Sunday, September 25, 2022

Media/Cool Vibey "Double Play" Bar/Grill Destroyed in SF Fire

No sooner had I written about the quaintness of Oakland's Kings X, comes word, the equally cool-vibey Double Play in SF suffered a major fire and is destroyed.

The same morning no less, what a shame.

Gerry Nachman, the late, great Chronicle columinist loved the Double Play--took me and KQED-retired talk host, Michael Krasny to the place for lunch. It was right across the street from what was once Seals Staduim and the food was great as were all the pictures and jerseys. Herb Caen was a regular as were some of the city's major power players.

The Double Play is no more but I have a feeling someone with a whole lot of cash will step forward and rebuild a new one somewhere else. Just a hunch.

photo credit: ABC7


  1. Maybe the DP will be rebuilt, but the internal vibe and especially the SF city memorabilia, can never be replaced. Sad.

  2. Speaking of the Seals and baseball, after yesterday's loss Carmen Kiew reminded everyone that the Giants haven't been mathematically eliminated from a playoff spot.

  3. The “Shawn Estes in the broadcast booth” experiment needs to end already. He giggles more than Copeland. It’s unwatchable.

  4. Not only are the SF Giants mathematically eliminated from the post-season playoffs, but they eliminated from the playoffs in 2023, 2024, 2025, and 2026. Maybe by then they will figure out that “analytics” don’t work, and that getting on base really helps chances of winning. And while they are recuperating, they can hire some fitness trainers - I cannot remember so many glute pulls and toothaches in 64 years of SF Giants.
    It is a shame the Double Play cantina and Lube House is gone.

    1. I'm with ya, 3:52. And the people wishfully thinking that Aaron Judge is going to sign with the Giants...are probably the same people who have been waiting that KNTV will give back its 21-year NBC affiliation to KRON.

  5. The whole city's going to the shits. Moving out next year. Never thought I would return to the east coast, but here I come.

    1. Actually, SF is much cleaner than it was a year ago in my opinion, driving around is pretty easy using Apple Maps. But it will never be as cool as it was in the 70's before AIDS hit.

  6. I think it was an arson fire. However it happened it was a neighborhood shrine

  7. KCBS had nothing about this fire but spent ten minutes interviewing a local doctor on booster shots, then a story on Prince Charles's climate change and global warming positions. Again with the Shane Company and Kars for Kids ads. It never changes.

  8. KCBS rarely has anything about local news anymore. That would require doing some investigation and leg work. Better to stay in the office and eat donuts. Easier to keep recycling the same old crap.

    1. They do have the best traffic and weather but, like you said, it is all done for them and they simply read what they get. I do like IN DEPTH on Sunday but it is often pretty slanted. Other than that they just produce a couple of simple stories a day and repeat them over and over. Once you hear the 5 day weather forecast that is it for that. And what can you do about traffic? If you need to drive that way, you have to go and if you are stuck in a jam, by that time, it is too late.

  9. Back in the 1980s and 1990s, the Giants occasionally held media events there. Wonderful atmosphere recreating a bygone era. When I was a little kid, my dad used to take me to Seals games across the street and I saw my first major league baseball games after the Giants moved here in 1958. . Things are always going to change, especially in San Francisco. But when a beautiful little place such as a Double Plsy burns to the ground, , it’s a classic tragedy.
