Sunday, April 10, 2022

Julie Haener Had the Power to Help Out Fellow KTVU Anchor Mark Ibanez, But...Anchor Shuffle Remains at KCBS; Thomas Back Monday (Ugh); Clint Reilly-Examiner Play Footsie with Phil Matier; John McCall/KRON Mystery Explained; A Simple Question to Giants' PBPer, Jon Miller; Sunday 415 Media Deli

HAD SHE WANTED TO--Julie Haener's influence at KTVU with the bosses, especially, ND Amber Eikel--was significant enough--Haener probably could have extended Mark Ibanez for another year's services at KTVU.

Ibanez, who took a retirement offer from Fox after 43 years, was extra close with Haener both personally and professionally.

Ibanez, who left last month, was close enough to Haener he personally chose her to conduct a farewell interview. Haener would have been management's choice too but there were several other candidates, including Heather Holmes and Claudine Wong.

Both Ibanez and Haener on several occasions met privately on and away from KTVU. Months before his evcentual departure, Ibanez met Haener at a deli near the station; they talked, they talked long and hard about each other's future. The relationship was enough that Haener, Ibanez figured, would nudge Eikel to extend Ibanez's run another year, maybe two. Haener had leverage too; she could have talked to Eikel and Belynda Hartal, the GM. But it never materialized because Haener backed off. There was no official request from Ibanez but clearly, he would have loved Haener's support.

After his last night at KTVU, they both met for a soda and crackers at an office nearby the studio for nearly fifteen minutes.

*The anchor shuffle at KCBS remains on the docket: after six weeks of artificial meh, Jason Brooks, boring and disjointed, Eric Thomas will return to the morning-drive slot on Monday with bumbling, stumbling, Holly Quan.

KCBS's revolving anchors have included Jim Taylor, Dan Mitchinson, Thomas, Matt Bigler, Margie Schafer and Brooks. All filled in, sort of, for retiring Stan Bunger who left last June.

KCBS and its parent company, Audacy, likes the current business model because it's cheaper and cheap is the magic word at Audacy.

*After various internal memos got to the desk of Jen Seelig, KCBS's inept ND, she replaced Sunday AM news anchor Lisa Chan, with Jennifer Hodges this morning. Hodges, a former KGO tonsil, is adequate enough and knows how to run a board, something that Chan can't perform. And Hodges is a far superior anchor. Maybe Seelig has one less picture than I thought.

*If, god forbid, a major earthquake struck the Bay Area in the middle of the night, not to worry, the SFGate Chronicle will have it all covered a few days later. A week or two tops.

*The Chronicle is a great high-school newspaper. Especially those of you into red-painted houses, burritos, and Bay City news updates.

*Read further.

*Had Clint Reilly's Examiner offered Phil Matier about $100G or so for a couple columns a week, Matier might have been interested but instead Reilly began with a low-ball and that's a no-no with Matier.

*Speaking of which, rich businessmen, like a Reilly, who made his mega-millions in real estate and political advice, are so DUMB when it comes to making basic decisions involving pet projects, like a tabloid newspaper. The Examiner is a fourth-rate, throw-away fish wrap in print and on-line. Reilly is clearly trying to make it a digitial destination --with a name like Matier, SF-centric, that could happen but your a can't be real when you play rope-a=dope with street-wise Phil, Reilly should know better.

*Jonathan McCall was a crafty, well above-average news anchor at KRON who suddenly disappeared --McCall was considered too troublesome by staffers and not worth the trouble, from a professional and personal perspective. They had a sort of mutual parting, which is a smame because McCall had some chops and a decent presence.

*You can build a much better Bay Area by ridding your station of circus clowns like Reggie Aqui, ABC7.

*Simple question to Giants' play-by-play broadcaster, Jon Miller: would Vin Scully ever wear a Dodgers cap to the broadcast booth? 'Nuff said.

*Of course the Giants booster club press corps and state radio, (KNBR) would never broach the subject.


  1. Sunday's Sporting Green today: 4.5 pages with NO coverage of Giants and A's afternoon games on Saturday. Useless.

    1. Disgusting - The SF Comicle has reached rock bottom. It is sad!

    2. They both lost yesterday. That may have played a role, unless more people at the Chronicle are covering the Warriors right now?

    3. Otis and I totally mean this as a compliment, I believe you cover sports better than the Chron does now..

    4. @11:24- Wow thanks, I really appreciate it! I enjoy talking sports with people, and it's always fun going back and forth with people on different sports topics.

      Thanks again!

  2. Jon Miller is horrible, he talks like he's doing narration for a kids cartoon...I have no idea why he's always been considered a quality broadcaster...

    1. Jon Miller is a Hall of Famer, and was the voice of ESPN Sunday Night Baseball for many years. We're fortunate that he's calling Giants games.

      Can Jon Miller be a little long winded sometimes? Sure, but the guy is still one of the better play-by-play broadcasters in all of baseball.

    2. Otis, my man. You are such an apologist. A kiss ass. How brown is thy nose? Buddy, newspaper coverage sucks. Period. There's NO EXCUSE for zero coverage of boredball teams. As for Jon (Formerly "The Fat Man") Miller, Vin Scully nor Mel Allen would wear the caps of the teams they worked for. They had dignity. They didn't sell out. "Slim" Miller thinks he's in the Midwest, like Harry Caray and Jack Brickhouse. Go cry in your stuffed Panda doll now...

    3. I like Jon Miller. The guy works for the Giants - why can't hear wear a Giants cap? I know I've seen Kruk and Kuip wearing Giants gear, and don't recall anyone complaining.

      He does look awfully thin though, almost to the point of looking ill.

    4. This criticism over him wearing a Giants hat is just silly. So what? He works for the team. I don't get how wearing a hat makes him a sellout. If he wants to wear a hat, what hat would be appropriate? If he weren't wearing a Giants hat, many would question why he wasn't. As 11:17 mentioned, other broadcasters wear Giants gear during broadcasts, what's the difference?

    5. @7:59- That's not who I am. I can be critical, but it's hard to criticize a guy like Jon Miller, a Hall of Famer!... As far as him wearing a Giants hat from time to time, it's all good. I think sometimes he has fun with it, and it was cold at the ballpark during night games earlier this week. Got to say warm. LOL. Jon Miller wearing a Giants hat during broadcasts is the least of the Giants worries. LOL.

      As far as newspaper coverage, I kind of agree with you there but everything is more geared towards online now. Even the Chronicle has their articles on SFGate.

      But yes, I'm not an apologist or a "kiss ass". From from it.

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. Eikel may not have had the authority to sign IbaƱez. It may have been a strictly Fox corporate decision. Don't know for sure, but they mother company does hold its affiliates on a very tight leash, and likes to install suits who are mere puppets on a string. Just like Trump and Putin, two other dictatorial types.

  5. And speaking of KTVU at 10, did anybody see Ellisa Harrington in front of the burning Home Depot in San Jose last night? Good report, EXCEPT she failed to mention which Home Depot!!! Terrible!!

    1. I've seen reports where reporters were at a breaker and didn't mention where. At all. They probably assumed whoever wrote the toss to them did, and the person writing the toss probably thought the harried reporter would take care of it. This is one of the problems when you lay off most of your writers and rely on also-harried producers to do most of the writing. This is the sort of thing that should be checked and double-checked before going on the air. Fred Zehnder must be spinning in his grave.

    2. All you had to do was say "I'm at the Home Depot on Blossom Hill or whatever...

  6. Who is the black fella in that picture checking out Julie's ass?

    Or is he trying to grab her wallet?

    1. That's Dennis Richmond, but I don't think he was trying to do either of those things. Doesn't seem like that kind of a guy.

    2. Re Anonymous 12:26;
      He was probably amazed at the lack of ass on her.

  7. What a joy it was to NOT HEAR Lisa Chan this morning. No dead air. No bad sound levels. Maybe KCBS sent her to the Columbia School of Broadcasting to learn how to work a board. Doesn't she need a license to operate one? Or has the FCC lowered its already low standards? Or do the people at KCBS have the Audacity to read this blog?

  8. Jon Miller's wearing an SF Giants cap during broadcasts . . . Who's his employer? Maybe he feels better to cover his male-pattern baldness?

  9. Rich,

    You said it first:

    Eric Thomas will return to the morning-drive slot on Monday with bumbling, stumbling, Holly Quan.

    Thanks for the warning, radio at it's worst.

    1. Rather him than Brooks who's not suited to be a morning drive anchor at all. Talks too fast and in almost a monotone, boring way.

  10. Interesting how Greg Papa has lost both Warriors' and Giants' pre- and post-game shows on NBC Sports Bay Area to younger and more likable hosts. Bravo to NBCSBA.

  11. "...McCall was considered too troublesome by staffers..."

    Great work, Rich. But McCall's hasty exit means "troublesome" is likely the least of it....

  12. Jon Miller wears a baseball hat while broadcasting. Oh, my God! How horrible. He should immediately be fired. what? The things you complain about are often beyond petty. Just plain stupid. He wears socks, too.

  13. Oh no! Somebody is wearing a baseball cap while broadcasting a baseball game. What is this world coming to? Oh no! The sky is falling! Jon Miller has turned our society upside down. Thank you idiot Lieberman for pointing this out to the rest of us.

  14. Not her fight, and the old girl has to save her favors. Ibanez looks like a tanned corpse with ridiculous teeth, it was time for him to hang it up anyway.

  15. Vin Scully was a very good announcer, not because of his voice or his ability to recall things from the past or his play-by-play skills, it was because he never wore a baseball hat. Once again Rich has nailed it. Imagine how much better Jon Miller would be if he just didn't wear a hat. By the way, I'm being sarcastic.
