Friday, October 7, 2022

Exclusive: KGO Radio Talker, Pat Thurston Reaction to Latest Purge --"Not a Huge Surprise But a Huge Disappointment"

I MADE CONTACT with veteran KGO Radio talk host, Pat Thurston--she began her stint at KGO in 2004 and was one of those let go on Thursday.

"Jack Swanson opened KGO's doors to me when it was still the greatest talk station in history. It was there that I worked and befriended the greats, most importantly Gene Burns. We became friends and he became my mentor. It was an amazing environment to be immersed in and I will always be grateful.

When the station sold to Cumulus it didn’t take long before the greats were laid off and the long time talk format was changed to all news. Odd since KCBS already owned that niche but we worked hard to make it work The format was changed again, more than once, and it is true that Cumulus put a lot of money into it. But the brass never really got it right. Finally when they realized we needed to go back to what put us on the map in the first place-real talk radio, they were done with investing in us. There were lots of personnel cuts, more responsibilities on the shoulders of fewer people, salary cuts … and as we had fewer and less, they expected more and better in our performance.

So this decision was not a huge surprise but it was a huge disappointment. We had some good things going for us - great people doing their best and management that believed in us. Morale lifted and the ratings began to increase with each book recently. Still not what they should be but they were getting better, headed in the right direction.

My colleagues were dedicated and truly cared about the on air product. We had fun, worked hard and grew close. Sure there was room for improvement but we did a lot with the little we had to work with. I’m sad today, heartbroken. Because I saw the potential. I don’t see the potential in a sports betting format. I saw the benefit of a local station with local issues in addition to national and world affairs where local listeners were part of the show, participating. No one else was really doing that. Our listeners too are gobsmacked by KGOs demise.

There were a lot of people behind the scenes who lost their jobs and who most listeners never heard of, but they were pros. Good, dedicated, reliable and talented people. And there was Lee Hammer who all of us looked up to.

I will miss all of my colleagues, and I love every one of them. This truly is the death knell of the goat in radio.

And yes Rich this happening so close to the important elections is also egregiously disappointing."



  1. The ratings were improving? how so?

    1. If they had kept Armstrong and Getty they might have.

    2. This is a catastrophe,go to dumps cumulus, slowly destroying great station reflecting San Francisco legacy

  2. Pat Thurston is being diplomatic because she probably is keeping the door open to possible part time work again somewhere in radio. But for her to absurdly comment that cumulus put a lot of money into KGO? Seriously? That’s like saying “Donald Trump made America GREAT again!” The day cumulus walked in the door they started to eviscerate KGO. Their other ‘properties’ including KNBR had already been downsized and dumbed down a few years before. Now, fresh with media baron zeal,
    they enthusiastically sliced up KGO and fed it to the dogs. Anyone who has been listening to KGO the last 11 years knows that this was just the final nail in the coffin. Companies such as I-Heart, Audacy, (or whatever the hell They call themselves these days,) and Cumulus have ruined our broadcasting industry. They are the ones who are responsible for putting verbal-vomit spewing blowhards such as Sean Hannity, Michael Savage and the late Rush Limbaugh into syndication, and throwing out local news and talk show hosts and other professionally trained broadcasters.
    Is it any wonder that the American public has been dumbed down?

    1. Critical thinking has gone by way of the Dodo. The average Americans attention span lasts as long as a fart in the wind.People are attached to their electronic pacifiers and are incapable of wiping their own ass without an app. Shits about to get real here and the unease is palpable. Cumulus, Audacy are just serving their masters. Everyone else is cannon fodder. Keep the servile sheep distracted in their pen.

    2. Covering the news costs money, while talk show listeners provide free content.

    3. Thanks Bill Clinton for signing all of this into law.

    4. So crazy I've been listening to it for years you know over 30 years and sometimes I disagree and sometimes I think it's a bunch of hogwash but still it's a voice and primarily a liberal voice trying to shut down everything just make everything like Kmart you know the news me the Cumulus owns several stations and they want to control the narrative scary it's going to become some kind of betting channel sports and betting channel I think they're banking on winning that that vote coming up

    5. I think they want to make the news generic and not have any local news to speak of etc. and not too far left opinions it's a Brave New World Or 1984 baby

    6. The "Sunny Hostin" of radio stations !

    7. I felt assaulted by the experience that talk radio was gone suddenly without any warning. The proverbial carpet pulled out from under me as well as others, I'm sure, to flail, unbalanced until falling with the reality of having life change yet again. Personally, I have listened 5 days a week from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. Monday through Friday since my retirement a year ago. It kept me sane, connected to the world, and able to take action. Now there's nothing comparable. God help us!

  3. To 8:48 AM: No surprise that companies would capitalize on the misdeeds of Fairness Doctrine Destroyer Ronald Reagan and Deregulation Champion Clinton. But what you write is 100% correct; now get ready for all the rabid right-wingers here to respond with abusive nonsense of the "so glad we'll be spared more kgo commie drivel" type.

    1. Yes commie drivel and the oozing deplorables hatred...
      Even after all the revelations that it was Hillary the DNC and the FBI that were the true russian collaberators !
      Especially Pat! She loved propagating the deranged "Putin Puppet" lie !
      The whole lineup had contempt for populist Americans and tarred them with the MSM lies of being insurrectionists, racist misogynists, white supremacists ,homophobes etc.etc.etc.
      Americans are starting to realize leftists are "Bat S@*t Crazy"
      wich is alienated an ever growing potion of KGOs audience .
      Shouldnt have run off Armstrong and Getty ! They may have kept your ratings up....

    2. I miss Pat, Katz, Mark, Kim and John! I’m so hoping they can be on again somewhere. Somehow. I learned so much from them. Heavy Sigh….

    3. @10:02 Couldn't agree more.

    4. Miss all the great , forget the sports

  4. If there is a bright side to losing KGO radio for the listeners, it has to be NO MORE KARS FOR KIDS KOMMERCIALS and now a vacant pre-set button on our car radios.
    What are you going to set your pre-set button to now?

    1. Of course you are, 1:57, of course you are. So it matches all the other buttons on your radio, already set to KSFO 560.

    2. Or 860 . Where true libertarianism is spoken.

    3. Bloomberg 960 AM, KCBS 740 AM, KQED 88.5 FM and will probably try out a few other FM stations to see if I like any. Still resisting Podcasting.

  5. As of now at least, archived shows of Pat Thurston, John Rothmann are still available online via the Omny service. Other now-former KGO hosts’ past shows may similarly be stockpiled.

    Just search for ‘Pat Thurston Omny’ and ‘John Rothmann Omny’. Prompts should pop up for ‘Pat Thurston Podcasts’ and ‘John Rothmann Clips’ respectively from that Omny archiving service.

    How much longer archived shows will be streamable is anyone’s guess.

  6. 1. I'm not looking to re-join Cumulus. In this business you really don't ever know when you may team up again with someone you never thought you would, but that's not really in the cards for me in any foreseeable future.
    2. Cumulus put a ton of money into KGO - at the start. They took us to an all news format (other than Ronn Owens) which is massively expensive. They remodeled Hawthorne to be a real, modern connected newsroom with all the bells and whistles, lots of reporters, anchors, assignment editors, new director .... When they moved us into our new digs on Battery, again a major renovation to accommodate our news product.
    As that news format failed, which it was destined to do, they started hiring "talk show hosts" at high salaries with a still functioning news department. All of that is very very expensive and they ponied up the dough.
    We had a program director who said the talk shows must all focus on the 7 f's in order to garner a female listenership. I don't remember what they all were but they included fun, family, finance, food, fitness and other stuff. I guess women couldn't bother their pretty little minds with real issues, politics, hard news. At least that's how it felt.
    Mary Berner once told me that they had put tons of money into KGO and I told her they put it in the wrong places. They made wrong decisions about what KGO's place in the market should be, what local talk radio is to a community and how to carry it out. Still they tried to force their wrong ideas and failed.
    So the money when down the toilet, along with the local management staff.
    Big cuts followed.
    Then they fired most of the news people, giving the two remaining all the responsibilities previously handled by the full news staff. That fancy news room was empty. Almost all the support staff had already been put on part time status, saving the company from paying benefits. Part timers began to get cut too. And supplies. I used to bring in staples and had my own supplies of office supplies because I couldn't count on there being any at the station. Each time someone's Personal Services Agreement expired, they were given a pay cut. Ultimately they fired all the producers, eliminated one of the live talk shows and expected the remaining producers - no longer called producers - to spread out to cover multiple shows. It soon was obvious that that would never work. They tried to adjust, again without spending a dime. It was better, but far far below optimal.
    So they refused to invest in us as an all talk station, they burdened all of us with more work and less pay, gave us a skeleton support crew, they would not market us - but they expected that we should be able to thrive. You gotta spend money to make money.
    I do not fault the current management in San Francisco. But I personally believe that at the end, we were set up to fail.

    And yeah, it hurts.

    Pat Thurston

    1. ... not to mention the hosts of the remaining talk shows sucked.

    2. The only thing I miss is Mark Thompson. The rest of you suck e specially Nikki, Kim, and you.

    3. I tried to listen to John Rothman, but it seemed like he moved further Left. Obsessed w January 6th.

      Gene Burns could see multiple sides, so could Dr. Bill.

    4. Pat's comments is spot on, she was on the inside she should know, I love all those armchair commenters here. They only see it from their perspective, if they are conservative, they don't see the need for liberal talk radio, they have trouble entertaining the idea that some of us think different than they do. John talked about Jan. 6th, of course I don't think he was obsessed with it, but when your government is almost overthrown and people are chanting "hang the vice president and speaker Pelosi, it seems any clear thinking American would be a little obsessed with finding out what happened and how to prevent it from happening again.

      Hanna in Concord

      P.S. Pat I emailed you often and John as well, I already miss you. I was getting ready for a garage sale today and had looked forward to you Mark and John keeping me company, informing and entertaining me. Instead I listened to Tom Sullivan (Sacramento) who is one of the more reasonable conservatives, as opposed to Levin and Hannity, KCBS and music. Yes you are all missed and will be for a long time.

    5. I'm thanking the Lord today that I won't have to hear David Katz any longer.

    6. You never had to hear David Katz, all you have to do is turn the dial when there's something you don't like. Not exactly brain surgery, sounds like you just like to complain for the sake of complaining.

    7. Pat is a fantastic talk show host. Uniquely qualified. She listened to both sides and asked those who disagreed to substantiate claims and she presented facts. I really really miss her. I got such a lift from Mark. Kim is a sweetheart and John a good teacher. Katz amazing. They all taught me so much. I love and miss them. Just when they were bringing KGO back.

    8. I am really going to miss you Pat, and I know many others feel the same way. It makes me very sad that KGO is going to sports betting.

    9. There are very few places in America where anything other than right wing nonsense can be heard. Support for an attempted overthrow of our democracy, the denigration of institutions that are there to protect us, and the wanton disregard for the health of our planet are all we get from the right. I've listened to KGO since 1973 and Pat was my all time favorite host. Loved Mark and John too.

  7. I wish there was a way to keep Pat and the others on the air. It’s frustrating that the Bay Area is so limited with talk show options. Here’s hoping a non cumulus station picks them up

  8. Pat and John are learning a tough lesson today -- if you go "woke," you go broke. They worked for a white elephant. KGO might have been the last liberal newstalk station in the U.S. The surviving newstalk stations across the country are conservative.

    The choice of a sports format is baffling. We've already got KNBR, KNBR's little brother 1050 and The Game 95.7. This isn't a sports market like Boston or Chicago. Fans only follow a team when they're winning, but the rest of the time the ratings are tepid.

    1. Go "woke and go broke" is nonsense. Just look at The Young Turks for example. They started off with a small radio talk show then Youtube channel. Now they get millions of views for their videos and they have their own cable channel. They have billions of views for their youtube videos altogether. Then you have most popular TV shows and movies with what you would call liberal leaning or "woke" values. In fact the only movies I see with a conservative theme are those crapola straight to DVD "Christian" movies that usually have c-listers as actors. Radio in general is just going down in the terms of listeners because there is so much more online that suits their needs. If you want more evidence that "go woke, go broke" is total bull, just look at how much money the most popular content producers that are "woke" as compared to more conservative media. Amazon, Disney, Hulu and Paramount, haver you seen the massive number of "woke" shows they put out and are making billions off of?

    2. Hey 12:11, it has nothing to do with wokeness. Get your head out of your bias.

      AM radio, as a medium, is in its death throes. The trajectory's been obvious (at least to some of us) for a decade. With the exception of public radio stations (i.e., NPR-type stations like KQED or KALW, Pacifica, classical, college stations, etc.), stations survive on advertising. And most advertisers, and their agencies and time buyers, don't spend their cash trying to reach the over-55's. Now couple that with the FACT that the vast majority of people under 60 grew up on FM and rarely, if ever, switch their radios to the AM band, and you don't need a PhD to see that AM stations have descended into a world of hurt.

      So how can they survive? If they're like KCBS or KNBR, they get an FM simulcast and pretend the AM side doesn't exist. The others have to attract the only people willing to listen, which is the 60-death demographic, and Right Wing Radio has been one of the few vehicles able to achieve that. (Why not left-wing, progressive equivalents, you ask? They're mostly listening to those NPR stations, because they prefer light over heat, information over bombast.) But now even Right Wing Radio is dying, because they overdid it, began to believe their own bullshit, became intoxicated on the sweet, sweet aroma of their own farts, and went insane. Also because their audience is, quite literally, dying off.

      So what's left? Turning off the transmitter? Turning in the FCC license? In KGO's case (following the lead of a few other stations around the country already trying this), they decided to jump on the Sports Betting bandwagon. "Let's beat everyone else to the punchbowl and have a sport betting station in place for when Prop 26 and/or 27 passes next month, so we can be positioned to get a big chunk of those casino and FanDuel ad buys." Of course this is Cumulus, and both Prop 26 and 27 look like they're about to go over the cliff. Gotta wonder what Plan F (or is it Plan G, or H, by now?) is going to look like after this next bright idea goes up in flames, one more sacrificial goat for the Cumulus Brain Trust. Again. Rinse and repeat until the subject's completely hairless.

  9. Honestly Rich I appreciate your reporting on the situation and I thoroughly enjoyed your post about John Rothmann but I couldn't give two shits less about what Pat Thurston has to say. I wouldn't give 15 shits about what Nikki has to say so Pat ranks a little better in that regard.

    1. Fortunately some of the "Classy" listeners will no longer be a part of the KGO family as well

    2. Yes, you are a great humanitarian...

    3. it's okay 12:41, no one wants your shit anyway.

  10. I appreciate and enjoyed Pat Thurston so much. I will miss she and John R. immensely. The only thing I won't miss are the aforementioned Kars for Kids commercials. I'm with 10:29.
    Thanks Pat and John... hope to listen to you again one day.

    1. I just don't understand why people like Rothmann and Thurston doesn't just put up a channel on Twitch and do shows. That's how Joe Rogan got started. It's very simple, I'm sure they would instantly have an audience to build on. I'm watching Twitch talk show channels with tens of thousands of viewers. I guess they could be restricted with clauses in their contracts that won't allow them to do that for a while. But if they could do shows like that, they would never have to worry about getting fired.

  11. Certainly Cumulus and deregulation made KGO's problems worse.
    But people in the Bay Area need to look at themselves in the mirror.
    Face the fact that in the most liberal Metropolitan area of the United States, they can't support even one moderatly progressive true radio talk show.
    Whereas all over the nation and even in the Bay Area, right-wing talk radio thrives. (When did KSFO pass KGO in the ratings).
    Something wrong with the offerings, or you must conclude even the Bay Area population is not as woke as the media portrays.
    Name a moderate KGO host that had views like those of Gene Burns or Jim Eason, both very popular and interesting, yet far from adequately woke by today's standards.

    1. Simple, spend no money, no ratings. If you keep firing people, have a skeleton crew, put conservative hosts on in evening, and all syndicated infomercials all weekend, what do you expect. Lame analysis by you.

    2. 2:08 PM... Oh yeah, if KGO only had "more money" then it would have been a success like it was 30 years ago.
      If only San Francisco could only spend more on the homeless then the streets would be like they were 30 years ago.
      If only newspapers spent more money, the subscriptions wouldn't be down 65% compared to 30 years ago.
      Triple the budget at KGO and you might increase the ratings by 25%... still not even up to the level of KSFO.
      Face it, progressive leaning listeners simply don't listen to KGO or any talk radio. KGO Isn't in their ear buds or at the kitchen table.
      Mostly old folks were listening...who are voting with their pocket books (making advertisers not willing to buy time)

    3. < the Bay Area population is not as woke as the media portrays

      This is it. The Bay Area as a whole is having massive problems with affordability. Take Cupertino for example. Minimum $2 million or so for a home. Population is White, Chinese and Indian. Tons of NIMBYism. Doctors, lawyers and tech bros galore don't want the lower class in their city. They even fight affordable housing constantly. Multiply this by many cities across the region and it shows that it's not as "woke" as "Building a better Bay Area", "Moms 4 Housing", Libby et all would have you believe.

      It's just surprising how all of these moronic politicians keep getting elected and re-elected across the Bay Area. That's probably coming close to an end.

    4. KSFO is no ratings giant, they were neck and neck with KGO on the bottom of the ratings. Liberal KQED news/talk is very high in comparison

  12. Pat, tell us something good like that you will do your best to establish some type of weekly (ideally daily) podcast. I especially will miss your inciteful interviews of the numerous knowledgeable guests you have established relationships with. For more information about podcasting on-the-cheap, consider contacting former hosts such as Peter B Collins, Karel, Mark Thompson, Brian Copeland, and a few others to get tips on how to make this work. Also consider contacting Michael Moore who always starts his podcasts by promoting the free podcasting creation/distribution app Anchor.FM. Another podcaster that is very approachable is Nicole Sandler (just find her website). I loved listening to all of you guys but the interviews you did made you my absolute favorite.

  13. Honestly, I would like to see more of the echo Chambers that do nothing more than provide a confirmation bias to a tribal narrative go defunct. Formats that provide Point Counterpoint and long form formats with guests allowing them to talk and share their opinions are far superior than what KGO and some of these other political talking point stations (Left & Right) have been spewing. The times have changed with the internet providing viewers and listeners abilities to research and investigate narratives and not fall for the corporate and establishment gaslighting BS!
    KGO and it's stable of establishment Talking Heads who grew up in a Broadcast Society were unable to adapt to a distributed Network Society.
    They and their colleagues have been caught time and time the last five or six years spinning lies. Whether it's the Iraq WMDs, Ongoing Border Crisis driven by NeoLibs & the Chamber of Congress , Shipping Manufacturing Jobs overseas, Covington kids, Trump Russia collusion, hiding the Hunter Biden laptop, or any number of other things. KGO and a lot of the other media have been driving a agenda of division in this country. Pitting neighbor against neighbor, black against white, man against woman, now parents against children is all being done to try to control the populace. We Are One nation, of individuals.. not of groups not of tribes, but of individuals! We are all brothers and sisters, but the corporate media along with the establishment knows they can control us Easier by placing us into certain categories. Then every four years they pit certain people certain regions certain races certain religious against each other so that they can keep their power. Divide and conquer is an age-old trick!
    I am registered for 20 years as 'No Party Affiliation' after watching The Republic rats become a single party of the entitled Elite of intertwined neocons and neolibs. You can't call me a trump tard, because I did not vote to elect him as president.
    I'm not alone, and many of my free thinking friends are seeing the world the same way and KGO simply has missed this major shift in regards to political views in this nation!

    1. I could write the same post, just exchange the word liberal or left wing with right wing and conservatives.

  14. KGO’s format switch has left me just another desperate San Francisco addict. I’m literally trembling today in need of my Trump-bashing fix. Where will I go to hear lawyer David Cats trash Trump?

  15. John Rothmann is not far left, in fact some would say his stand on Israel is more to the right (a stand by the way that I support, having lived in Israel for a short time). Certainly there are plenty of liberals in the Bay Area, perhaps they are not as fond of talk radio as conservatives are. My daughter and son in law and several of my liberal friends listen to NPR, not talk shows, in any case for those of us that are liberal of even fairly middle of the road as I consider myself, we will miss KGO. I already miss it today.

  16. It's too bad people are losing their jobs. And it's sad the mighty 810 is gone. But the writing has been on the wall for 20 years. Format changes and personalities cannot keep up with alternative entertainment options that people have. In your car alone you have SiriusXM, Spotify, podcasts, your own music, etc. as options - all without commercials. No one, no radio station, no GM can stop this trend. The new 810, whatever that is, will fail too. Radio is dead; long lives all the things that replace it.

    1. Yes, and all not local. That's what it's about, don't you get it. Local radio serves the local communities, talking about what's important to them. Sure national issues are discussed, but things that affect use directly and uniquely is what these other forms of media fail at doing. Wildfires, drought, housing, the pandemic, local crime, these are issues where local talk radio excels. Doctors from UCSF, representatives from Cal Fire and other local officials spend an hour answering detailed questions. Radio is not dead and is something that cannot be adequately replaced. Lastly, some of us want to hear from those in the community and have discussion. Go live in your isolated techno bubble.

    2. 4:09 Great post you are 100% right, some posters keep saying John only talked about Trump and Pat only about unions and Trump, none of that is true, they both talked about issues that was local, along with national issues, a nice mix and of interest to many of us.

    3. @ 4:09 I'm a 67 year old retiree in Los Angeles and I'm hardly living in a tech bubble. But you can find more varied, detailed content on wildfires, drought, housing, the pandemic, local crime from other media channels than from a commercial-encrusted AM radio station. So stop being so lazy and go investigate other, better media outlets. Or wallow in you Kars$Kidz ads.

  17. 'Guess it's over...Call it a day...Sorry that it had to end this way....'

    They should be playing that song on a loop at KGO instead of all the money songs in rotation right now leading up to the Monday reveal: A SPORTS/BETTING STATION. Ugh. Pass the bucket. As if fentanyl, heroin and crack weren't enough. They wanna amplify gambling on sports events as a legitimate form of entertainment. Twenty bucks on my kid's little league game, bro. Barf. Stop this planet. I wanna get off.

    NEWSFLASH: Irresponsible gambling ruins lives, families and communities!!! Sadly that's probably what the big wigs want. Cruelty is the point when it comes to the powers that be.

    I truly am sorry that it ended this way for you Pat at KGO. Indeed...A pathetic but non surprising move by Cumulus. I'm surprised they didn't fire everybody by e-mail or post-it note. I just love how these corporations who have no clue about the issues that affect communities to which they broadcast, just up and cut bait on a local staple like 810 without a even a hint of remorse. And they get away with it because...Well just like the real-estate industry and so many others...We the people can never put a name or face to the conglomerates that treat people like disposable pawns for profit. And hold them accountable for their actions. Sort of feels like Qualified Immunity on steroids in both cases. Ahh, the joys of being a 1% er. It's a sad commentary on the state of our world where the rich get richer and figure out even more devious ways remain anonymous while fleecing the rest of us. The damn is going to break one day. The people will soon rise up and say enough is enough. Sadly it won't be pretty. But equity, fair pay, unions and COMMUNITY will come around again. You can feel it in the air. The current model is neither fair, right or sustainable for a healthy society.

    Having said all that, thank you Pat for your many years of community service through your news/talk program on KGO. You got me through many of hours of drive-time over the years with informative and intellectual discussion with local leaders and political issues not based on right wing talking points but real life insights and experiences. There should be MORE programming like yours. Not less. That's what helps build local communities and hold politicians and companies like PG&E accountable.

    This is San Francisco for goodnesses sakes!!! What used to be a bastion of liberal ideas and morays. Sad to say sometimes I don't recognize my own city anymore. While it may have morphed a little with the influx of the tech generation who don't want to look at homeless people. And can't understand the reason many of them are there in the first place. Local perspective on issues like this as well global issues still matter. Not some cookie cutter format that the suits at Cumulus wants to serve to everybody from middle America to the bayou. And certainly not a sports/betting station that NOBODY ASKED FOR. (Here's to hoping both gaming initiatives go down in flames.) VOTE!

    Best of luck to you, Pat Thurston. Your work at KGO was not in vain. A smart woman like you will ALWAYS land on your feet again. And continue to make yourself and your daughter(s) PROUD. And maybe one day they will be able to step into boardrooms full of suits like Cumulus and make changes that don't allow foolhardy decisions like this one with KGO to ever happen again.

  18. Kgo has been putting out a bad product for some time. Failure was long anticipated. Only surprise is new soon to fail new format choice.

  19. I'll be waiting to hear where Pat Thurston ends up, she's good...

  20. I used to think KGO was all comedy radio. Remember the time Pat insisted Russia was in NATO, and argued with her callers who said she was wrong? Or how she didn't know Facebook's parent company was Meta? Or that monologue she did saying Rep Cori Bush was a man? Her show was genuinely funny. Now it's gone!

  21. Okay people. Let's be serious here. CUMULUS killed KGO the day it went all news in 2011 or whatever it was. The first purge sent some of the finest people in the business away and then a whole bunch of completely unqualified people were added. Nikki was a qualified reporter. She was not a morning anchor or host. She had zero experience in that regard. So the switch back to talk was handled like everything else, a sub 2 share. The suck fest never let up. Pat's write-up in this thread tells you everything you need to know about why KGO failed repeatedly. She clearly knows nothing about how the station spent its money. Everything was half assed including who they put on the air. Weintraub is in another thread opining about how he spoke truth to power. He's a buffoon of epic proportions and like most post 2011 hires was out of his league. This was a left wing station in a leftwing town and the powers that be eventually gave the listeners what they want. More left wing gaga only with substandard talent. You would not hand your car over to a mechanic who doesn't know how to fix cars, cumulus put the whole shop in the hands of people without the qualifications and skill to draw listeners. John Rothman was the only free thinker in the line-up. Simply put, radio is still profitable and viable for a bold responsible manager/owner but stupid is as stupid does. Vote no on these crazy gambling questions on the ballot and shove this latest idiotic move up their asses. (FACT: Despite it all, the people like Nikki and Brett, who gave everything to the job and worked hard are left wanting. They deserved better. At least they had jobs for a few more years. They at least have marketable news chops and will land on their feet. The rest, that's the last we'll hear from them.)

    1. Bret left awhile back and joined KCBS, although not my favorite they will probably benefit from the demise of KGO, traffic, up to date news etc. I noticed the past week or so Bret is more prominent on KCBS. I agree about Niki as a talk show host, and 4 hours no less. Pat and John had their following and I liked them both, although at times Pat was a little too liberal for me, but I don't necessarily tune in to a radio show to hear someone who I agree with all the time. I liked Mark Thompson, Rich was very critical of him, and some of that critic I get, but Mark had some good segments, he was good at putting things in perspective and punching holes in some of the right wings talking points, on top of that, he seemed like a really nice person. He certainly was not one of the worst host that have been on KGO since they changed format, anyone remember Maureen Langdon, and Montemayor, or Ethan Bearman, although he got better as time went on. It seems to me the mistake was first doing all news, then when they had talk show the had awful hosts, (see my mentions above) too many changes and too many hosts without talent that couldn't hold the audience attention. So only the die hard fans like me and others stuck around through it all and was trilled when they got back to some decent hosts, John, Pat, Mark and yes Chip as well.

    2. Dont forget Ray and Bernie!

    3. I was only talking about the hosts that stayed on or was hired after the fired all the good hosts in 2011

  22. People keep referring to KGO this and KGO that.

    It was cumulus hired suits that destroyed it and if they wanted it to reflect the SF culture they would have but it was all about overpayment followed by debt and Atlanta couldn't see past their mistake of buying something they couldn't afford to keep.

    In popular culture KGO was fictionalized in tv shows like Night Caller and at least one Dirty Harry movie. KGO' type of programming was envied by other markets back then.

    As others have pointed out, the demise of smaller O and Os like ABC CapCities and mom and pops that took it seriously added to the lack of interest now since 1996.

  23. New calls KBET?? Magic 81??
    Palo Alto

    1. The new call letters should KDOA as in dead on arrival. Their new format will fail within 6 months. Give it 2 to 1 odds.

    2. 810 The Syndicate

  24. All things come to an end. We remember when the great KSFO of the Don Sherwood era signed off with "The Sounds of The City" for the last time. So long KGO. Maybe they will come up with robotic AI radio next? SillyCon Valley's USB portal into your head.

  25. That's hard to do. Pat has seen two stations where she was a primary voice fold. First the KPIX radio experiment and now this. With radio decimated by reality and the internet, and a talk host close to seventy, there aren't many options other than podcasts which are not interactive.

  26. Is sports betting radio actually “ a thing”? I guess if chess cheating is a sport, anything could happen…but a sports betting channel? No shit?

    1. It sounds boring to me, but then I'm neither a sports fan or a gambler, except for buying a lottery ticket now and then and playing a modest amount at the slot machines in Tahoe or Reno. However, maybe they should have asked Mark Thompson or Spencer Christian both are were poker players, but that is different than a radio show, how does it even work, and would people who are not betting tune in and find it interesting? If someone have an idea of how it works and can explain it I would be very interested in hearing about it.

    2. I'm a sports fan but a sports betting format is boring as hell. They buy up weekend morning time on the sports stations and can't stand it.What they should do is put it on their 5000 watt bandbox 1050 and move ESPN and other sports programming to 810.To listen to ESPN at night you have to go to the Mighty 1090 out of San Diego/Baja California to listen at night.

  27. Sorry Pat was part of the problem with KGO which became mostly the I hate Trump and conservatives talk radio station. KGO was good when it had diverse hosts that didn’t lean in one direction. For me it started a downhill slide when Dr. Dean Edel stepped away.

    1. KGO for as long as I listened since the mid nineties always leaned left, even Ronn and Gene Burns were usually more left than right, often middle of the road which was fine, Pete Wilson was also very balanced. You sound like you just want an echo chamber of your own beliefs. There are plenty of conservative talk radio available to the Bay Area, why are so many of you so upset about one liberal leaning station?

    2. Hmm, they tried conservatives Armstrong & Getty in the mornings a few years ago and that didn't move the needle along with syndicated conservative drivel at night.

    3. As for hosts that leans in one direction, have you ever listened to Mark Levin, Sean Hannity, Dennis Prager and other right wing hosts? Did Rush Limbaugh have a middle of the road fair approach. all these host and others are constantly bashing democrats, and liberals and blame all the countries ills on democrats and liberals. I do agree that diversity is good, I can listen to Tom Sullivan (1530 am, Sacramento) because although conservative, he seems more fair, and take calls from listeners that disagre with him, and on some issues he is more middle of the road. Right wing radio was all Obama bashing for eight years, and now it is Biden. Your theory does not stand up.

  28. Rich, is it going to be all-gambling, all-the-time, or will we still get to hear vitamin infomercials on the weekend? And let’s hope they make room for Doug Andrew’s Laser Fund!

    1. we will never get to hear the debate on taxes between the guy who loves taxes (moskovitz} and the guy who hates taxes (hollander}..and the couple from S and G carpet were going to live tweet it

  29. This format switch will prove to be a colossal failure. I anticipate a return to a talk format with syndicated hosts by year end. There is no demand for sports gambling programming in the Bay Area. It has only received a tepid following in other markets. KGO is destined foir sale to an owner who can hopefully return it to some degree of success.

    1. Hopefully Elon buys it and gives Donald a talk show.

    2. Paging John Rothmann

    3. What is interesting is Cumulus didn't do this with it's sister station in LA, KABC 790 on the dial and it is still talk.

    4. I agree with all of this except "return to a talk format with syndicated hosts by year end." It will take longer than that for Big Suits to internally (never publicly) admit their mistake.

  30. That sounds reasonable. I have never been in the radio business, I have been in sales, retail, insurance owned a small business, but it seems to me Cumulus continue to make business decisions that makes no sense to most with some common sense. I could be wrong, I'm not into sports (except for a few) nor gambling, so what do I know.

  31. Well this has been disappointing, going through the various channels it appears to me that aside from KCBS, there are no local broadcasts.

    Every thing is remote so to speak, broadcast from elsewhere, no community, nothing local except as I mentioned KCBS.

    I believe there was a time when most if not all the stations were actually being broadcast from SF, Oakland in real time.

  32. Was I mishearing or did Nikki refuse to speak Trumps name? I got the impression she always called him “ The former president”. There was definitely a lot of Trump hate between all the KGO “live and local” hosts. In my opinion it made for boring radio because it was so one-sided. (But then I also find KSFO boring because it’s one-sided pro-Trump). I miss the old KGO with intelligent hosts like Gene Burns who could discuss issues with people they didn’t agree with instead of talk over them or shout them down.

    1. Gene Burns loathed vulgarity. He would have been beyond disgusted by the orange vulgarian.

  33. John Rothmann could engage the callers, so did Kim when she was filling in. Pat could but often did not engage anyone she felt was too outrageous, some times I wish she would let the caller talk and let them hang themselves.

  34. Sorry, Pat. When I worked at KGO, the ratings were usually in the 10s or better. During your time, KGO had 1s and 2s. "KGO" in the 80s and 90s were magical, magnificent call-letters. Your KGO, not so much. They should have changed the call-letters after the coup.

    1. Pat did many enjoyable shows at both KPIX and KGO, but was not part of the era where KGO was a solid #1. She started after they had slipped out of that lofty position. Once Mickey was gone and Cumulus in place, the descent to the basement was pretty rapid and the ratings were dismal for years.

  35. Pat worked at KGO when we had 7s. KGO staff was doing the best that they could without a budget, while Atlanta based corporate managers blocked all spending and creative marketing ideas. Cumulus commissioned research on sports betting in 2021 and maintained a skeleton crew in 2022. This was a long time coming.

  36. 3:48. I’m not saying Burns would have been pro-Trump, I’m saying he didn’t hang up or talk over people just because they disagreed with him or were making strong counter-arguments to something he said. Rothmann seemed threatened by cogent counter-arguments, and would try to strictly limit the course of discussions so he’d retain the advantage. As for Gene Burns , the only person I ever heard him hang up on was the John Lennon guy.

    1. 6:19. Ha ha, I remember the Steven King killed JL guy, VERY annoying. So were the “baba bouey” jackasses.

    2. Gene often lost his patience with callers that he found frustrating or ridiculus, he did argue with them, but I remember more than once he would say very loudly "You sir is a horses ass, goodbye", true he usually gave the caller a chance to explain his position, true he would let the caller try to explain his position, but his patience was not endless. I'm pretty sure he would have nothing for disdain for Trump, although he might have agreed with some of his policies.

  37. We loved our Kgo family. I hope they all get together for a nice dinner and vent. I hope the new format fails. Sports betting will ruin lives. Avid Khoisan’s listeners for 36 years. To Nikki, mark, pat and John,we love you all.

  38. Thank you for All your great shows. I am so sad to loose. kGO

  39. I am heartbroken to lose KGO. What a gem it was, and a big part of my commute. Pat, you are amazing and I hope to find you sharing your intellect with us at another venue. I will miss this great station. Thank you.

  40. I hope this new format on 810 fails. I will never touch that dial until our KGO family is back. It kept me alert and involved on many long drives. How will we know if they have been picked up by another station ?

  41. This cancelation just happens right before the elections. Smh
