Tuesday, July 12, 2022

Ask Rich Lieberman

ANSWERING your Bay Area TV/Radio/Internet questions--please, name and city.


  1. Who will be the new anchors taking over Lens on KPIX mornings and Allan Martin KPIX evenings?

    1. The latter, probably from outside the market--the former, I have no idea but given it's PIX, I'm sure they're looking for a military figure. Probably blond and female, first captain, maybe.

  2. The new woman on giants pre/post game is annoying. Can’t remember her name. Did Papa get too expensive? Can’t stand his KNBR show with that doofus but he was solid in the Giants gig.

  3. Comcast basically fired Papa because he wanted to get paid and they refused and decided to give the Giants/Warriors pre-post to Laura Britt. She's not great but she's more than adequate and most importantly for Comcast, works well below the pay scale--oh and he's prettier than Papa.

    1. They should bring Jaymee Sire or Kelli Johnson back. Laura Britt is okay, Jaymee and Kelli were great hosts!

  4. Bonta Hill has Warriors pre- and post-game shows.

    1. And Laura Britt has filled in from time to time. But she's mainly Giants, correct.

  5. Do you think that 960 AM will buy one of the the cheap stations, like KNBR or something else? Their current station has no reach and I think this market would be perfect to do a Bay Area wide business format. Plus, given the horrible alternatives my personal opinion is that it would quickly gain traction.

    1. Rich,

      What do you mean reach vs signal? I live Silicon Valley and can just tune in. Seems like a waste to not have a clear signal to the heart of the business market.

  6. What's Mike Shumann up to these days?

    1. Retired and living on retirement via ABC and NFL funding.

  7. Hi Rich, Great Blog!!!

    Is it just me or do all the KCBS anchors talk loud and fast? Maybe they should cut a few commercials and slow the pace down just a little. Maybe I'm just getting old...

    Sitting in the east bay.

  8. How long before KNBR tosses Brian Murphy out on his arse?

    1. KNBR keeps Brian Murphy because he's like the ancient lamp you don't throw away because you need a little light around...it's Murphy's moron, Paulie Crap, that needs to be bootred.

  9. Larry David - Los AngelesJuly 12, 2022 at 11:38 AM

    What's the deal with noshing? Eating, consuming, had some food.

    I don't even use noshing.

    1. I'd suggest you take a long walk on a short pier...

    2. Lol...love ya Big Vinny! I had to keep pestering.

  10. Christine, Jan Wahl...you ever hit any of that?

    Dr. Dean in Marin County

  11. Will you ever be able to reveal what you know about Jeff Adachi?

    1. I work almost every day on that and when it comes to pubbing it, you'll understand why it took so long.

    2. someone mentioned Dean Edell. I thought he had died. What's the story. Isn't he well into his eighties?

  12. Julie Hainer = ice queen, yes or no

    1. She has bikini photos on her instagram. Not so icy off the camera I guess.

  13. Man, Rich, this is GuRah Kang in Alameda; just wondering, have you watched KPIX morning news in the last couple of days, since as you said, the "suits from CBS" came to town? I mean, what a complete MESS it is, with that Julian guy there replacing Len Kiese, with Gianna and Amanda, as well as the most famous LT on the planet, Jessica Burch! The thing is, the honchos there at CBS, have them together standing around a small table, and then, at other times, they have them in 4 different places, and I am just so confused! What the heck is going on at KPIX anyway? I'm tellin' ya/ Rich, and I know you know this too, but KPIX has never been the same since they pretty much showed John Kessler and Sydnie Kohara, the door. Now THEY, were a great morning news team!

    1. You answered your own questions and said it well. I agree with your assessment and it all began, yes, with the Kessler/Kohara screw-up and it'll get worse, stay tuned.

  14. Does the Empress Ming Sze still have that 3pm vanity show, which must be The Dullest Thing on TV, except for PBS pledge breaks?

  15. Yes, the Death Valley of time slots but she'll take it. She can spread her vanity no matter 3 or 6 PM.

  16. Terisa Estacio is the sexiest woman in local news. That's it. No question, just a statement.

  17. Rich, any reaction to Karina Nova on Circle 7?

  18. Do you think Grant Cohen will face any long term consequences for annoying several 49er players?

    1. He already has. Most of the 49ers players don't talk to him.

  19. I think I saw former KGO Princess Natasha Zouves as an anchor on Newsmax over the weekend. Does that count as being a network anchor?

    1. Uh, not in my book. Or Rupert Murdock, for that matter.

    2. It wasn't Newsmax. It was NewsNation. I'm not sure that is an improvement though.

  20. I saw some news that the KCBS-TV in Los Angeles will run both the East Coast and West Coast live feeds of the CBS Morning News program to build a bigger (and probably cheap) block of news this fall. Do you think KPIX will follow suit?

    1. Yeah since both are O/O stations that CBS has at their will and beckoning. (Owned/operated)

  21. Seems like the new NBC Bay Area news set is all about showcasing Raj Mathai as much as possible. What do you think?

    1. At one point, Raj was worthy of such attention but he's now more like vintage jewelry and nothing else. A sad state but reality bites every now and then.

      Raj reads the teleprompter ok --that's about it.

    2. It’s always been about him. Self indulgent, me me me attitude.

    3. That's largely on the shoulders of Stephanie Adrouny: Ambitious, motivated, and without any vision or intelligence. But she's probably fluent in over six million forms of communication, including Bocce.

  22. Mr Lieberman What does "Super Producer" John Daly have on Management?
    James West Sacramento

    1. James, probably the fable that he knows where the bodies are buried at KGO --and KGO fears that because he sure as hell don't know how to run a radio show. Now or ever.

    2. Yeah, the Gene Burns Program was horrible.

    3. If you were unsophisticated and didn't read much, then you were not a Gene Burns listener.

    4. I think 6:31pm was being sarcastic. Callers frequently mentioned listening to KGO for the free education.

    5. I concur 6:31 was being sarcastic, Gene Burns was a very highly rated show.

  23. Rich, what is the financial arrangement between KNBR and Paulie Mac's weekend podcast? Does KNBR pay Paulie or does Paulie pay KNBR to air his podcast. I can't imagine the station thinking more Paulie Mac is a good idea. Between Paulie, gambling goombas and annuity salesmen it's like they don't want you to listen.

    1. Paulie is paid by KNBR to be a useless bore that he is, podcast and Murph's dreck enabler.

    2. You're obviously referring the KNBR's weekend programming which is pretty awful (though I personally don't mind the Paulie podcast other than the 10 minute Moscowitz commercial). Thing is, pretty much all non-music radio weekend programming is dreadful, with lots of paid programming (advertising masquerading as programs). The sad financial reality of radio these days is there aren't enough people listening for stations to be able to afford actual live/local shows.

    3. Bloomberg does not skimp. Very few commercials, lots of content. Best of Bloomberg is great. Also the Sunday TV shows are played there. It is my go-to weekend station now except for the A's games.

    4. Don't listen to 960 during the week but I do stream on the weekends if I can remember. Yes, the Sunday lineup is pretty good but as soon as the A's come on I tune out because I am not going to support that train wreck.

  24. Rich, 60 Minutes Visit. DA issue? George/San Jose

    1. No George, more a chance to talk to Mayor Breed and explore the homeless issue.

  25. Any chance Betty Yu take the weekend spot?

  26. TK from MV: Who is in line for the Fri/Sat evening anchor position at KTVU now that Andre Senior is doing mornings?

    1. Probably either Cristina Rendon or Allie Rasmus, just a guess.

  27. Rich, IMO the best thing on KCBS is Phil Matier and his reports/commentaries about local politics. But they’re too brief. I’d like to see KGO give him a talk show where he could bring back local-issues talk radio. He’s better informed and more interesting than most of KGO’s “live and local” hosts. Think this could ever happen?

    1. No, because that would require KGO spending money.
      They have none.

  28. Hello Rich,

    Did you see this CBS 6 Albany, NY anchor Heather Kovar was suspended on Sunday after appearing on air in disarray and slurring words during her broadcast? I know it's out of our area but seems like we had something similar local recently.

    Still sitting in the east bay.

  29. Yeah I saw, how can you miss it? Although she says she had issues and that her father died and she wasn't sleeping and was overworked. She was suspended.

    She'll probably be retained eventually. And if you're referring to that guy on KTVU --uh, sure.

    1. More than that, she said they were forcing her to work double shifts since May. Illegal, but since when are workers rights protected in this age? There haven't been this many rollbacks of workers rights since pre-FDR in the early 1930s.

      Others who used to work at that station says they have a skeleton staff all the time, and they hardly have anyone left to fire at this point, so her job is probably safe. Whether she or anyone would want it is another matter. Just shows you newsrooms are sweatshops everywhere these days, as the greedy owners fight to keep their 40-percent-before-taxes profits.

  30. What happened to Bob Fitzgerald I did nos see him on any Warriors coverage in playoffs? Post pregame etc.

    1. And you're complaining? The less of "Fitz" the better. NO Fitz? Celebrate.

    2. Unfortunately, he was the "Master of Ceremonies" for the Warriors pre-Championship parade. It was too "homerish", in typical 'kiss butt' fashion. He is soooo predictable.

  31. I like Betty Yu but after seeing her instagram posts it makes her more of a social media diva and not a news reporter. Have you seen her instagram posts and do you think these posts make her co-workers not take her seriously?

    1. Are the rest of them any different? They're all pretty much social media clowns today.(Except for the one real journalist they have there, despite what Rich says, and that's Brian Hackney.)

    2. How come Lieberman, who purports to be a John Kessler fan, dislikes Hackney? I like Hackney precisely because he reminds me of Kessler (and George Sanders).

  32. Has anyone at KTVU given you any idea why their sound is so shitty? Their mikes are constantly cutting in and out, breaking up, or coming in way too loud or way too low. During the work-at-home era they also seemed to take far longer than the other stations to get the hang of the transition. Microphones are not high priced, cutting-edge technology anymore. What's their excuse?

  33. To piggyback off of @4:37, Matier is really good. Is he a hired gun since I hear him on KCBS, seen him on KGO tv and sometimes KPIX 5? He and Willie Brown used to be on tv and KCbs together. Have they considered a podcast together?They are really good together.

  34. Hi, Rich!

    I'm the third generation woman in my family listening to KGO.

    Do you think Kim McAllister will ever get a show? She's awesome. Loved her with Pat, can't stand the guy with her now (and I can also tell Pat is annoyed).

    Kim does make Nikki listenable though IMO.

    Do you have any idea what Chip is up to? I miss him and want him back in the air somewhere.

    Thank you for the Q & A

    ~ Kathleen-Marie in Foster City

    1. Kim is decent, OK, but as far as a fulltime host on KGO, I don't know. I think as a newsperson, she's more than capable.
      Nothing makes Nikki listenable.
      I believe Chip is down in San Diego where he lives and tweeting out his political takes.

  35. Rich, not sure if you’ve watched Ryan Yamamoto lately but you can tell he’s trying to portray himself as a serious anchorman. The proof: he stuck out his chin another 2 inches.

    1. Ain't gonna help. The guy is a total lightweight. He can stick his chin his chin out for a mile.

    2. Agreed. Ryan “The Chin” Yamamoto looks like a fish out of water, completely in over his head. He should go back to being a wannabe social media influencer, or whatever the hell he was before he thought he could become Mr. Big, Bad Anchorman.

  36. https://twitter.com/AudreyAsistioTV/status/1452062906619621376

    Darya is jealous.

  37. ff - Thank you! I've been trying to figure out for years, just who Brian Hackney reminds me of? George Sanders it is!

  38. Is it just me, or does it seem EVERY TIME Jon Miller is calling a Giants game, pitchers throw more 'Cutters" than when anyone else is calling the game??

    Paul F

  39. How does Lee Hammer keep his job?
