Sunday, October 9, 2022

KRON Better Pay Kyla Grogan

KRON added Kyla Grogan to its weather anchor roster in July.

Her presence there has added a strong, vibrant image and she's clearly one of the station's emerging personalities. Just the other day during a "Fleet Week" presentation, Grogan gave a pulse to Ken Wayne. The usually robotic Wayne shined and it was entirely due to Grogan's interaction. She's far more pithier than mere weather anchoring and outside stations and markets are aware.

Grogan, if used right, could be a significant personality and much-needed gusto to KRON's platforms but they better hurry up and pay her, not just the meager amount they currently are proposing.

Grogam loves the Bay Area and wants to remain here but she has LA in her front-view mirror.

Get her done, KRON.

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  1. I saw that Blue Angel show they did last week, it was really great! I hope we see Kyla doing more assignments like that. And I hope she stays in the bay too. It seems like she has family here.

  2. KRON seems to be getting all the good people. Now hire Mark Ibanez I say.

  3. She is smart and talented. Keep moving her up.

  4. I vote yes on Kyla. Especially when they show her full length. Those legs are everything.

  5. An intelligent, articulate, attractive woman.Consider her gone. Unicorns can't survive or flourish in a sea of incompetence.

  6. KRON is pushing for a quality newscast with substance unlike the other three that are into the cheapest way possible mode. And still make money!

  7. Meh, I find Kyla, while better than others KRON has had, a bit tattered. She's okay, nothing special. As for KRON in's still a piece of trash.

  8. Why would KTVU need a highly competent beautiful meteorologist like Kyla when they already have Elvira and Posemary? A combined 135 years old.
