Sunday, April 3, 2022

SFGate Has ZERO Coverage on Sacramento Mass Shooting; KCBS and Lisa Chan Have Another Disastrous Dead Air Sunday Morning; 415 Media Deli; Update: Chronicle Finally Has Report; Gets Beat by NY Post, BBC


A mass shooting in Sacramento early Sunday --you would think any legitimate news site would have a story, but SFGate is nowhere to be found.

Not only did they not have the lead story, they haden't even have mentioned it! The print-edition Chronicle has an excuse-- (yeah, they operate independently, but both owned by Hearst) as the massacre took place in the wee hours of the morning, it was impossible to get it into the newscpaper on Sunday. Not so, SFgate.

What a joke.

Spraking of funnies, I bring you the DISASTER known as KCBS.

Sunday morning was another reason, (for at least the umpteenthx20,000th time) why the alleged all-news radio bizarro is being run into the ground.

Anchor Lisa Chan inexplicably let multi-seconds of DEAD AIR hit her newscasts. It wasn't technical glitches--more like on-air ineptitude. I have no idea what Chan was doing. Come to think of it, I don't think Chan knew what she was doing.

Chan's low energy, low key anchoring style is bad enough and when you combine the seconds-long GAPS in between stories, it sounded awful and abysmal. The gaps were especially obvious between the traffic/weather reports up into the hourly and half-hourly CBS Network news.

It would ne nice if an editor were to notice the issues but for the life of me, I have no clue what the editors on Sunday morning were doing, maybe checking their Instagram --whatever they were doing, they weren't monitoring the on-air product.

This weekend disaster lasted for over two hours. I thought it would be cleaned up, nope.

You would think someone in charge would FIX this mess but again, KCBS is essentially a monopoly and is run by a bunch of un-checked morons who have NO ACCOUNTABILITY and get away with this crap.

Anywhere else, there'd be a price to pay. At KCBS, the DISASTER is ongoing.

A total abomination.

Pass the mustard.

UPDATE: At 10: 57 AM, SF Gate FINALLY had a story on the Sacramento shooting--hours AFTER the initial reports were published and broadcast. As a reader pointed out, even the NY Post had a story on the massacre. And so too, the BBC.

Both media outlets had the accounts from Sacramento HOURS before the Chronicle's report.


  1. Sadly found out about the Sacramento shooting in the New York Post. How does that happen, & it does consistently, rather than seeing it in our local press? I find more CA stories in the NYPost days b4 we see them in local media. Makes 0 sense.

    1. NY and England are in earlier time zones, so they get their news before we in California do.


  2. Rich, their thinking must be if it ain't broke don't fix it

  3. Sometimes dead air is an improvement.

  4. The only person who wants to work Sundays is John Rothmann,if for no other reason,he has a ready made excuse when his wife nags him to go to cal mart for the 15th time this week

  5. I'd rather focus on the smoked pastrami on rye from Kenny & Ziggy's in the picture, than waste my time on Generation Stupid
    incapable of wiping their backside without an app!

  6. I read about it on Google News early Sunday morning. By the time KCBS had it around 11, it was old news. But they had to talk about student housing issues for 30 minutes on In-Depth. Priorities huh?

  7. They were too busy doing articles nobody wants to read on how great Kamala Harris, Libby Schaaf and London Breed are. Democrats gonna Democrat.

    1. And assholes who fear women in positions of authority will be assholes.

  8. Seagate was looking for more info on the Will Smith/Chris Rock smackdown.

  9. Lisa Chan was a disaster when she was the weekend morning co anchor on KPIX!!!

  10. SFBait is no longer a news outlet, so why would they cover such a significant story? But hey, they had a big story about SF burritos vs. South Bay burritos! And in the works over there is a story about our fascination with dutch crunch bread. I kid you not. They teased it on their twitter recently.
