Friday, June 17, 2022

The Warriors Not Only Won It All, But Helped 95.7 FM "The Game"; KGO Gets Killed By KSFO; KQED Falters; KCBS: Meh; KOIT and K-101 Big Winners; May SF Radio Ratings


Here's the full numbers.

My analysis:

I've ripped the FM all-sports outlet, 95.7 "The Game"--they had a milestone month: they got out of radio purgatory and delivered a respectable 2.2 May rating from near eternal obscurity.

The Game benefited from the Warriors advance in the NBA playoffs and an up and coming morning show (not that wonderful) but emerging and infinitely superior than the dreck on their AM (KNBR) competitor, which has major problems.

So while 95.7 has hardly anything to crow about, I'll give them credit for finally escaping the abyss and showing signs of life. Not a pulse, more a robust resiliency.

Other observations:

Talk about cratering: KQED.

While KCBS had a mild gain overall, it is not performing like the all-news monopoly it essentially is.

Wow, KGO, you flatlined and got KILLED by KSFO, which is nothing other than a major embarrassment, even by lame KGO (Cumulus) standards.

KNBR, as I said, has MAJOR problems: all shows were DOWN and the Giants continue to under-perform on radio.

*Good month, K-101 and KOIT.


  1. I thoroughly enjoyed Elissa Harrington’s reporting on KTVU at 10pm from some sports bar surrounded by elated maniacs. Great looking sexy red top she wore! Yummy!!

  2. I think they are going by "star" 101.3 now.
    Because they only hire "star" employees.
    Alice & Dave (fm) didn't make the cut......not stars.

  3. I think KQED has been in massive pledge-drive mode for the past month. That's always a good way to take a ratings hit.

  4. And now that basketball season is over, 95.7 will back to 25th until the NFL starts.

    1. But in the meantime . . . Go Dubs!

  5. KCBS actually carried the post-game press conference, with Kerr and several players....

  6. Doesn’t matter how many games the Giants win, attendance and ratings won’t recover until they add big name stars (plural) to the team. Moneyball doesn’t bring in the casual fan.

  7. KQED's morning news programming (aka NPR's Weekend & Morning Edition") has definitely taken a turn for the worse. They seem to have a new host, or a substitute host; whoever that is, needs quite a bit more seasoning, more on-air news experience. KQED's M-F Forum program would be greatly improved by choosing the same host for both hours; and by asking former host Michael Krasny if he would come back as a temporary off-air consultant to rejig the programming, a little more bite. . Many of the show's topics are uninteresting, neither here nor there.

  8. fake klay- its as if hes showing the circus the NBA has become-only an acrobat expert 3 point guy can win-warriors just happen to have it.without curry, the warriors are ''just another boston''-sports quote of the week.

  9. KQED lost a gem when Michael Krasney retired from his morning show, Forum. The hosts who now appear regularly in his place are not very good. Krasney was easily the best thing KQED had going.
