Friday, June 17, 2022

Pat Thurston Continues to Play Ball on KGO Radio

The other day, Pat Thurston, did a tremendous show with a regular guest, David Katz, on KGO.

Katz, who is a former prosecutor and now a defense attorney, spoke to Thurston about the Jan.6 Congressional committee's hearing on Thursday. He and Pat also took calls. It was an hour and it could have gone longer it was so interesting. It just sailed by. That's because Thurston can interview and knows how to ask good questions and move things along. It was evident.

I care about KGO, which is why I'm so critical. I wish the other shows were as solid as Thurston's but they lack so much. Thurston is not perfect by any means but she knows how to run a good program and she does so on a consistent basis. That much is evident.

If KGO management wanted to increase morale and probably attract better ratings, they should highlight Thurston's show and try to form a business model around the 12-4 PM time slot. Right now, easily KGO's BEST part of the day.

Thurston now and then gets a little too chirpy for my taste--it's a rarity, but she's a damn good interviewer and gets solid calls.

Her repertoire never gets old. She's even able to do a show (a long show, in fact) without the benefit/aide of the news guy, Paul Rogers, who constantly interupts her--I have a hard time understanding all this forced give and take with Rogers but that's another story.

Thurston continues to move the needle and deserves high marks.


  1. so the "needle" is moving at KGO? seriously?

  2. Pat is very ignorant on many subjects but tries to act like an authority on said subjects. It sometimes gets cringeworthy.

  3. I like Pat Thurston somewhat, but her voice is often hard to take. Additionally, a show on civil rights or the lgbtq community does not have to take place each and every day. Way overkill. The leaving of Bret Burkhart and Albert I think has hurt their momentum. While Bret Burkhart was far from a perfect side kick, at least he had some chemistry (and willing to play along) with Mark Thompson. Kim Mcallister, while a nice person and competent news reader, is bland as toast as a side kick. Nothing much to say and she doesn't know how to play along. Frankly, I think Paul Rodgers is one of the bright spots. At least he is willing to go against the grain and express strong counterarguments.

    1. Pat doesn’t have shows about the lgbt community or civil rights every day. She just talks about them more than you care to hear because you’d rather hear a conservative like Paul. She’s a liberal and she’s going to present a liberal program. *shocker* You can flip over to KSFO to hear the opposite or call her up to debate.

      Bret was sounded horribly uncomfortable when he first started with Mark. It took a while to develop a chemistry and that doesn’t happen overnight for any pairing, especially at the beginning when the co-host is learning their role. Meanwhile, Albert playing K-Pop and repeating the same phrases when talking about sports doesn’t add anything of value. Just a vapid millennial with the musical tastes of a teenage girl. There a no there there and he just served as a whipping boy.

      As for any change in ratings, the overall 6+ numbers have practically no value when you have informercials running all weekend. The weekday numbers are all that matter and they aren’t public.

  4. Her hard liberal bias makes her show unlistenable! Even in major breaking events, she has a predetermined opinion that she will not change when contradicting facts come out!

  5. I've listened to Pat hundreds of times, and usually agree with her, but have to turn her off after the screaming starts, Her outrage is fine, but it sounds like a fantasy where "if I scream at everyone long enough someone will solve this problem". That doesn't usually work in my experience.

  6. She is a competent broadcaster, and has the gift of gab, but as others have said, she is horribly biased towards the left and misinformed on many topics. As one example, she is anti-nuclear energy and frequently has the same old tired anti-nuke nutter guest on her show. My hope is that someday she will have the cajones to have conservative leaning guests and real scientists that will challenge her POV on a multitudes of subjects, and that she will actually listen and engage in a rational debate. Instead she continues to just sit in her safe little broadcast booth spouting ad hominem attacks and misinformation against those with differing opinions.

  7. And how many liberal voices do you hear on conservative programs. If you can't take her liberal b bias, there's plenty of right wing talk show host, Hannity, Levin Dennis Prager and others

  8. I am really sick and tired of the far right labeling our media as ‘radical-liberal’ or purveyors of “Fake news!”
    Sadly, this kind of ignorance would be laughable if it weren’t so dangerous to our democracy. The only truly
    “Fake News” is mega-media outlet FOX, which promotes racists and right wing propagandists such as Tucker Carlson and Sean Hannity.
