Wednesday, March 2, 2022

Hump Day Happy Hour: John Rothmann/KGO Radio Thursday 86ed by Cal Basketball Broadcast; Rothmann Livid; KNBR Sales Reps Get Cold Shoulder Treatment Over No Giants/MLB Games; Revenue Lost Pays for Other Cumulus Stations; Mary Lee and Rob Roth Departing KPIX/KTVU; Not Really a "Live Shot"


John Rothmann will lose his mind --if he hasn't already: the KGO Radio host's Thursday night program (4-7 PM) will be preempted by a Cal basketball broadcast that begins at 4: 30, virtuallu eliminating all of Rothmann's program.

With Ukraine-Russia war news in the domain, I'm sure Rothmann is fuming. Of course he is, but KGO (Cumulus) needs all the money it can get. The worst part of this? KGO will pocket more cash on the Cal basketball broadcast (about $1000) as opposed to the zero money/sponsors it receives on Rothmann's show. Have you heard the spots? Mostly PSAs, KGO promos, remnents ads and Steve Moskowitz. It's sad but it's true.

Also, stunning!, outrageous!, appalling! --Rothmann is so livid he threw his cot outside the KGO conference room.

*Something to consider and KGO's worst nightmare: should some major story hit during the Cal game-- an escalation by Russian troops; a major bomb hits Downtown Kiev; you name it. Then Rothmann goes certifiably nuts and Lee Hammer locks himself in his office.

*KNBR story making the rounds: a few sales people called a few prime advertisers to try to get them to re-up on Giants' broadcasts --on Monday---the advertisers, (one, a credit union) told the sales reps to hold off, and say essentially, "let's see how this lockout/strike takes shape." Later on Monday, the MLB owners and players broke off talks and now, Opening Day and the first week of games have been cancelled. And, oh, by the way, the advertisers told KNBR they were done. For the time being.

*Those "live" shots you see--a lot on KPIX news--are not really live and are referred to in the biz as "almost lives"--pre-recorded live reports in the field by reporters. The fake live shots don't really save money, they're utilized mostly because today's crappy reporters don't know how to ad-lib.

*Mary Lee, as I reported here, will depart PIX/KCBS weahter duties (morning) and it's now official.

*As I reported (also here, last week), Rob Roth is retiring from KTVU. Boy, did Roth hit the lottery.

*KNBR revenue from Giants-related broadcasts; ads, sponsorships, contests, etc. not only pay the piper for KNBR but other Cumulus stations too, like KGO, KNBR 1050, 107.7 FM, The Bone", so you can only imagine what the Cumulus suits and staff are thinking now. It's not a joyous time on Broadway and Battery.


  1. "Mary Lee, as I reported here, will depart PIX/KCBS weahter duties (morning) and it's now official."

    When? Can't be too soon for me. And who will replace her? How about Roberta Gonzalez?

  2. KGO needs a revamp of a good balance of on air talkers, I’d say talent but there doesn’t seem to be any anymore.

    1. Not to mention, Hi quality Talent demands to be PAID DECENTLY. Cumulus does not have money to pay for the few that they have NOW. That is WHY the HAVE what they have now...Which Ain't MUCH.

  3. 107.7 morning crew has been telling the same old jokes for years all to demographic of adolescents, I tune in occasionally for the music late mornings and afternoons.

  4. If Mary Lee is leaving who will do the morning "TAPED" weather on KCBS?

  5. Maybe they can get Sara Lee to raffle off coffee cakes?

  6. I believe Mary Lee is just departing the “morning team” on KPIX but she will still do freelancing weather report “fill ins” and along doing Science/Tech stories. Mart Lee will still be around...

  7. When is Mary Lee's estimated last day? (Just curious.)

    1. Yes, I can hardly wait for that day as well.

    2. KPIX could search out and hire Chelsea Aaron

      as she's vanished/quit/let-go from KRNV in Reno NV, but hopefully she's moving on to somewhere or something else. I wouldn't wish someone having to work & live in the Bay Area with its high cost of living, crime, and other negatives.

  8. Rich, look into your crystal ball and tell us whats happens to Larry and Rod? Are they going to have to go out and get REAL jobs like the rest of us? Thanks in advance.

  9. there was so much sucking up to rothmann for his birthday, i thought they were going to let him yell "Its the DEMOCRATIC PARTY" for three hours

  10. Those look-lives are about safety. A real live shot requires the crew to set up and wait, increasing their vulnerablity.

  11. How long will it be until the Cumulus stations in the area start running commercials from drug companies? They've been fleecing Americans for years with drugs to treat illness and then drugs to treat the side effects of those drugs. The vicious cycle.

  12. Speaking of PIX / KCBS weather: for the most part, I am forgiving of the KCBS anchor shuffle, complete with a fair amount of, um, oddities - because this is a 24/7, live, news station - the only one we have - and they do their best! BUT - Thursday morning / early was hilarious: Jason Brooks, in his little weather blurb following traffic, said several times that "we're expecting the biggest storm of the season - get your umbrellas out", etc. - but the PIX weather guy would come on in the next segment, and say "we're not really expecting much, if any, rain in most areas from this system"!!! Brooks kept up his mantra - until much later in the was just FUNNY!

  13. I have no idea why any business would advertise on radio - I automatically switch the station as soon as they go to a commercial break. I'm sure there are people who stick around, but don't most people do what I do?

  14. That particular time slot has always been interrupted by Cal sports programming. Gene Burns never whimpered about it, nor anyone else. I think John, understanding that we are on the precipice of world war III has a legitimate concern,however.

    1. KGO can preempt a sports broadcast for emergency news coverage. It's in every contract.

    2. I wonder if anyone actually listens to those Cal games on KGO? Because I sure don't.

    3. It doesn’t matter, just like the weekend informercials. It all subsidizes payroll costs.

  15. The morning weather anchor is so hard to watch on KPIX, the previous one on KCBS/KPIX with a horse voice and Mary Lee doesn't look too sweet. So many anchors leaving and with KTVU spot, my best guess is Andre Senior will get it. Mike shouldn't be a dousch comparing himself with Frank getting that high raise, either take it or start a yell match with Gasia back to AM. Frank Malicoat should take the spot willing to take any paid due to his age and no longer get any main anchor spot back. Frank should be a consideration willing to do it at any price.
