The only reason Ray had a job is that it allowed Mickie Luckoff to say to the EEOC police that he had an African American on the air for five hours a day. Box checked. The ratings didn't matter. In fact, they don't even do ratings in the overnight time period. Ray was terrible, just howled at the moon like a lunatic. Nobody cared.
He was a blabbering fool. I heard him one night mocking the way people talked. I'm like really? You sound worse than George Takei. He wasn't as powerful or make as much of an impact as you think.
Indeed. Ray Taliaferro took no prisoners. He's the main reason I first started listening to KGO News Talk Radio 81 in the first place. His late night fiery tete-å-tetes with callers were fiery, enlightening and always entertaining. His passion about issues involving race, justice and civil rights were inspirational, motivational and more importantly rooted in TRUTH. And we all know, TRUTH HURTS. That's why certain groups try to deny, obfuscate and gaslight us all to death these days with right-wing radio talking points that have flooded the airwaves in part thanks to corporate media conglomerates like Cumulus.
Local and community issues be dammed. Let's treat talk radio stations like a Wall-Mart chain. Allow people like Sean Hannity and Mark Levin to spread their bile across the nation. Let's invest in the next Rush (Rest In Piss) Limbaugh who can shovel their manure to the huddled masses of cousin loving folks in middle America. Guns, God, and Religion...Yee Haw!!! (With a side of HYPOCRISY and GREED.) Successful in dumbing down yet another generation of simpletons. And creating a cult of red necks who still think Orange Man won the election. (Newsflash: He lost. Get over it.) Ahh...isn't WS grand??
Now that's the kinda straight talk you would get from Ray Taliaferro. No chaser. Thankfully, KGO never censored him back in the day. Folks in Tiburon/Mill Valley/Lafayette..etc NEED to hear what makes them uncomfortable. And yes, he was never shy about calling out the hypocrites, fools, racists and liars ON-AIR (Here's looking at you...Cumulus). A refreshing era of vibrant local talk radio that sadly was buried with him. It has sense been systematically rooted out. And sadly will never come again on the open airwaves. Hope these corporations are proud of the mess they've created. We all know they won't be around when the next generation has to try and clean it all up. Cue: Go On Take The Money And Run!
Pity Ray's life ended tragically the way it did. Something still doesn't smell right about that whole situation. Nonetheless, a tip of the hat to Mr.Taliaferro who most definitely would have told the nameless, faceless, clueless 'executives' at Cumulus exactly where to shove it and how.
Eighty years of local news talk history reduced to a sports betting station in 2022. CLUELESS AND PATHETIC.
Many conservatives ARE in fact the haters for the most part. Right wing talk radio has done more to divide this country than any other symptoms medium. Fox News, Sinclair Broadcasting, OAN, Cumulus have also added to the muck. A scourge on the fabric of America.
Divide and conquer. That’s the goal. All in the service of WS and the maintenance of the status quo i.e. the male patriarchy.
I don’t mind differences of opinion. But I can’t stand propaganda disguised as patriotism. And that’s what all these right wing media conglomerates have to offer. (Get ready for the War On Christmas faux outrage in 3..2..1. 🙄)
The demographics are a changing folks. Get used to it. All the American oligarchs money can no longer disguise their devious ways. Time to let some women and people of color in charge of things for a change. Because the men who’ve brought us to this point over the decades have practically driven the world to the brink of disaster through their avarice, greed and thirst for power at all cost. (Vladimir..Is that you?)
Armageddon anyone?? Joe Biden just spoke on it recently (That’s Dark Brandon for all you right wing diehards.) John Rothman would’ve done a great hour on this topic alone. But alas, Cumulus thinks we in the Bay Area wanna bet on birdie and become a community of gambaholics.
Ha! Less KGO means more time to read and further understand their wicked ways. Wokeness on steroids. That’s the goal. I know that freaks a-lot of you out. Good. Just channeling the spirit of Ray. lol
@1:11 I think alot of it actually started with the advent of the Comedy Central shows. See: Jon Leibowitz aka "Jon Stewart" and Stephen Colbert. The divisiveness, mocking, et al started there.
@1:11 you are rambling on just like Ray would have. Are you perhaps related?
"The demographics are a changing folks. Get used to it."
You're right. And those demographics are brown. Very conservative, Christian BROWN families. And you know what? Anyone who has been around these "demographics" as you categorize them (as I have) knows that they don't particularly care for the other demographics you just mentioned. Constant fighting. See: L.A. as an example. Also, all of the woke nonsense in this country is absolutely mocked and ridiculed by this new majority. See: any Latin America soccer match with 100,000 people chanting "puto". Change is coming, yes. And its going to be GRAND.
It seems hard to believe the "sports betting" topic, 24 hours a day 7 days a week, would bring in enough listeners to justify even the station's minimal operating budget. Wondering what other content they are planning to air? As far as Ray T, I think he'd focus on the one good thing about all this: The weeknight 7 pm - 1 am right-winger hosts are also bye-bye. I expect radio-investors will eventually pickup another station & start another live and local progressive-leaning Bay Area talk format programming schedule; definitely a lot of potential listeners in the area willing to support the station's advertisers in, let's say, a lucrative manner; I'm guessing this will resolve itself on its own. Just a matter of time.
I had the pleasure of taking over the time slot Ray occupied, and it was always nice when people would call/write to tell me I represented a lot of his viewpoints and was willing to call it like I see/saw it.
The difference between me, and all those who came before me, is I was actually calling people out while I was working there. Most of the others who had an issue with KGO 810 were let go, or commented under their collective breath. But not me. I called people out on the air. I called Ronnie Blowens out on the air for being completely full of shit. I called management out constantly, making jokes about them. I called out other hosts, stations, etc. I was told "we're all shouldn't do that..."
Yeah, fuck that. Fuck you.
There were people who tried to make that station a decent place when I was there. Paul Hosley was first, Jared Hart as well, but Cumulus was way too fucked up for that to happen. Then you had clowns like Metheny/Bloomquist, etc, and on and on, finally with Lee Hammer, the guy with the keys to the doors and the lights. That guy basically was the biggest yes man in the history of radio, just hoping to get his paycheck every month. And power to him, he managed to with a creative thought in his head.
The station didn't once create a talent in the last 20 years.
Meanwhile, podcasts seem to create talent all the time? The station couldn't find one? Any of the stations?
Anyway, good riddance.
I had everything to lose (and did), but I still put all on the line every time I turned on the microphone. For the rest of you? You didn't do shit since the "blood bath." Not one of your made any impact in the ratings, with the community, or any other way. But worse, not one of you had the guts to do what Ray T would have done. At least I could say I was willing to do that.
Look where doing and saying nothing got you.
And for you tough guy Panons (see, there's Qanon, the retards...and Panons, the gutless posters), you can eat my ass.
"For the rest of you? You didn't do shit since the "blood bath." Not one of your made any impact in the ratings, with the community, or any other way."
I found your 10-1a show entertaining, even it didn't last too long. Light and airy, to pass the time before falling asleep. And you got me into The War On Drugs(!). That is something to hang your hat on. Cheers.
Hey David. Great post. I for one enjoyed your KGO program immensely. Sometimes your rhetoric, maybe a little over the top, language occasionally on the coarse side, & maybe touched on some overly controversial topics; but as long as it's your honest opinion, good for you. I can live with that. The most recent batch of local & semi-local hosts? Ok, informative & entertaining; but more like oatmeal than chili.
Never listened to you, David Weintraub. Do you really believe you made an impact on KGO? I bet most other longtime listeners never heard you on air either.
This is astounding! What is the erudite and highly esteemed John Rothmann going to do now and what about his hundreds of thousands of unflinchingly loyal listeners?
Here’s where some of you continue to show your ignorance. You don’t understand how BUSINESSES work. I don’t care if you’re makin cars in Detroit or on the radio in San Francisco, if you talk shit about management, your ass is gonna be lookin for a new job. Yeah, the man whose name ends with two n’s or Ray could have stood up to management (whatever the hell that means), and they woulda be out the door. Some of you have obviously never held a real job or you’d know that.
Your comment is stupid and ignorant. If the ratings are good no one cares what is said about management. Besides that I never heard anyone talk "shit" about management and I listen all the time. Everyone spoke well of Lee Hammer, if anything was said about Cumulus it was done very diplomatically. Ray was let go on 11 years ago, Ronn was not because his contract was too expensive for Cumulus to buy him out. Not sure what the other hosts got if any other than a few weeks severance pay, but Rich can verify that Ronn's contract was written in such a way that it was hard for him to get fired without paying him the remainer of his contract.
I bet KGO has the best ratings it has seen in a while during the days the stunt loop is playing! Speaking of stunt loops they are rarly an indication of things to come. If the current stunt loop is acurate my guess is Steve Moskwitz bought the state and it will be 24/7 Bankruptcy advice with Ronnnn pimping Mexican travel for an hours Sundays at 7 PM
Ray Taliaferro was good by me. He made the time fly with interesting conversation and turned out a good show night after night without smooching anyone’s derrière. His show was one of many that made KGO the most interesting radio station in the Bay Area for 31 years. That mantle is available now to a radio executive with brass balls, male or female, ideas and money.
I hope another station will pick up Rothmann. He truly loves what he does and he is good at it. Michal Krasny was let go by KGO and he had 20+ good years hosting KQED's Forum program until he retired. Maybe KQED will look into Rothmann
The people meter encoders had a problem in which they did not encode properly on talk formats .Nielsen fixed this around three years ago. Way too late for the original kgo
KGO has been up and down in the 11 years when they first changes. However, those of us who loved the old KGO were grateful for what was left and the past few years it was much better than when they first went to news, and over the years they had some bad hosts. John and Pat were pro's, I liked Mark as well, and Chip was good for the afternoon drive. Now we are left with no local liberal voice in the Bay Area. It leaves a void for many of us.
Racists gonna racist. They like to hear the sound of their own bloviating. Gives them affirmation much like church. I believe in a Sky Daddy, yes I do!! And I’m gonna try and force you to believe in him too! 🙄 Christo fascists go away!
McDonald’s is the number one fast food joint.Try eating that crap five days a week and see how good you feel. Paging the defibrillator.
Right wing talk radio is poison propaganda point blank period. And is part of what has ruined this country. And believe me for all their Bubba and Fat Cat listeners there are millions more who see right through all their bullsh@t.
Rich, let's call a spade a spade... for months on here you've been absolutelty destroying KGO, KCBS, KNBR, KPIX, etc. Now that Cumulus shut KGO down permanently do you have any regrets? I mean radio is dying medium. You didn't even mention Alice 97.3 and Sarah & Vinnie's Morning Show that has been hemmoraging listners for years. Just look at how bad their numbers are? Any word if they are going to be fired since no one listens? Radio like newspapers is a dying medium.
KNBR Is NOT RADIO ! Listen to Slurp N Smac for 15 minutes - that is some seriously terrible banter. The FCC should pull their license for being so moronic because they contribute nothing in the public good
As mentioned I often listen to Tom Sullivan, the other hosts there I don't care much for. I guess from 9 a.m. to noon, they have whoever replaced Rush Limbaugh on. Joe McGinnis is on for 1 hour after Tom, he is a former sheriff, so he often talks law and order, and issue local to Sacramento, he is not bad, The guy they have on from 7p.m. to 10 p.m. is a lightweight, I can't really figure out what he is talking about, try to listen a few times, but he couldn't hold me attention. As for the signal, I use to live in Benicia and now live in Concord, and yes the signal is good. For awhile I was commuting from Concord to Palo Alto, and at least in my car I could get the signal all the way to the Peninsula. I would take 680 to Freemont and then 237 to 101 north, and no problem with the signal, same at night when I drove home where I would take the San Mateo bridge.
First heard Ray up in Redding (we could get the signal strong then) back in the early '80s. Small transistor radio. One earphone. Mono. He spoke from his heart, his soul, and didn't let you forget it. Had no time for posers or wannabes. Made complete sense out of (to my twelve-year old brain) complex issues. Did his show HIS way. Had poetry nights. Jazz nights. Was funny. Poignant. Emotional. Witty. Reverent. Polished. Angry. Pensive. Persuasive. Caring. Human. Loved when he did the KGO-For-A-Cure-Leukemia Radio-Thons. Didn't realize until much later that he was "a man of color". Didn't care. He was Ray. Appointment radio. When KGO _WAS_ KGO. Damn, I miss those times....
The only reason Ray had a job is that it allowed Mickie Luckoff to say to the EEOC police that he had an African American on the air for five hours a day. Box checked. The ratings didn't matter. In fact, they don't even do ratings in the overnight time period. Ray was terrible, just howled at the moon like a lunatic. Nobody cared.
ReplyDeleteThis 100%. The few times I listened I seriously went wtf is this shit?
DeleteHe was a blabbering fool. I heard him one night mocking the way people talked. I'm like really? You sound worse than George Takei. He wasn't as powerful or make as much of an impact as you think.
ReplyDeleteHe was the epitome of kiss-ass. The extra "n" at the end stood for 'NEVER enough ass-kissing for ME, Sir, NEVER'!
ReplyDeleteIndeed. Ray Taliaferro took no prisoners. He's the main reason I first started listening to KGO News Talk Radio 81 in the first place. His late night fiery tete-å-tetes with callers were fiery, enlightening and always entertaining. His passion about issues involving race, justice and civil rights were inspirational, motivational and more importantly rooted in TRUTH. And we all know, TRUTH HURTS. That's why certain groups try to deny, obfuscate and gaslight us all to death these days with right-wing radio talking points that have flooded the airwaves in part thanks to corporate media conglomerates like Cumulus.
ReplyDeleteLocal and community issues be dammed. Let's treat talk radio stations like a Wall-Mart chain. Allow people like Sean Hannity and Mark Levin to spread their bile across the nation. Let's invest in the next Rush (Rest In Piss) Limbaugh who can shovel their manure to the huddled masses of cousin loving folks in middle America. Guns, God, and Religion...Yee Haw!!! (With a side of HYPOCRISY and GREED.) Successful in dumbing down yet another generation of simpletons. And creating a cult of red necks who still think Orange Man won the election. (Newsflash: He lost. Get over it.) Ahh...isn't WS grand??
Now that's the kinda straight talk you would get from Ray Taliaferro. No chaser. Thankfully, KGO never censored him back in the day. Folks in Tiburon/Mill Valley/Lafayette..etc NEED to hear what makes them uncomfortable. And yes, he was never shy about calling out the hypocrites, fools, racists and liars ON-AIR (Here's looking at you...Cumulus). A refreshing era of vibrant local talk radio that sadly was buried with him. It has sense been systematically rooted out. And sadly will never come again on the open airwaves. Hope these corporations are proud of the mess they've created. We all know they won't be around when the next generation has to try and clean it all up. Cue: Go On Take The Money And Run!
Pity Ray's life ended tragically the way it did. Something still doesn't smell right about that whole situation. Nonetheless, a tip of the hat to Mr.Taliaferro who most definitely would have told the nameless, faceless, clueless 'executives' at Cumulus exactly where to shove it and how.
Eighty years of local news talk history reduced to a sports betting station in 2022. CLUELESS AND PATHETIC.
So if you are a liberal, your opinions are great but if you are a conservative, you are a hater. Ray was a big-time hater.
Delete2:16 Ray could have eaten you for lunch and not even burped.
DeleteBrian Copeland? How's the lawsuit?
DeleteMany conservatives ARE in fact the haters for the most part. Right wing talk radio has done more to divide this country than any other symptoms medium. Fox News, Sinclair Broadcasting, OAN, Cumulus have also added to the muck. A scourge on the fabric of America.
DeleteDivide and conquer. That’s the goal. All in the service of WS and the maintenance of the status quo i.e. the male patriarchy.
I don’t mind differences of opinion. But I can’t stand propaganda disguised as patriotism. And that’s what all these right wing media conglomerates have to offer. (Get ready for the War On Christmas faux outrage in 3..2..1. 🙄)
The demographics are a changing folks. Get used to it. All the American oligarchs money can no longer disguise their devious ways. Time to let some women and people of color in charge of things for a change. Because the men who’ve brought us to this point over the decades have practically driven the world to the brink of disaster through their avarice, greed and thirst for power at all cost. (Vladimir..Is that you?)
Armageddon anyone?? Joe Biden just spoke on it recently (That’s Dark Brandon for all you right wing diehards.) John Rothman would’ve done a great hour on this topic alone. But alas, Cumulus thinks we in the Bay Area wanna bet on birdie and become a community of gambaholics.
Ha! Less KGO means more time to read and further understand their wicked ways. Wokeness on steroids. That’s the goal. I know that freaks a-lot of you out. Good. Just channeling the spirit of Ray. lol
1:11 quit drinking the kool-aid.
Delete@5:32 he couldn't even start a lawnmower.
Delete@1:11 I think alot of it actually started with the advent of the Comedy Central shows. See: Jon Leibowitz aka "Jon Stewart" and Stephen Colbert. The divisiveness, mocking, et al started there.
Delete@1:11 you are rambling on just like Ray would have. Are you perhaps related?
Delete"The demographics are a changing folks. Get used to it."
You're right. And those demographics are brown. Very conservative, Christian BROWN families. And you know what? Anyone who has been around these "demographics" as you categorize them (as I have) knows that they don't particularly care for the other demographics you just mentioned. Constant fighting. See: L.A. as an example. Also, all of the woke nonsense in this country is absolutely mocked and ridiculed by this new majority. See: any Latin America soccer match with 100,000 people chanting "puto". Change is coming, yes. And its going to be GRAND.
It seems hard to believe the "sports betting" topic, 24 hours a day 7 days a week, would bring in enough listeners to justify even the station's minimal operating budget. Wondering what other content they are planning to air? As far as Ray T, I think he'd focus on the one good thing about all this: The weeknight 7 pm - 1 am right-winger hosts are also bye-bye. I expect radio-investors will eventually pickup another station & start another live and local progressive-leaning Bay Area talk format programming schedule; definitely a lot of potential listeners in the area willing to support the station's advertisers in, let's say, a lucrative manner; I'm guessing this will resolve itself on its own. Just a matter of time.
ReplyDeleteI had the pleasure of taking over the time slot Ray occupied, and it was always nice when people would call/write to tell me I represented a lot of his viewpoints and was willing to call it like I see/saw it.
ReplyDeleteThe difference between me, and all those who came before me, is I was actually calling people out while I was working there. Most of the others who had an issue with KGO 810 were let go, or commented under their collective breath. But not me. I called people out on the air. I called Ronnie Blowens out on the air for being completely full of shit. I called management out constantly, making jokes about them. I called out other hosts, stations, etc. I was told "we're all shouldn't do that..."
Yeah, fuck that. Fuck you.
There were people who tried to make that station a decent place when I was there. Paul Hosley was first, Jared Hart as well, but Cumulus was way too fucked up for that to happen. Then you had clowns like Metheny/Bloomquist, etc, and on and on, finally with Lee Hammer, the guy with the keys to the doors and the lights. That guy basically was the biggest yes man in the history of radio, just hoping to get his paycheck every month. And power to him, he managed to with a creative thought in his head.
The station didn't once create a talent in the last 20 years.
Meanwhile, podcasts seem to create talent all the time? The station couldn't find one? Any of the stations?
Anyway, good riddance.
I had everything to lose (and did), but I still put all on the line every time I turned on the microphone. For the rest of you? You didn't do shit since the "blood bath." Not one of your made any impact in the ratings, with the community, or any other way. But worse, not one of you had the guts to do what Ray T would have done. At least I could say I was willing to do that.
Look where doing and saying nothing got you.
And for you tough guy Panons (see, there's Qanon, the retards...and Panons, the gutless posters), you can eat my ass.
By the way, what's the line on Niners game?
"For the rest of you? You didn't do shit since the "blood bath." Not one of your made any impact in the ratings, with the community, or any other way."
DeleteHere's looking at you Pat, Nikki, and Chimp.
I found your 10-1a show entertaining, even it didn't last too long. Light and airy, to pass the time before falling asleep. And you got me into The War On Drugs(!). That is something to hang your hat on. Cheers.
DeleteHey David. Great post. I for one enjoyed your KGO program immensely. Sometimes your rhetoric, maybe a little over the top, language occasionally on the coarse side, & maybe touched on some overly controversial topics; but as long as it's your honest opinion, good for you. I can live with that. The most recent batch of local & semi-local hosts? Ok, informative & entertaining; but more like oatmeal than chili.
DeleteNever listened to you, David Weintraub. Do you really believe you made an impact on KGO? I bet most other longtime listeners never heard you on air either.
ReplyDelete1:46... the least talented voice ever on KGO was Mr. Weintraub.
DeleteI was so lacking in talent that Ronnie Blowens went to management and told them anyone else could sub for him but me. ANYONE.
DeleteMusta been because I was the LEAST talented guy. Couldn’t be another reason…
Anyway. Live life letting people know what’s right and wrong, and you won’t have to question if you should have said something.
This is astounding! What is the erudite and highly esteemed John Rothmann going to do now and what about his hundreds of thousands of unflinchingly loyal listeners?
ReplyDeleteClean up your language so we can have a dialogue on this very impressive issue
ReplyDeleteIt got me a 25 year career in a major market radio station with a clear channel and legacy calls. You sound bitter.
ReplyDeleteHere’s where some of you continue to show your ignorance. You don’t understand how BUSINESSES work. I don’t care if you’re makin cars in Detroit or on the radio in San Francisco, if you talk shit about management, your ass is gonna be lookin for a new job. Yeah, the man whose name ends with two n’s or Ray could have stood up to management (whatever the hell that means), and they woulda be out the door. Some of you have obviously never held a real job or you’d know that.
ReplyDeleteYour comment is stupid and ignorant. If the ratings are good no one cares what is said about management. Besides that I never heard anyone talk "shit" about management and I listen all the time. Everyone spoke well of Lee Hammer, if anything was said about Cumulus it was done very diplomatically. Ray was let go on 11 years ago, Ronn was not because his contract was too expensive for Cumulus to buy him out. Not sure what the other hosts got if any other than a few weeks severance pay, but Rich can verify that Ronn's contract was written in such a way that it was hard for him to get fired without paying him the remainer of his contract.
Deleteno noory ufo reports..a coverup !
ReplyDeletehaha. I think he's on 560 now.
DeleteIt's taken about 24 hours but Cumulus has become a more despised owner in that time then John Cumlous IS the John Fisher of corporate radio
ReplyDeleteNow where are we going to be able to discuss Draymond Green - Jordon Poole altercation?
ReplyDeleteI bet KGO has the best ratings it has seen in a while during the days the stunt loop is playing! Speaking of stunt loops they are rarly an indication of things to come. If the current stunt loop is acurate my guess is Steve Moskwitz bought the state and it will be 24/7 Bankruptcy advice with Ronnnn pimping Mexican travel for an hours Sundays at 7 PM
ReplyDeletelol ... definitely got a chuckle from me. What''s more, seems more truth than hyperbole.
DeleteRay Taliaferro was good by me. He made the time fly with interesting conversation and turned out a good show night after night without smooching anyone’s derrière. His show was one of many that made KGO the most interesting radio station
ReplyDeletein the Bay Area for 31 years.
That mantle is available now to a radio executive with brass balls, male or female, ideas and money.
I hope another station will pick up Rothmann. He truly loves what he does and he is good at it. Michal Krasny was let go by KGO and he had 20+ good years hosting KQED's Forum program until he retired. Maybe KQED will look into Rothmann
ReplyDeleteYou are and have always been a toxic weasel Weintraub. The fact you were hired at KGO in the first place was evidence the place was doomed.
ReplyDeleteSo KGO was a powerhouse until the People Meters arrived. Therefore how much of a powerhouse were they, REALLY????
The people meter encoders had a problem in which they did not encode properly on talk formats .Nielsen fixed this around three years ago. Way too late for the original kgo
DeleteI just don't understand why this gets so much attention. They killed the real KGO 11 years ago. This was the Zombie KGO.
ReplyDeleteKGO has been up and down in the 11 years when they first changes. However, those of us who loved the old KGO were grateful for what was left and the past few years it was much better than when they first went to news, and over the years they had some bad hosts. John and Pat were pro's, I liked Mark as well, and Chip was good for the afternoon drive. Now we are left with no local liberal voice in the Bay Area. It leaves a void for many of us.
DeleteRay reminded me of Dr. Smith from Lost in space. He was naturally funny. Every so often I have some sweet potato pie and ice tea and reminisce.
ReplyDeleteNo, no, no, no mam. No, do not quote the Bible to me
ReplyDeleteRay Taliaferro
Ray was an interesting guy, when he was good he was real good, when he was bad.....he was still better then Chip Franklin !
ReplyDeleteWow. Non-stop sports gambling talk on KGO. I guess Ronnnn really was ahead of the curve, after all!
ReplyDeleteYou see, we here at Cumulus put community as our #1 priority.
DeleteLet’s be honest, the bloviating by Lush Rimbaugh was the dying Canary in the coal mine for honest, straight, thoughtful discussion. Rot in hell Rush
ReplyDelete12:47.... How are Hannity's and Mark L's ratings ?? Bile you say, seems like that's what people want to hear. Numbers don't lie.
ReplyDeleteRacists gonna racist. They like to hear the sound of their own bloviating. Gives them affirmation much like church. I believe in a Sky Daddy, yes I do!! And I’m gonna try and force you to believe in him too! 🙄 Christo fascists go away!
DeleteMcDonald’s is the number one fast food joint.Try eating that crap five days a week and see how good you feel. Paging the defibrillator.
Right wing talk radio is poison propaganda point blank period. And is part of what has ruined this country. And believe me for all their Bubba and Fat Cat listeners there are millions more who see right through all their bullsh@t.
Don't forget to go vote!!!
DeleteRich, let's call a spade a spade... for months on here you've been absolutelty destroying KGO, KCBS, KNBR, KPIX, etc. Now that Cumulus shut KGO down permanently do you have any regrets? I mean radio is dying medium. You didn't even mention Alice 97.3 and Sarah & Vinnie's Morning Show that has been hemmoraging listners for years. Just look at how bad their numbers are? Any word if they are going to be fired since no one listens? Radio like newspapers is a dying medium.
ReplyDeleteKNBR Is NOT RADIO ! Listen to Slurp N Smac for 15 minutes - that is some seriously terrible banter. The FCC should pull their license for being so moronic because they contribute nothing in the public good
ReplyDeleteI replaced KGO with KBFK 1530. The signal is good in the East Bay.
ReplyDeleteAs mentioned I often listen to Tom Sullivan, the other hosts there I don't care much for. I guess from 9 a.m. to noon, they have whoever replaced Rush Limbaugh on. Joe McGinnis is on for 1 hour after Tom, he is a former sheriff, so he often talks law and order, and issue local to Sacramento, he is not bad, The guy they have on from 7p.m. to 10 p.m. is a lightweight, I can't really figure out what he is talking about, try to listen a few times, but he couldn't hold me attention. As for the signal, I use to live in Benicia and now live in Concord, and yes the signal is good. For awhile I was commuting from Concord to Palo Alto, and at least in my car I could get the signal all the way to the Peninsula. I would take 680 to Freemont and then 237 to 101 north, and no problem with the signal, same at night when I drove home where I would take the San Mateo bridge.
DeleteAnother good alternative is KSRO- also heard in the East Bay
DeleteSince Iv'e had a Sirius XM subscription, local radio is useless. Other than the few jazz stations in the Bay Area I have no need.
ReplyDeleteFirst heard Ray up in Redding (we could get the signal strong then) back in the early '80s. Small transistor radio. One earphone. Mono. He spoke from his heart, his soul, and didn't let you forget it. Had no time for posers or wannabes. Made complete sense out of (to my twelve-year old brain) complex issues. Did his show HIS way. Had poetry nights. Jazz nights. Was funny. Poignant. Emotional. Witty. Reverent. Polished. Angry. Pensive. Persuasive. Caring. Human. Loved when he did the KGO-For-A-Cure-Leukemia Radio-Thons. Didn't realize until much later that he was "a man of color". Didn't care. He was Ray. Appointment radio. When KGO _WAS_ KGO.
ReplyDeleteDamn, I miss those times....