Monday, August 1, 2022

Exclusive: A "Haunted" Julie Haener; KTVU Absence Explained; Misery and More; Ibanez Party Emotional Wreck; The Inside Story

AT HIS FAREWELL BLOW-OUT PARTY --a few weeks ago in late July--Mark Ibanez didn't know he'd be the personal dateline of former co-worker, Julie Haener's current day MISERY: the veteran KTVU anchor told friends and non-friends alike she's HAUNTED at her gig at Fox2.

Haener, among other issues, MISSES both Ibanez (who had a forced retirement by the Foxies) and Frank Somerville, who was let go in March following a year's worth of transgressions (with a DUI arrest in Dec as his final sordid act)--since then, Haener has seen her own situation become a life of depression and despair.

A depression so pronounced and urgent, she's been taking a whole lot of time off at KTVU. An unusual time off and enough to make her most closest friends on and off the news desk nervous about Julie's well-being.

"She's having a rough time--with Frank (Somerville) and Mark (Ibanez) gone-- she feels alone and frustrated. And she is trying under the worst of circumstances to keep it together," said a longtime KTVU Insider who was at Ibanez's party in Napa on the night of July 23rd.

Haener and Ibanez had a PRIVATE, hour-long conversation that left both CRYING and emotional when they came back to mingle with the crowd (don't be fooled by the picture) --the sight of Dennis Richmond also took its toll on Haener and Ibanez alike.

Haener has missed several days at KTVU and ratings have PLUMMETED at The Firm's Bay Area station. So much so, Fox has thought about sending its own consultants to Oakland to stabilize the situation and hope to regain some momentum.

But that can't help Haener who is looking at her own situation and making both subtle and not-so-subtle moves that may be SHOCKING to those friends and viewers in the coming weeks.

Stay tuned.



  1. Too depressed to work at her high paying, high profile job because exactly why?

    1. She misses her lantern holder, Andre.

  2. I used to live down the street from Dennis, the man isn't looking too well these days.

    1. Obviously you're a simpleton boob who doesn't understand depression. Naomi Judd ended her life. Hope no one you love decides to end it. Looking forward to your comment then.

  3. Maybe she’s getting ready to quit and be an Instagram Influencer.

    1. I;m sure Gasia and Heather are their to help her. Julie its time to go...oh and tell management I should be the replacement.

  4. Everyone in BA media has become a mental case. Geez people, pick your butts off the pavement ...and get to work. No wonder all these stations are bleeding-out viewers. People will watch an original product that informs and slightly "entertains".
    ...yes...even if that means "PIX".

  5. So distressed she's posting bikini photos poolside on instagram? The most recent being a few weeks ago...

    1. Exactly. I can't think of any more appropriate way to show how depressed you are than to take an exorbitant number of 5-star vacation and post an ungodly number of photos on social media while the rest of your colleagues go into work each day like actual adults.

  6. Anyone so invested in a relationship with a coworker and their place of employment paints a very sad portrait. Life outside of that environment is lacking substance, filling a void that can only be achieved where one finds comfort and stability.

  7. She's going to retire. Her rich husband gravy trains her champagne wishes and caviar/lobster lifestyle. She was probably wondering last night, "Why am I working this late on a Sunday night?" Time to go!

  8. I mean, Haener has been paid megabucks for a long time, and has had a good career. Ok, let's assume that she does in fact, miss her former coworkers. I get it. So why in the heck, doesn't she just retire and live the good life? She has certainly earned enough money to do it, especially if it is so bad at KTVU, I mean, so why stay there?

  9. Too depressed to go to work but not depressed enough to travel the world and flaunt her wealth on social media. Cry me a river.

    1. Agree. Kind of puts the whole "depression" explanation in proper perspective...

  10. Is she married still? On her Instagram page she’s posted videos partying and dancing with various younger guys. Maybe they’re just friends but it struck me as odd.

    1. Would explain a lot...

    2. I’ve seen that on her Instagram and wondered the same thing. Maybe she’s bored with her marriage and looking for some pool boys to play with.

    3. If she was cheating on her husband I’m pretty sure she put the evidence on Instagram for the entire world to see lol Think before you type, dummy.

    4. “Think before you type, Dummy’ says the person whose comment, which appears to be missing at least two key words, makes absolutely no sense in its current iteration LOL

  11. Thanks for this update Rich. Her extensive unexplained absences have become very noticeable. She’s tarnishing her reputation with each passing day. At this point she should step aside for good and let Cristina Rendon take her slot.

  12. Is Dennis Richmond sick or dying?? He is so washed up and skinny like he is sick.

    Distress! Doubt it.,,she is the power at KTVU right now representing 10:00 News. Without Frank, Dennis, Ibanez, she is still the top reporter.

  13. Julie waiting to retire after her son Graduate College

    1. In the meantime she’ll just continue to bankrupt ktvu while she doesn’t even bother to work. It may not be illegal, but it seems highly unethical. It also makes me wonder is she going unpaid or does she really have this much vacation time?

  14. Sad to see how much KTVU news has deteriorated over the years. When Dennis Richmond left, that was the beginning of the end As annoying as the smarmy Ibanez was, he was a familiar face. Not surprised channel 2 pushed him out the door. Stations are doing that everywhere but then, so is big business. TV news has no soul and news rooms are being run by brainless twits such as this Amber Eikel we keep reading about.

    1. He's a conservative Republican. I would have loved to see him at work/on air during this whole Trump era.

  15. The curse of the KTVU female anchor spot once again?? Didn’t former anchor Leslie Griffith disappear from the anchor desk after eight years?? Now she’s saving elephants. No joke. And Elaine Corral quit on the air before that!! Toxic work environment at the now FOX branded network?? Ya’ think! While it seems like an easy job to read from a teleprompter nightly (and get paid quite nicely I might add). I imagine it could get quite depressing reporting on tragedy after tragedy night after night. Some handle it better than others (Enter Frank Somerville). I have a tendency to cut people some slack these days even if they’re dining in bikini photos on Instagram on their days off. Mental health issues are at an all time high. Just watch the news. I understand also why more people don’t these days. Twitter seems to be the go to for this generation. Not sure if that’s a good thing with all the disinformation floating about. But here we are. Sigh.

    Side note: Prayers up for Dennis Richmond. That man was a solid rock at KTVU for decades. Much respect for his straight no chaser handsome news delivery all those years.

    1. In an interview, Dennis once said, "I give the news as straight as I can give it. I'm not paid to tell you my opinion."

      Truest words any anchor could say. Where has that simple thought gone today?

    2. 7:54pm, now it's all about look at me, look at what i'm wearing, look at what i'm eating, look at where i'm at, look at the perfect like i have outside of ktvu. Whatever mental issues she's dealing with, they're serious enough to cause her to miss a significant amount of work over a long period of time. Hoping she's able to get help before she goes totally cuckoo.

    3. 7:54 PM, we need more Dennis Richmonds. "Where have all the journalists gone? Long time passing."

  16. It’s normal that Julie formed close relationships with her colleagues over the years, but she really needs to work on finding balance in her life instead of relying on her work colleagues to be her ‘everything.’ This isn’t an emotionally healthy way to live.

    To get to the point where she can’t function without Frank or Mark is as sad as it is troubling. Also, what she shares on her social media usually involves alcohol, which can’t help matters when she’s already in an emotionally fragile state.

    I’ve always enjoyed watching her on the news and I hope gets the help that she needs.

    1. I echo your last point. Who knows what her current emotional state is, but whatever it is she needs to put her mental health first. She has always been poised on air but you never know what’s going on in people’s personal lives. let’s just hope she doesn’t go the way of Frank Somerville, Leslie Griffith and so many other prominent Bay Area anchors who were overcome by their personal demons.

  17. Methinks Julie took down her instagram today after this post.

    Or instagram is broken...

    1. I just checked and it’s still there, @ktvujuliehaener. It does look like she may have deleted certain photos and videos.

    2. her pictures give the impression of someone who's trying to 'find herself' as she goes through some sort of pre-geriatric identity crisis. She seems to be financially secure so I say she just takes the money and rides off into the sunset before she completely destroys the reputation she's built.

  18. It’s ironic that in the end Heather emerges looking like the sane and reliable one lol

  19. There is an SF Giants player making $19.5 million per year. Last week hamstring pull, 2 weeks before that, an ingrown hair, 2 weeks before that poor hygiene…..WHY Wouldn’t a highly paid athlete keep himself in tip top condition? Doing stretching, HIIT, slow and fast running? Why not? Because people making huge money these days are “mailing it in”. Try picking lettuce for a week - you will never ever again fail to appreciate your good fortune, and do what’s necessary to stay in great shape. In 40 years of working hard, I doubt I earned 2 million bucks, and probably closer to $1 million, if that. But Mental health issues can come from many directions, if you sleep peacefully every night, count your blessings

  20. Someone accidentally play the video of the water skiing squirrel in place of tonight’s 10pm lead and see if she reacts with a laugh. If not…it’s over.

  21. I'm always impressed by your ability to get the inside scoop Rich

  22. Haunted by what? That Mark and Frank don't work there anymore? My god, you would think they died or something based on how she's acting. "boo hoo, my clique doesn't work here anymore so I'm going to mope and pout and stop coming to work and be overly dramatic about it." Talk about a privileged snowflake.

    Hey Julie, here's an idea for you: Go to work, collect your 500k each year, and hang out with your friends, including Mark and Frank, in your free time. This is what us real adults do. We take care of our responsibilities first and foremost and make time for our friendships that matter.

    1. JFC. So her life is in shambles because a couple people retired? LOL Has she not heard of this new invention called the phone? It lets you do all kinds of crazy things like send messages to your friends, talk to them and even see their faces in real time!
      And if she really wants to be fancy she should check out this wacky new doohickey called the automobile. It allow you to physically transport yourself to your friends by driving to them. So in theory she could drive and visit them when she’s not working. Crazy!

  23. They blew it getting rid of Frank. Say what you will, he was extremely popular and I and most people I know don’t watch KTVU news anymore.

    1. A lot of us got tired of his insufferable preaching and commentary after news stories.

  24. Not to mention her antics are incredibly selfish. She shows no regard for her colleagues who are in a constant state of standby knowing they'll likely need to rearrange their family obligations on a moments notice when they've once again been called upon to fill-in while Julie jaunts from one posh resort to the next.

  25. Everyone who sits in that chair seems to go cuckoo eventually ... Haener, Leslie Griffith, Elaine Corral. Call it "The Curse of KTVU."

    1. What happened with Elaine? Just thought she and Dennis didnt get along? Did she have a scandal?

  26. Man, Dennis Richmond does not look well. And when I first saw that pic, for a second there I thought it looked like Sammy Davis Jr. in his later years. I see the cane resting on Dennis' lap- I am assuming he is in poor health, but was well enough to attend this event.

    1. He does look very frail! I hope he is not in too much pain?

  27. There is one major upside of working at ktvu: they seem offer truly unlimited vacation time

  28. So basically she's missing her gossip crew and doesn't know how to cope or function at work without them.

  29. Must be nice to have so much money that you could afford to take weeks off at a time because you miss your peeps. Lame.

  30. We should’ve all seen this one coming a mile away. Julie seems more concerned with being a social media influencer and giving the illusion that she has the perfect life and lives a lavish lifestyle that we should all envy. But we all know that vanity is very often nothing more blazing insecurity in disguise. Instead of playing make believe and pretending to be the Bay Area’s version of Elizabeth Hurley, Cindy Crawford or Michelle Pfeiffer, she should seek professional help quickly before she goes off the deep-end. Until then, she needs to get off her ass and get back to work!

  31. Wow! The phrase "People in glass houses shouldn't throw stones". I suspect none of you know her. But watching her on TV for 20 plus years gives you the right to judge and criticize? Shame on you! Depression is nothing to mess around with. It doesn't matter if she's "rich", works in TV or has a wealthy husband. I hope KTVU is getting her the help she needs. Maybe management authorized the time off. You don't know! So lay off and examine life - it's faults. Also social media is fake and shows person's "great perfect life". It's all BS! Don't buy into it! Instagram, Tik Tok, Twitter, Facebook, the Metaverse....all low vibration meant to distract. Think for yourselves, not how others see you!

    1. Julie: Dear KTVU, I'm struggling with mental health issues and I need to take an immediate leave of absence. Thank you.

      Julie, the next day: Posting photos on social media as she globetrots, partying, staying at resorts and dining at restaurants that 99% of the world's population can't afford.

    2. > I suspect none of you know her.

      NOT AT ALL TRUE. I know at least three of us here, plus myself, have known her for years, and have seen things you haven't.

  32. Rich people problems. Must be nice.

  33. The curse of the KTVU primetime female anchor strikes again. They never end their ktvu career with grace or dignity. It’s always drama, epic meltdowns and mental health catastrophes followed by an unceremonious, scandal-ridden departure. It sounds like Julie has past the point of no return or is very quickly approaching it. The only question remaining is how dramatic will her fall from grace be and what will rock bottom look like for her.

  34. Missing work 85% of the time = officially checked out.

  35. Maybe she has an agreement with KTVU to work a reduced work schedule, such as one day a week. I could be reading tea leaves but I've noticed that when other anchors fill in for her they never say the usual tagline that they're 'in tonight for Julie Haener.'

  36. Julie needs to get a grip. Colleagues depart. Her problem is she was born blonde and pretty and comfortably and she's been given nothing but ice cream and unicorns her whole life. That's why she has zero empathy and is known around the newsroom as the "Ice Queen" and "Ice Goddess." Boo-hoo, her "daddies" aren't going to be around her any longer. Where's my tiny violin?

    1. You hit the nail on the head. The idea that her life has gone into a complete tailspin simply because two co-workers left would be comical if it weren't true. If anyone wants to understand the definition of privilege, they needn't look any further than Julie's behavior. This is someone who's used to getting whatever she wants, whenever she wants it and we're now seeing what happens when things don't shake out exactly the way Princess Julie wants them to.

      So no, I have no sympathy for her. This silly mental health crisis has been manufactured entirely by her.

      Time for her to shape up or ship out.

      A current KTVU employee

    2. I briefly worked with her just before she became the evening anchor. She's one of those who was born on third base and thinks she hit a triple. Not much reportorial acumen. But I've learned over the years there are two kinds of people in any business: those who are good at doing their jobs, and those who are good at keeping their jobs.

  37. Her hotel in London was 1k a night. So much for being depressed

    1. What. The. FUCK? Depressed my ass.

    2. I can only imagine what her co-workers must think.

  38. Many of these comments are so mean-spirited and nasty. How do you know she doesn’t read this blog? it’s obvious she’s a very mentally unstable woman and I don’t think these comments will help matters if she reads them. Shame.

  39. Oh. My. God.

    Julie Haener, a woman who makes well into six figures and lives in a small mansion, who comes in every day and has to read the words other people write and research, who never has to leave the office herself or track down a lead or find an interview, is burned out?!? My God, where can I get her job? It would be the cushiest thing I've ever done in my life.

    Hey, Julie, you spoiled brat, come to an ER and treat trauma patients, and try doing it with limited medical supplies and the knowledge that you can be called on the carpet and even sued if someone dies in your care, add to that people who have been attacking you ever since Covid because they believe you're part of a government conspiracy to enslave the world, and work double-shifts because they can't find enough people to fill the schedule since the burnout rate is 60 percent. And do it for a quarter of your salary. Then we'll talk about being "haunted."

    Until then I'll be playing my tiniest violin just for you.

    1. Perfectly stated. While the rest of us live paycheck to paycheck, struggling to keep up with the cost of feeding our families and putting gas in our car, out of touch Julie Haener has no problem letting the world know that she’s actively auditioning for a reboot of Lifestyles of the Rich & Famous.

      But yeah, she’s so haunted and depressed that she’s lost her gossip buddies that she has to miss weeks of work at a time and flash her wealth while her coworkers have to pick up the slack.

      No respect. No self-awareness. No empathy. None.

  40. What a drama queen.

  41. If the comments on this blog are representative of ktvu viewers in general then Julie Haener should retire asap. The writing is on the wall, viewers have overwhelming cast a No Confidence vote in her. The only support she has left at this point are from the handful of people impressed by how she pretends to be a Kardashian on Instagram.

  42. Tell you what: I'll take her six-figure easy-peasy job, her mansion in the East Bay, her domestic help, and her vacations, and I'll give you any two of my co-workers you want. Deal?

  43. News anchors aren’t paid to be reporters and most wouldn’t know how to pursue a good story if their lives depended on it. Years ago while working in TV news, I was always astonished at how insular their job was. Our anchor man sat in his little office, going over the nightly news copy and never interacting with reporters. When he did come into the news room he expected to be treated las if he were some visiting celebrity. Many of these news anchors are living in a fantasy world where everyone in the newsroom is expected to bow and scrape at their appearance.

  44. I find it sad that so many people have taken the opportunity to post such insensitive and rude comments. Stories are manufactured in these comments, ridiculous assumptions are made, and each takes on a life of its own as though they represent reality.

    Rich never said that Julie is in the depths of despair, on the brink of a psychotic episode, or thinking of taking her own life. He simply stated she's sad and distraught about Frank and Mark, and their departures have her thinking about her future. Combine that with all the BS at KTVU, and her reaction seems completely normal, especially considering she's put in decades of service and appears to be close to the age where retirement is a possibility.

    I'm not quite sure I understand the leap from Rich's reporting to comments saying Julie's a very mentally unstable woman who only works once every few weeks, has no empathy, doesn't care about her co-workers or the silliest of them all, mocking the fact she's sad and contemplating her future simply because she appears to be financially though only lower and middle-income people experience sadness and distress.

    As far as her work schedule, yeah, it's been inconsistent. So what? She probably has a ton of vacation time saved up, and even if she doesn't, then that means she has to go unpaid on those day. Why does it matter? If her work approves the time off, then there’s no issue.

    And why does it matter what kind of hotels she stays at and where she dines? If she has the money to do luxury travel, then more power to her. Is she enjoying herself as she spends time with her friends or family? Yes. Is she hurting anyone? No. So why does it matter how she spends her money on her days off?

    But yeah, it's ridiculous to see all the leaps and bounds that've been made and all the completely absurd assumptions that most of these comments are based on.

    1. Hi Julie! Don’t you have a newscast to prepare for tonight? Or are you off again?

    2. 2:53pm, and what's your point?

    3. To be clear, the beginning of Rich's account specifically states " a life of depression and despair.
      A depression so pronounced and urgent" which is different than "He simply stated she's sad and distraught about Frank and Mark, and their departures have her thinking about her future."

      That said the comments and assumptions even about what Rich stated are over the line and judgmental

  45. Julie is on tonight for the third day in a row. Rich this post definitely rattled her cage. Shows the influence you have in local newsrooms. Great post.

  46. I'm late to the game here, but I agree wholeheartedly with the general spirit of the comments. I don't care about her schedule or what she thinks of Mark or Frank leaving. For me, it's the disconnect between her image and her responsibility. She projects an image of wealth and privilege while, night after night, she reads stories about people, places, and struggles that she knows absolutely nothing about. Yes, she's just 'reading a prompter,' but credibility is lost when it's blatantly apparent the person presenting you with news has no connection in even the most remote way to these stories. Hence the comments about no empathy.

    Yes, it's a visual medium, but there's a lot to be said for the intangibles and the things that make us drawn to someone and trust what they're saying.

    I'm sure most anchors haven't lived the types of lives or had the experiences of the people they cover. But there are very few anchors who are so obviously disconnected from what they read each night. A prime example is her ktvu social media page which, as others have pointed out, appears to feature people and places from the Real Housewives of Beverly Hills or Lifestyles of the Rich & Famous. Sure, others feature their families or vacations or meals, but it's relatable and humanizes them. With Julie, it's like, I'm up here and you're down there.

    It's time ktvu shows her the door and brings someone in with who the audience can connect. The prim and proper ice princess anchor era is long gone, especially in the Bay Area.

    1. My wife has basically been saying the same thing about her for years.

  47. Why does her face look frozen when she talks?
