Monday, October 10, 2022

Early Betting Odds on New KGO Radio --And Soon KNBR? Pronto

I'm listening to the "new" Bay Area radio station, formerly KGO and I'm "betting" it's gonna be a loser, those are my odds, slightly worse than KNBR.

It's 2-1 odds, this new station, called "The Spread" will last a Las Vegas second.

Even money: every Cumulus exec in SF was told by their boss not to buy a house.

50-1: KNBR could go the way of KGO and I'd take that bet any day.

Parlay: KNBR goes all-bets, KGO "The Spread" t-shirts start appearing on Tenderloin hookers and Larry Blumhagen calls it a sad/great day.

7-5: Cumulus sales guys tell prospective ad buyers, "if you buy a spot on new KGO, we'll give you a freebie on KNBR!."

100-1: Mark Thompson's new podcast producer, "fresh Albert", buys lunch for Mark's new girlfriend.

Even money: New KGO PD, Kevin Graham will deflect bird poop from his mouth.

2-1: Lee Hammer meets with Blumhagen and Larry asks Lee if he'd consider some Cumulus stock options: Lee Hammer says no.

10-1: Paulie Mac, the KNBR wacky man, asked to make a song about KGO and KNBR synergy: "Bet-be-ballad-bay, SF bay."

Brian Murphy says, "yeah, yeah, yeah."


  1. If KGO really wants to go all the way, maybe they could have some of those important vitamin news interviews where the expert also happens to have the phone number to buy the very vitamin that is going to change your life!

  2. From your mouth to GOD'S ears ,Rich

  3. I listened to it for the first 10 seconds via Audacy app, and I can tell you it’s horrible where it’s going through now.

    I need to start working on the station dials in all my cars.

    Now my next question is going to be when people vote “No” on sports betting propositions and that passes, what will happen then to this station? I hope people will vote “No” and we can see where the fate lies after that.

    1. The only sports betting show on radio worth a damn was Lee Pete’s Stardust Line on KDWN Las Vegas. It ran 7 days week, 10pm-12m from the late 1970’s thru the late 1990’s

  4. Are we sure this whole format switch isn’t an extended April fool joke to generate buzz about KGO - and go back to news talk when the chorus of outrage over this crappy betting show gets loud enough? Kind of like the New Coke, which I believe was a marketing ploy to revive interest in the old coke?

  5. "The Spread" Sounds like a YouTube Porn Channel.

  6. Another awful sports station. Along with 95.7, 1050, 680. Listening to Rome now talking about fat McNabb. Couldn't stand him before, can't stand him now. Gave this station 5 minutes, that is it, never again. Off to Bloomberg.

  7. 36-C: Pat Thurston needs to update her resume.

    1. R0nnNnn Owens says he is really excited about the new KGO format.

  8. 5150: We haven't heard anything from CC on KGO's demise. Or have we? Anonymous anyone?

    1. Christine Craft, please check in here!

    2. A person can take only so many personal insults.

    3. Yet I see that person insulting others on MSN quite often.

    4. Does this mean we won’t hear Craft sing “Slap the Ham” for Christmas?

  9. Cleanup-Aisle10: Nikki on the loudspeaker at her new job.

    1. She will suck there too

    2. Nikki and her former partner should try to pair up again and go syndicated. "Nikki and the Chimp".

  10. I wasn't listening to KGO before, and I won't be listening to this dreck (other than Rome, who isn't dreck, but these days is far removed from his best), even though I'm a huge sports fan.

    1. Rome is garbage and always has been.

  11. I too tuned in this morning, I'm not into sports, especially sports that is being talked about on the radio, so not a good judge. I have to agree with Rich, I doubt this will be succesful. I was just curious what the new station would sound like. I will tune in a few more times, wondering what will be broadcast at night and week ends, will they include some syndicated shows, or will it be paid infomercials. I'm off work today, and need to do some reorganizing in my garage and bedroom, I already miss Mark, Pat and John. I know many posters suggest podcast or streaming, and I will look into that, but the reason I like my little portable radio is, I could take it with me from room to room and if some host were talking about something I didn't care about, I had other preset stations. I'm not about to log my computer with me to the garage.

    1. Do they still call the station "KGO 810"? Or is it called "The Spread"?... Anyway, I assume there will be a lot of sports talk and if KNBR sports talk can succeed, I dont know why this format will necessarily fail.

  12. Spread that shit out ....

    1. LOL. Sandwich Spread and Legs Spread are the two things that come to mind upon hearing the new moniker. Both seem dirty yet possibly compatible in this day and age.

      Ahh…The Sports Leader, The Game and now The Spread. Where men sit around and talk about, worship and fan girl over other more athletic men who play professional sports. And now wager tips as well. Riiveting. Yawn. Paging Sigmond Freud.

      Just tuned in to The Spread and tuned right out after five minutes. Unlistenable. KNBR already has a lock on AM mediocrity. I give this new crap three months.🥱🤸‍♀️🚫

  13. Bret Burkhart flew the coop just in time.

  14. Like Rome a hell of a lot more than Thompson!

  15. will miss Pat 12-4, John 4-7 and Michael Finney 2 hours on weekends yes. But otherwise, nothing else. The "new" channel has Jim Rome and betting stuff. I will give it a try, as I like to throw a bet down now and then. Truth, it was over after 2011. So, no tears here. We move on.

  16. Toss another addiction log on the fire. Way this world is going, speed up the process.

  17. “I’m FLABBERGASTED” KGO ‘The SPREAD’ 810 🤮

  18. The worst idea I've ever heard, this new format will never last.

  19. Aside from the economics of this move, as in lowering KGO's operating cost, who thought this was a 'good' idea? The Bay area is not a mecca of sports betting; yes our home teams are beloved, but where was the research that indicated this was the next big thing? (I know, there was not any - sigh).

  20. I like what SF Gate put on their latest KGO story - "KGO officially jumps in the sports gambling toilet" - Looks like they think it will sink.

  21. damn i miss the news every 30 minutes ,and the no lead wiener commercials

  22. The ONLY benefit of their pulling the plug on KGO is the financial shows disappearing on the weekends.

    Lost in all of this conversation is Leo Laporte being gone as well.

    1. Do we know that financial and other infomercials are gone?

    2. Losing over the air Leo Laporte is sad, too. Yes, his shows are available elsewhere; just for some reason, I really appreciated his show by radio.

  23. Where can I go now to find sensible comments about the conflict in the world? I mean, is three another outlet for caller Rama's wisdom?

    1. Rama called into Jim Bohannon's show once. Jim dug a little deeper. Rama was or is a street musician.

  24. Caller Rama is dead. Glad your such an avid listener.

    1. When? I heard him on KGO a few months back calling into the national show after Rothmann.

    2. Yes, Rama called often, John announced on his program a few years back that he had heard from a friend of Rama that he passed away. It was mentioned after that, so if the poster missed it that is understandable, no one can listen all the time.

    3. It was fairly recently, definitely this year. I think it was in July or August when John announced on the air that Rama had passed away. I emailed John at the time and expressed my condolences. I didn't know Rama in real life, but we regular KGO listeners really did feel like a family. Rama was a frequent caller, and his sudden absence was noticeable.

  25. I haven't listened to it yet, but I'm guessing KGO is getting paid to run the programming by the producers of the shows. So little need for a sales department or concern about ratings.

    1. need for a PD either. Just stealing money.

  26. Where is the new programming originating from? A shopping center in Des Moines?

    1. A neighborhood thats been taken over somewhere in Portland or Seattle. Maybe a home thats been taken over in Oakland. Moms for Housing like to drop a little money on the games.

  27. No fears, Dougie Andrews still scamming listeners "new" kgo "old" kgo dont matter..

  28. Just tuned in to "The Spread". Good god, all they are talking about is sports betting, which team, why and how much. This is absolutely nauseating. I feel like the mafia is back in full force. OK, maybe a place for this on some small low watt radio station, but on a former great 50k watt station. What is this world coming to. A waste of band width.

  29. I forgot to even listen to KGO810am until ~1600 hrs. (now aka "810theSpread". There were two folks speaking, a male and female, with voices sounding as if they're about 16 yrs old, not that there's anything wrong with that, and talking in depth about some unknown upcoming "Raiders" game and the odds of what. They're now referring to a "Bengals" game. I'm definitely not a sports person and can't even follow what is being talked about.
    The commercial ads during the break were regarding some kind of beef jerky and then some type of insurance to choose.
    I really can't relate, follow, or understand what's being said.
    The most interesting 20 minutes was the beef jerky commercial, but the high sodium content wasn't even mentioned.:(

  30. Great start the website is not working. surprised they moved the MNF game to a stronger signal than 1050

  31. Now they have MNF on.

  32. I removed KGO from my car presets today :-( Thank God for satellite radio. I "bet" this gambling format fails in under 2 years. If that.

  33. The spread is a fucking embarrassment! I'll only listen when they broadcast sporting events

  34. The Spread will soon be the Dead based on what I heard. Sports betters are on their phones getting the exact info they want right now, not waiting around for some grating commentator to say something relevant.
    Time for Bill Gates to buy the station and run it as a non profit liberal outpost, an island of sanity in a sea of conservative talk radio madness.
