Thursday, July 14, 2022

KRON Super Ambitious Political Reporter Ashley Zavala Headed to Sacramento's KCRA to Cover State Capital

The few times I've seen and watched Ashley Zavala, I'm impressed.

So too, TV people in Sacramento.

Zavala has been covering politics for KRON in the state capital --she'll stay on the beat but now have a new home.

Zavala will now become a political reporter for KCRA, the NBC affiliate in Sacto.

Zavala, a younger, ambitious reporter has plenty of goals in mind. She loves politics and she's priming for a network gig. I'm hearing she'd eventually love to go to Washington and become a network correspondent--perhaps a congressional reporter or political analysis in general.

The Sacramento/NBC position will jumpstart her goal this way and then some.


  1. She’s really good.

  2. When is Stephanie Lin leaving KRON? Saw her scary looks this afternoon.

  3. yea thats a great pic thanks for posting

  4. The Capitol press corps needs some new life. All of those reporters knew Gavin had gone maskless at the French Laundry but none of them wanted to report it. It took a LA tv reporter to air the story. Get rid of the press corps and bring in reporters who won't kowtow to the powerful in Sacramento.

  5. You sound like another Trumpster screaming “ fake news!” The only ‘fake’ news is FOX news which mixes fact with fiction, spreads misinformation and riles up viewers. It’s all in the name of ‘entertainment.’ I worked on air on TV-Radio for well over 4 decades. The only true broadcast journalism that is seen regularly anymore is carried on outlets such as PBS and the BBC or the AP wire. Those 3 outlets are NOT beholden to commercial dollars, ratings or the rest of the nonsense that passes for ‘news’ on commercial TV. True broadcast journalism was mostly destroyed by greedy, irresponsible jerks such as Rupert Murdoch. True journalism, the way it was practiced for well over a century in this country is practically dead. People now get much of their news off of social media or from programs that offer little analysis but plenty of opinion. That’s how that lying, narcissist traitor who belongs in jail got elected. A huge number of our citizens have been dumbed down by a media that used to be a respectable profession but now soews out mostly noise and nonsense like some carnival barker.

  6. I hope this guy (11:22) is kidding about having over four decades of experience because he sounds like a lunatic. I'm not a fan of Trump, but I think it's more professional to keep your views to yourself. The news business is held in low esteem because of loons like this guy who wants everyone to know he hates Trump. When this clown goes out on a story and tells people what he thinks of Trump, the Trump supporters think he's biased and won't trust him. The Trump opponents will think he's unprofessional. If you really have 40 years of experience, you've seen politicians come and go, political movements grow and decline. You take it in stride. The world isn't coming to an end. But it's our privilege to report on this -- and we're going to do a better job if we keep our opinions out of it.

  7. Mad respect for her! I checked her bio: She spent eight years in Columbia/Jefferson City, MO covering politics (JC is the MO capital). She also shot/covered high school sports...and worked at the Fox regional network in Atlanta. She is not just another pretty/hot face/figure.

  8. Why on eartht would station still pay for breaking news video when they can get it for free? There is NO obligation that stations must buy stringer video. Everyone has broadcast quality camera in those phones. Did Brian Carmody also explain that spending $60,000 on a "broadcast" camera was now a total waste of money?
    Stringers now need to be in competition with the public...not competing with other video stringers.

  9. Hey 7:01pm, I am no longer working in the media and kept my opinions to myself when I was working. Now that I’m retired, I will speak out because I HATE to see what has happened to a once-respectable industry.
