Tuesday, July 12, 2022

Dear Duane Kuiper: Can you get KNBR To Get You a Better Phone?

DEAR Duane:

This is important.

Giants fans love you. The general public thinks you're cool. Even non-sports fans tune in to KNBR for your weekly Tuesday morning hit.

Could either you and/or KNBR get you a better cell phone so we can hear you because your phone has gone in and out--for the past few years (including this morning)--and we can't hear you, Kuip.


  1. Kuiper and Krukow both need to call it a day. They've had a great run, but it's time to pass the baton to Miller/Flemming and Pence/Lopez.

    I've heard Kuiper call counts inaccurately despite it being on the screen in front of him. During yesterday's game, Krukow said the ballpark was built in 2020, not 2000. I hear flubs more and more as they sound like 2 old timers reminiscing in a bar rather than professional broadcasters.

    Kuiper won't travel east of Denver and Krukow can't travel at all. It's time to move on already... and it has been for a while, to be brutally honest.

    1. Fully agree. Saw Kuiper in San Diego and he was friendly, but he was by himself (in fact think he was staying at a different hotel from the team).

      Also agree on the clubs. Several times he has overemphasized a routine fly ball that doesn’t even make the warning track. His call sounds like thinks it a homerun and he’s ready to give his “he hits it high, he hits it deep” and it end up being a routine out.

      Been saying it for a few years, but when Kruk
      or Kuip decide to hang it up, and one goes, I feel they both will go, which would be appropriate.

      Miller shouldn’t be far behind. Personally I like Estes, he’s got a little personality, but knows when to talk and when to sit back for a second. Fleming? Are you the franchise’s voice of the future or are you Mr. Espn national?

  2. Probably still using the Motorola Brick.

  3. KNBR is only budgeted for two empty soup cans and some string. Probably add tin foil on their antenna to help with reception.

  4. 25,000 is a base crowd for a famous team.just the basic.what you would think as a minimum.thats what showed up.that might be the level of iinterest now.

  5. Hunter Pence was terrible the times I've endured his hijinks as a broadcaster, the most recent time just a few days ago. It's all gas and no brakes, like he's getting paid by the word for all the inanity he spews. Not saying he could not improve, but sheesh, right now it's a rough listen, to my ears. It ain't wrestling or hyping up a locker room.

    Lopez much steadier, but sounded bad a few weeks ago in Pittsburgh when Flem was asking him a couple of easy questions (asked him where he lived when he played for the Bucs, and if the place was west of town, etc) and since he clearly had no idea anymore Lopez just said 'Sure, let's go with that" and used that same line again later in response to some other softball...sounded pretty condescending, which doesn't play well.

    You can't recall which direction the town you lived in was and you are a smart ass to the broadcast partner?
