Thursday, April 7, 2022


You would think an area of this size would have some decent TV/Radio/News options. We don't.

We have dreck. Dreck is a Yiddish word that is defined as garbage and dirt. This Bay Area is dirty. Sure, I can see and hear, read a few morsels of average to above-average exceptions but by and large, it's dreck and boy, what a lot of dreck.

The usual suspects stick out. If you read me enough, you know who and what. I don't have to pick them out, you all know.

I'm just amazed (call me naive) how dredful it is around here. Maybe I should say, "dreckful"--that's appropriate. Because how else, what else is there to say?

Case closed.

KTVU? About as dead as ever. KGO Radio? Limping and lame. KRON? Barely comatose. Circle7? God help em--but they're building a better Bay Area. KPIX? Are you serious? Yawn.

SF Chronicle? For a high-school newspaper, a D-minus.

SFGate? The net version of Highlights (the magazine at the dentist's office, 1974 edition)

*I'm in a bad mood. Heat doesn't translate to tranquility. If I wanted a little Palm Springs, I'd have moved there. I need Seattle in January. Now.

Talk later.


  1. Is that a advertising flyer from kgo7 "Building a Better Bay Area" in that pile of trash. That's where it belongs.

  2. Sweater weather returns, early next week.

  3. Democrat Dreck*. Fixed it for you.

    1. Private enterprise can market their product whatever way they want. Free market baby!

  4. "KGO Radio? Limping and lame"
    You must have missed the grand finale of "Marks Madness"
    Gripping tension and mystery as to which "drop" would prevail.
    Appointment radio for sure.

  5. It's definitely dreck when it comes to the local media. You hit it on the head. The truth always hurts.
