Saturday, August 20, 2022

Another KPIX Poser, Reed Cowan (Oy Vey); KTVU Has Zero Direction, Amber Eikel at Center of Storm; The Latest Indignity of "Lt" Jessica Burch, This Time on KCBS; Bay Area TV/Radio Devoid of Local Pedigree and It Shows; There is No Decent Deli in Town; Saturday Schmooze

Reed Cowan is the newest, latest poser on the air at KPIX--a Vegas retread perfectly suitable for PIX because it's the home for wayward has-been frauds, just like Cowan, last pilfering the news screen in Las Vegas.

Cowan sounds sort of like Ryan Yamamoto, what symmetry, PIX, now you have dual MEDIOCRITY! Good job.

*At KTVU, dysfuntion alley, chaos rules the day (and night)--now with all the friction taking place with the anchors toward Julie Haener, you would think a good manager would call for a time out and rally the troops and let off some steam. It would, at the very least, clear the air and provide some much-needed venting but ND, Amber Eikel is not capable and is one of the reasons why the newsroom has NO CONFIDENCE in her.

Eikel, simply stated, doesn't know how to run a basic operation, let alone a major news outfit. She's horribly inept and utterly incompetent. She's been getting by because KTVU has continued to lead the pack but now with KTVU cratering, Eikel has not only lost the newsroom, she's getting HEAT from The Firm's corporate runners and, to quote a newsromm sage at Fox2, "they ain't happy."

No shit, Sherlock!

*The "Lt" Burch, Jessica, on PIX, proves another thing: you can be just as easily AWFUL on radio (KCBS) as you can on TV.

Burch is a DISASTER on both ends. She's woefully inadequate anchoring the weather on PIX but she's even more LOUSY on radio where she talks way too fast (maybe a good thing), sounds rushed and injects humor but it's not funny and her attempts at sweet nothings sound utterly awkward at best and forced at worst. She has no decorum and she's getting worse every day, not better.

On BOTH radio and TV, yeah, a TOTAL ABOMINATION, but just another day at 855 Battery, the home of professional incompetence.

*The LAYOFFS that hit KCBS (Kevin Radich, Rebecca Corral and a producer) has so far escaped all-sports sister station, 95.7 FM, "The Game", although the rumors on the street say one or two guys who make too much money (by Audacy standards) should be a little nervous, especially the guy from Indiana who loves to tout how great he is, whatever that is.

*If you look at the current landscape in the Bay Area (TV/Radio) you'll discover the majority of the reporters and anchors are mostly out of towners--they have NO local roots. It's pretty sad and shows how awful this once-mightly market has fallen. Quite frankly, Sacramento is superior. At least they look good and do a more comprehensive job, while SF is sorely missing any form of identity and lacks basic reporting and anchoring skills.

There are some good people here but the majority is terrible and unwatchable and unlistenable. They don't even know the geography so how can they do just an adequate job reporting from the streets? They can't even fake it. It's become so bad lately and there's no hope for the future. Therefore we continues to get crappy coverage from women and men who don't know a damn thing and it shows.

*Something far more important than all this mess: the Bay Area has NO DECENT deli; a place where you can nosh on a pastrami and/or sip a good cup of coffee and read the paper and eat a bagel. We have a few places that are close but no cigar. It's a shame and outright brutal, an area that is so large and cosmopolitan (allegedly), there isn't a good deli. I like Wise Sons but it's just decent, nothing worth making time for.

Pass the over-cooked corned beef.


  1. A couple of days ago, Lt Burch was describing upcoming weather while standing in front of, and obscuring, the projected temperatures. A rookie mistake? And I this time I thought pilots excelled at spatial relations. Oops, my bad. And yes Rich, she does have that Minnie-Mouse on amphetamines cadence and sound. Lt Burch, seek help!

  2. I just read the article online about this new KPIX reporter past. Now I understand how he lost his job in Casino land. If VDLC with a good past at KPIX, Miss Natasha with a past not showing up, a former KRON reporter with drug issues gets a new job, no one gives a crap about any reporter's past. Should someone give Frank Somersville another chance?

  3. Past time for Cristina Rendon to be given the lead anchor position at KTVU. She is excellent.

    1. She is, but remember the ktvu news operation is run by an inept nincompoop widely known to be threatened by competent and qualified women. So we shouldn’t be surprised Cristina is buried in no man’s land.

  4. Rich I know you won’t post this comment but last week a certain ktvu morning anchor left some massive diarrhea streaks all over the toilet bowl in the first floor women’s restroom.
    It was so disgusting the newsroom couldn’t stop talking and joking about it.

    1. Perfect euphemism for the current state of affairs at ktvu: down the crapper with a disgusting mess to clean up.

    2. I’m surprised Gasia didn’t hold her ass up and blast the walls.

  5. I honestly wonder how in the world "The LT" is allowed to fly expensive military helicopters! I mean, she seems so inept, that I just can't imagine how they let her fly one. And as you and others have stated before Rich, her VOICE is pathetic. She seems to talk in a monotone voice and it is of a low audible level so as to make it difficult to distinguish and decipher what the heck she is saying. And I have been watching KPIX in the morning, for the news, because as bad as they are, at least I don't have to put up with Reggie over at KGO! But lately, with KPIX having everyone stand and crowd together around that darn little table, well, it just looks stupid. But then, every decision they have made regarding on-air talent, seems to have been stupid, so I guess it is par for the course.

    1. Can you fly a BlackHawk smartass?

    2. I can't fly a Blackhawk...but I can learn with the right instruction from The LT....
      "Oh Teach Me!"

    3. The LT isn't going to teach you.

    4. Shes an actual warrior unlike a keyboard warrior.

  6. The old David's on Geary...Cica 1970...and even better was the Deli right next to David's...Schroeders?...Also Circa 1970...Pastrami and cream cheese on an Onion roll...Nothing better...jf

    1. Pastrami and cream cheese? Pastrami and CREAM CHEESE? If that's what you think is great deli, then you wouldn't know a good onion roll if it bit you.

  7. Damn...Reed Cowan looks like Ryan Yamamoto's father...Striking resemblance ...

  8. Burch stands in front of temperatures everytime she reports weather. It is very annoying and why doesnt some human at that station tell her. She cant help her voice but she shpuld not be delivering news. Where is Anne Mac at?

  9. Yeah, but the Bay Area is full of Chick-Fil-A's, McDonald's, Burger Kings, Denny's and the alphabet soup of crappy food. Probably all of that chemical crap is getting into people's minds and affecting how they think. As for KCBS and The Game, just pick up the network feeds and have some broadcast major at SFSU report on traffic, weather and anything locally that breaks just by reading or doing what Chronicle "reporters" do best, troll the internet.

  10. You haven't found a "decent deli" because you never venture outside Oakland or SF. Many many longtime fine institutions in better cities across the Bay Area.

  11. Said another way: local broadcast media is in a predictable nosedive, with no way to recover. Like its dinosaur predecessor print media, it is slowly giving way to all things internet. See you there!

  12. Jessica Burch just can't measure up to the standards set by Roberta Gonzales.

  13. As someone who bailed tha fuck out of Lord Newsom's filthy crime-ridden fifedom six months ago, I'm finding even the worst Las Vegas newscast more watchable than the best Bay Area one.

  14. Sounds like Victor the traffic guy on KCBS is the new Sports Guy.

    1. And in training for the "weather guy" as well.

  15. Colombo Deli in Pacifica and Redwood City (same family),

    Little Lucca's in SSF/Millbrae

    Driftwood Deli in Palo Alto

    1. Little Lucca's is more of a sandwich shop than a deli, along the lines of TOGO'S.

    2. Togo's
      Not even close....
      For the same price, you get MORE sandwich at Lucca's
      Like 2 or 3 meals out of it.

    3. @9:25, It's not about the quality of the sandwiches at Lucca's and TOGO'S. It's that both are sandwich shops and not delis.

  16. I'm an Uber driver. A while ago, while in SF I picked up someone who was a reaearcher at a major TV station. She said she'd been in SF for several years. I mentioned Loma Prieta at one point. She looked puzzled. I said that it was the last big earthquake. She said she'd never heard of it. She said she was born in 1979 so she was too young. I advised she not mention that to the on-air talent. I later realized the current TV hosts probably wouldn't know about the '89 quake either.

    1. Years ago I was a voting precinct worker in San Mateo County, and a well-known reporter for one of the SF TV stations came in to vote. She had registered with the American Independent Party, not realizing it was a far-right party. She thought she was registered as an independent who could vote in the Democratic primary, and was disappointed and confused when I explained that she couldn't do that.

    2. This year's college seniors were born after 9/11.

  17. The LT is what happens when you put someone on TV entirely because of their looks and overlook the fact they're utterly unqualified for the job. She's in a race to the bottom with Starrantino.

  18. Ironically, Ratto's in Oakland is really good. Disclaimer... No relation to the large, walrus-looking-like-man and crumudgeon who claims to be knowledgable about sports.

  19. Wow, I just read about Cowan’s past on Wikipedia. They really will let anybody back in these days. And poor Jen Jolly has to leave just because she pooped her cork for getting pied in the face!

    1. Holy cow, now THAT'S a background! Could there be more of a blueprint for a warning that things will not end well, with lawsuits brandished?

    2. This is the station who thought vdlc would be a game changer.

  20. Practically every regular program on SF area radio and TV should be labeled, “ the Amateur Hour.”
    There are too many fresh, eager young faces who are working hard, getting paid what you used to get at a station in Stockton or Fresno 30 years ago. Some have potential but most look as if they just graduated from college. The youngsters don’t know any better. They’re just taking advantage of the opportunities. But corporate management, which is totally clueless about the set of on-air broadcasting runs through these kids like potato chips. it’s not any different in the tech industry it many other businesses in the USA. But it’s a big reason why our media has gone into the shitter and why so many Americans are so poorly informed. Cheap entertainment is what these corporate big-wigs want to foist on the public, and they’re doing it all too often, especially here in the SF-Oakland-San Jose area.

  21. I generally like Burch on the radio, but I guess she's trying to cram as much info as possible into her spots by talking so fast. How can she not know what it sounds like? I think she knows her stuff and it's all business, no silly exclamations and excited giggles about beautiful days. She's a lot better than some of the weather folks they've had on there lately. She should learn to edit or someone in charge should break the news to her.
    Ha ha, someone in charge!

  22. I will take Amanda and The LT any morning of the week. They do fine in my opinion.
    I prefer fresh flowers over these washed up retreads on 11,2, and 7. I freak when I have to see "Old Crazy Eyes" on KNTV...and that Reggie is really the true bottom of morning TV.

    1. Old Crazy Eyes?? Is that Darya??

    2. Laura Garcia is crazy eyes for sure.

      Is being crazy a part of the job description for bay area morning anchors?

  23. Just get it over with and hire Carmen Kiew.

    1. Please! No... just... no

    2. God no! I can’t wait for their lame Summer Sundaze to be over so we won’t have to endure Carmen and those other clowns rambling on with no baseball knowledge whatsoever.

    3. It’s not it’s any better w/Carlos Ramirez curdling the pre & postgame show with his over-analytic gobbledespeak but Carmen Kiew is a warm puddle of suck.

    4. Her daddy has money and thats why she;'s were she's at

  24. The LT gets my respect because unlike 99% of the other local faces of broadcasting...she served our country. How many other local broadcasters can say that?
    How many other local "newscasters" would even admit to serving in the military.
    I think she would be adored in market that respects the armed forced that protect us. The BA is the wrong market for her, she would be adored in San Diego, Or Virginia Beach.

    1. Agree about LT. She is smart and will figure it out. You go girl, make the military proud.

    2. I got to agree with you on this.

  25. Any word about Olivia Horton over at KRON? I learned about her on KTLA...

  26. Hey Rich, if you want a good deli....LUCCA'S on Castro Valley Blvd.

  27. For KPIX, did you notice one other thing? Paul Heggen is at least once a week dressing casual; one week Thursday and the other 2 weeks Friday with no tie. He doesn’t wear a tie at the 3pm newscast but only at 5. Not saying it’s a bad thing but I have never seen that in any newscast with a meteorologist or anchor.

    Plus on Wednesday, don’t know what happened but Jessica was doing the morning as per usual but Paul Heggan came in a noon, Darren Peck at 3pm and Paul Heggan at 5 and after…

    Now in terms of Reed Cowan, I don’t think he’s bad at all; his delivery seems to be good. But Yamamoto yeah I have to agree.

  28. David's was just ok when it was around. Max's barely counted, but at least in the South Bay it was better than nothing. Wise trys and is innovative...but it's not the same as true, real 'Jewish' deli. LA has several good ones still going including a couple of legacy spots that are reminiscent of the best of NYC. Unfortunately, a trip to LA is what we have to do to get the real thing.

  29. So did Saul's in Berkeley decline? I used to love this place before Warrior games in Oakland with my friend from Brooklyn. He swore the pastrami was flown in from NY and the half sours were to die for.

  30. Need to go to LA for a good deli or hop on a red eye and go to NY for a few days. And there’s no real good Southern Italian restaurants in the Bay Area. None.

    1. Zoccolis in Santa Cruz is a true Italian deli....too bad you have to navigate the bum and junkies to get in the door.

  31. Hoping for a great deli in a place where Dutch Crunch is good bread is a dream.

  32. Gotta go see General Ock in NYC and get your sandwhich the Ocky Way!! Sure! Sure!

    (check him out on YouTube, sandwiches are fire!)

  33. Reed Cowan seems like a decent fellow.

  34. I remember when Lon Simmons would say in a low voice "where was THAT pitch?" when Juan or Gaylord, or Ron Bryant or Vida threw one that the umpire called a ball. I don't mean to be harsh, but at some point Jon Miller started believing all the great things we were all saying about him, and became, well, JON MILLER.

  35. I won't miss "The Rat" on KCBS. I wouldn't mind if they let go of Lisa Chan or Dave "Mumbles" Fowkes. Also it would be an upgrade if they replaced fast talker Burch with the Pecker (Darrin Peck).
