Wednesday, April 6, 2022

415 Media Extra: Bill Martin Flexes His (Gonzales), Roberta Muscle; Julie Haener Mulls Future at KTVU

THE LAST TWO REMAINING..of the Core4 at KTVU's vaunted "10 O'Clock News"..have interesting and fascinating elements within them--quite likely resulting in BOTH going their separate ways (sort of).

Weatherman, Bill Martin, in early 2021, was set to retire and enjoy his golden years at home in Lafayatte. But Martin had a change of heart and has decided to remain on the KTVU weather anchor seat, but stay perched indefinitely. He has a cush gig--how much so?

Martin brought on #2 and weekend fill-in Roberta Gonzales. Knowing full well Gonzales would never get hired full-time, Martin, I'm told by a source, has milked the Gonzales' part-time status; in essence, Martin has inked KTVU 2 and he uses his considerable juice by leaving his weather gig the second he's done --plus his KTVU bosses still allow him to do his weather broadcast from home.

*Julie Haener is reportedly both sad and now angry that her two comrades have departed. Mark Ibanez to forced retirement; Frank Somerville, to loads of personal problems and unseemly acts on and off the KTVU news desk.

Haener has a luxuorious private life with a well-heeled, multi-millionaire husband and QB/son who plays at Fresno State. Not to mention, a million-dollar-plus mansion in stately Danville. Life is good but at KTVU?

Haener MISSES her buds, especially Ibanez, whom she shared a very private, confidential, professional relationship with. Both she and Ibanez would often talk shop and their pernonal/professional life --when Ibanez was doing sports studio and not from his Napa home.She was close friends with Somerville, maybe the only KTVUer that liked Frank and was furious when he got into trouble even when Julie defended him countless times.

Now Haener seems distant and clearly upset.

She can basically run her own schedule at KTVU and seems untouchable by her bosses. Haener, you can imagine, can pick and choose but she also is now mulling her own future. She still loves the job but she also is upset at the ongoing and past developments at Fox2.

Stay tuned.


  1. Haener is doing fine, except about twice a week she resorts to wearing her "puffy upper-arm & shoulder" outfits.
    Other times her outfits are great.
    Someone must disabuse her from the mindset that "puffy arms" are stylish or attractive.
    Am I the only one who can't stand the "puffy arm" outfits?
    If we don't nip this in the bud, whats next? Football shoulder pads?

    1. You are right on. What is she thinking? It's not a good look.

  2. Roberta is looking more and more like Tammy Faye.

  3. Personally, I would be sad if Julie decides to leave KTVU. She is smart, professional, dependable, and gets along with her co-workers. But if that happens, Heather Holmes could fill-in. They have a great 1-2 punch at channel 2.

    1. Who posted this, Amber Eikel?

    2. Not sure if KTVU would replace Haener with Holmes. I mean, Holmes is certainly qualified but KTVU does not seem to treat her right. If Julie is truly unhappy now and decides to retire then make Holmes and some really professional male anchor the new 10 PM team. A Dennis Richmond type or Van Amburg type, not some lightweight pretty boy who checks all of the racial/gender boxes.

  4. "Haener MISSES her buds, especially Ibanez, whom she shared a very private, confidential, professional relationship with."

    Then she has shitty taste in people. IbaƱez is an egotistical asshole who thinks his craps smell like Chanel No. 5.

    "Now Haener seems distant and clearly upset."
    She's no different than she has been for 20+ years. And by the way, Liz Cooke at KPIX is no different either. It's all in your imagination.

  5. Puffy Pirate shirt on Seinfeld...but I don't want to be a pirate!!

  6. Julie is boring as hell, at work and in private I'm guessing

  7. KTVU weather is kind of the pits all around. They should bring back that blonde lady, she was better than both of these goofballs. Honestly there is no good weather person in the bay right now. A whole lotta meh and mumbling.

    1. Who was that guy that used to say "Hello Petaluma"? He was pretty entertaining. At least he had some fun with it. Weather is not brain surgery.

    2. @3:30. That was Lloyd Lindsay Young who would do that.

    3. "Hello Brisbane." "Hello Gilroy." "Hello Antioch." Miss that guy.

  8. So you're complaining that Bill Martin leaves after he finishes his job????

  9. I can't watch when Gonzalez is on. Too embarrassing.

  10. Are you kidding me? Gonzales is amazing. Bill Martin is an over done diva. Yuck!

  11. I love Gonzales. Martin is yucky.
