Sunday, April 10, 2022

Frank Mallicoat Doing a Roberta Gonzales at KTVU

Frank Mallicoat is, what corporate slobs in HR at The Firm, love to tell their bosses they have their pupils in place.

Thus, I give you sweet nothing Mallicoat in full 2022 selfie gear and play:

With willful aid and comfort from equal slime and aiding and abetting Roberta Gonzales.

"Roberta is in the house?" WTF! --wonderful Frankie, how fucking kind of you, thanks for the warning.

The Masters, Giants, NFL mock drafts, yeah I'm sure the only thing anybody wants to talk about is some 60-plus woman who dresses like she thinks she's Eva Mendes but in reality, is a more amped-up Elvira.

Frankie and Roby: what journalistic girth at KTVU.

Gag me with a spoon.


  1. There's Only One Two.

  2. That's a motley crew. Yikes.

  3. F.M. Always came off as an ass kissing snitch.

  4. So in your view, women were a "bad deal" prior to "me too"?
