Tuesday, October 4, 2022

"There's Only One Two" Conflicts at KTVU

HE (Mike Mibach) is trying desperately to fight off the enduring feeling: that he's just not really liked nor respected much.

At troubled KTVU, Mike Mibach is a disaster. Whether fair or not, Mibach has been totally REJECTED by viewers. It's a tough situation but Mibach has an image problem and #1 women especially.

And KTVU and Fox suits are worried. First impressions are hard to shake. Mibach has been at the PM news desk for over six months now. Time is running out.

KTVU staff, at least the majority, seem to still like him but they don't pay the bills.

The Firm is worried.

A move back to mornings? No way.

*Heather Holmes seems extremely annoyed, angry.

Because she is.

Clearly frustrated by not getting any love at 6, 10 PM; she used to have leverage, now, not a sliver.

Until Julie Haener quits, retires, or bought out.

*KTVU: if it didn't have bad luck it wouldn't have any luck at all.


  1. G'mar Chatima Tova, Rich

  2. Holmes is awesome.

  3. If Mibach is so concerned about his likability perhaps he can start by stopping with his off-color and inappropriate remarks to female staff employees.
    If he wants to flirt with females then he should download a dating app. But asking a female employee (more than once) if he should wear nothing but a jock strap under his suit is sexual harassment by any definition.

    1. Wrong. It’s not sexual harassment by “any definition.” If the statement wasn’t unwelcomed, or if it was part of a reciprocal conversation in which both parties shared similar types of remarks, then it wouldn’t be sexual harassment.
      Also, the remark must be sexual in nature in order to be considered sexual harassment. It doesn’t sound like he asked for sexual favors, made sexual advances, or anything of that sort.
      Creepy? Yes. Inappropriate? Yes. Contributing to a hostile work environment? Yes.
      But his expressed desire to wear a jock strap on air likely wouldn’t rise to the level of sexual harassment as defined by the law.

    2. Mibach in a jock strap is a visual that no one should ever have to endure.

    3. It’s a lie Mike Is a stand up guy always a pro.

  4. Mike Mibach looks like a jerk to work with. KTVU version of Reggie. Alex Savage and Andre much nicer. Anger issues too like screaming in his car when Gassssia anger him.

  5. My God, Mibach isn't *that* bad. He's better than Yamamoto or anyone they've got at NBC11.

  6. I like Heather Holmes work. She is a bit dour at times, but otherwise does a decent job.
    Some folks like her looks, some like her reading skills, some like her presentation style, some like her smile. We Americans seem to want happy, smart, women with movie star looks to be in every position of entertainment/news.
    As I look in the mirror and review my “rugged good looks” (code for not attractive), I feel badly that women who are still being judged for their Bikini body, as opposed to their intelligence. I stuffed my motorcycle 50 years ago - folks with scars rarely get a second look.
    All I am trying to say is if you want Miss Texas to read the news you might be sadly disappointed.

  7. @530,Amen!! Lets change news casts to beauty pageants. That would be more honest!!

  8. Mibach comes across as arrogant jerk. He is unlikable and smug.

  9. I like Mibach, and judging from the people I talk to, they do too.

    1. @8:32, Hi Mike’s mom! Nice of you to drop by here. Make sure Mikey brushes his teeth and fixes his bed before he leaves the basement and heads off to work!

    2. You talk to people about Mike Mibach? LOL ok, now, that’s officially weird.

  10. KTVU derangement! LOL

  11. Mibach reminds me of Burt from Sesame Street and Frankenstein mixed together. He's probably a pretty decent guy but he just can't portray on television and as an anchor I just don't care for him or his delivery.

  12. So the brain trust at Fox are worried about Mike and not the mismanagement team? Laughable.

  13. The golden age of big bad Mr. Anchorman is long gone. Nowadays all we get are creepy himbos like Mike Mibach.

  14. Don’t care for Mibach. Haven’t really watched KTVU since Frank left with all his baggage. (Hopefully he wasn’t driving. lol) But seriously, Frank had a gravitas you expect from an evening anchor even when he might’ve been tipsy. He knew his role. To read the news and make you feel like a trusted friend.

    Mibach has always come off as sort of an overgrown frat boy. He can give us the news but doesn’t really seem to care that much about it. He’s just here for the hot chicks and a paycheck. And yes, he may actually be a nice guy but in the news business perception i.e. how you make the viewers feel, women AND men, is everything.

    Amber Eikel really missed the boat with her choice on this one to succeed Frank. Both Andre Senor or Alex Savidge would’ve been wiser choices for the 10 o’clock spot. That tells u where the real problem lies…with management.

    So many options these days…And KTVU’s woes are KRON 4’s gains. They actually put on a good broadcast over there for those who can get it without Free TV rabbit ears. Fresh new studio too! And Pam Moore (and Vicki Liviakis for Rich…lol) still holding it down with the new faces who actually look happy to be there. Take a lesson KTVU!!! KRON is selling better burgers. For now.

  15. Fox operates under a centralized management system. Nothing is done without corporate approval. So, if you want to blame 2, then should look at New York for the blame if ratings are declining. Call New York.

  16. Heather wore her best outfit ever last night. Beige pants and a light blue top. Plus, she was standing up. Who has the best body in media 415? Heather Holmes.
