a headline and a good chunk of a story that superceded sports.

The Giants lost their prized free-agent signing, Carlos Correa, a story that reverberated all over the news domain and not just sports.

KNBR's morning show, "Marcus and Marcus" largely did a good job filling in for vacationed "Murph and Mac" --which wasn't such a bad idea. The fill-in schlubs conducted interviews with various baseball pundits and local boys. Had they not kept saying, over and over, how bummed they felt, the twosome did an acceptable four hours of analyzing the accident that took place the night before.

Sports-talk radio, KNBR style ruled the airwaves. Even Papa (Greg) and Lund (John) were more than adequate dissecting the stunner news.


  1. Giants' fans should feel relieved. Correa is good, but he's not THAT good. I.e., the offer was just too bloated.

    1. Then why did they make him the offer?

    2. @117: Because the ignorant, front-running, event-seeking, superstar worshiping Giants (Bay Area) fan base was clamoring for a "name" player. These "fans" forget how many World Series titles the steroid narcissist brought to San Francisco. You really can't even call it "The House that Bonds Built." Not getting Judge or Correa may be better for the Giants. Nine players on the field and in the lineup help you win games. This isn't tennis or golf.

  2. There is more to this story. Bad journalism to irresponsibly label this a "blunder" before consideration of facts yet to be revealed.

  3. 12 years is way to long of a contract. 4 years tops. Mets will regret this just like they hate Bobby Bonilla Day every July 1st.

  4. It was a terrible contract.

  5. Attendance is down 25% in 5 years. Did they give Judge and Correa the tour of the Tenderloin and downtown? The only saving grace for the woke Farthan is those players didn't go the the A's

  6. What an embarrassment the Giants organization has become lately. And while this latest fiasco may be great for sports-talk radio, it really is an indictment on how ineffective the Giants have become at recruiting top tier talent. Some players don't want to come here because of the stats or SF's notoriously cool summers. But the bottom line is the Giants don't seem to want to pay to stay competitive.

    While never a huge fan of them overpaying for Carlos Correa. Thirteen years?? Ridiculous. And I didn't like his arrogance in handling the Astros cheating scandal a few years ago. You cheated. You got caught. Own it. However, there is no doubt he's a talented player with or without the garbage can signals that let his former team know which pitch was coming. And helped them win a World Series against the Dodgers.

    I was pleasantly surprised, noenetheless that the Giants were actually willing to spend some money for a change this year. But alas, today proved me right as to my original assumptions that this franchise was in a word, CHEAP at it's core. The sweatshirts, garlic fries and bottle water at Oracle Park however, are not. Hard to keep that stadium full and the cash flowing when there's not much on the field to root for.

    Dodgers are spending. Padres are spending. Giants have one of the best venues in MLB and struck out twice in landing a FA attraction. Looks like we can look forward to another year of moderate talent trying to slay the Goliaths of the division. They got lucky in 2021 and won 107 games.They also had Buster Posey behind the plate which was a major reason why. Don't see that happening with this roster in the near future.

    I put this mainly on principal owner Charles Johnson. Buck stops at the top. If he wanted to field a competitive team he would. You gotta pay to play these days. And he has the bank to do so. (And if he could stop donating to the Marjorie Taylor Green's, Boebert's and Herschel Walkers of the world that would be helpful in PR as well.) Perception is everything. Billionaires don't seem to care about any of that, though.

    Guess we'll be a fan base that will have to always look back at 2010, 2012 and 2014 as the glory days forever. We don't ask the Giants to win every year. But is it that difficult to at least be competitive??

    1. Absolute hogwash. This has nothing to do with Charles Johnson, Green, Boebert, or Walker. Some of the higher-ups did want this splashy deal. It was Farhan that wasn't sold.
      Let's also remember that Farhan's right hand man, Pete Putila,
      was with the Astros for 12 years before coming to SF.

  7. To start with I have no confidence in Zaidi. After all he hired Kapler for starters. Then to give Correa a one-sided contract was a hit below the belt. I would not want Correa, Beltran, Altuve, Bregman and Gurriel any where near my team especially with their cheating track record at Houston. That's like inviting cancer into your clubhouse. I'd rather lose and be honest than win and be a cheater.

  8. I am thankful the Giants did not sign Correa. They have a wonderful shortstop already. They need 3 good Bats, 3 good Pitchers, at the minimum
    They need to send Kapler packing, as well as Charlie Johnson.
    All the pontificating about Correa on the sport shows was as expected - NOBODY on the inside was talking, and “sources” were non-existent. So lots of goofy speculation and “worst case” scenarios.

  9. It was a relief those two fan boys /yes men weren’t there. Can’t toe the company line if you didn’t know what happened. Fan Fest will be a Shit Show. Brandon Belt cleanup hitter. Not a great plan.

  10. Aside from discussing the merits of Giant’s signings, this site is focused on media. This morning Marcus Boucher introduced a guest as “Buster Only” instead of as Buster Olney. He used the wrong name a couple of times to tease the interview and then again when introducing Mr. Olney who politely did not correct him. Embarrassing…

  11. I was actually excited with the signing and was going to pick up a few tickets through Costco, now I am just ticked off and angry at the cheap franchise, not spending another dime on those idiots

  12. Farhan has proven to be over rated. Seems no one wants to play for Kapler. Time for BIG changes.

  13. I've talked to 8-10 people about the Giants and Correa, and nobody thought he was worth the money the Giants offered. That includes a guy who works for the Giants. Granted, he's an usher at games, but still...

  14. They should hire AmY g to play the outfield.

  15. It's certainly egg on the Giants face, further compounded by the Judge situation. Correa is clearly an outstanding baseball player, but there was no excitement surrounding his signing. The fan base wasn't abuzz about him. Compare that to all the fanfare we saw at the mere fact the Giants were simply a finalist for Aaron Judge - no deal had even been announced and the excitement was palpable!

    There are very, very few players these days who are going to energize a fanbase the way Aaron Judge would. The other that immediately comes to mind in MLB is Shohei Ohtani.

    And yeah, I know 10+ year contracts are cost of admission these days, but 13 years for Correa at 1/3 of a billion dollars?!?

    Farhan Zaidi done lost his mind.

  16. Never do business with Scott Boros.

  17. Replies
    1. He literally made the deal and ownership pulled out. But please keep commenting on rich liebermans blog about baseball

  18. Stop blaming Farhan Zaidi and start blaming Johnson and his lap dog Larry Baer. They’re the ones who low/ balled Correa. You think Zaidi wanted to be made the joke of MLB? He doesn’t sign the checks. And when an earlier person remarked: “the Giants already have a good shortstop” they seemed to forget that Brandon Crawford is past his prime. After a career year in 2021, Crawford’s hitting dropped off as expected last year as he’s we into his mid 30s. Most Bay Area “ sports fans,” if you want to call them that, are casual front runners who only show up when the local teams are winning. With the exception of the Warriors who were still drawing 12-13 thousand a game during the awful stretch of 16 years under the embarrassingly, incompetent ownership of Chris Cohan, Bay Area fans, like LA fans are event oriented. “ Let’s go to the game because it’s the thing everybody is doing! I want to say I was there!” That’s why the Giants went after Correa. They needed to bring in a star who could creat some buzz to bring back the casual fans. The Giants will average 25-30 thousand a game but the ticket holders will mostly be real baseball fans. The nimrods who are too busy taking selfies, eating garlic fries, quaffing $15 designer beer and texting friends will only show up again
    when it’s the “ in thing” to do.
