Tuesday, January 4, 2022

On Day of DUI Arrest, Somerville Told By Agents His Services Were Not Wanted; KTVU Newsroom Pulse: Quiet Resignation But Still Angry; Mike Mibach Odds-on Favorite To Get 10 PM Gig

ON THE DAY he was DRINKING at a few Uptown/Oakland bars--one, directly across the street from his condo--Frank Somerville was told by every agent possible that he'd fail at attracting a new gig, even outside the Bay Area market and at least one outlet, in Sacramento, told him his they weren't interested in his services.

Later that night, Somerville was arrested on a suspicion of DUI after hitting several cars and ramming one on Grand Ave and Broadway.

At KTVU, where Somerville used to work, the pulse of the newsroom, from a well-placed source is that of remarkable quiet. "Nobody is really talking about it --sure, a lot of people are shocked, but a lot of people are angry and they want to move on," said the source.

Somerville is OUT THE DOOR at Fox2. Nothing is official. After his co-worker anchors stopped saying, "in for Frank tonight", they were instructed to say that disclaimer again last night (Monday) out of legal reasons but make no mistake, Somerville is a GONER, only the method on how Fox lowers the boom is a mystery.

*The Somerville-replacement tour has seen a series of fill-ins at KTVU try to get the prime time gig--it seems that Mike Mibach is the chosen one as long as Mibach wants the job and yes, he desperately wants the job. Mibach has beaten out Andre Senior who was considered not big enough to get the spot but nothing is official yet.

It's hoped that Mike will be happy to land 10 PM, so much so that he will refrain from screaming in his car after completimg newscasts.

*The people at KTVU who work behind the scenes know the majority of them, I RESPECT and admire for being able to work in a challenging environment; the majority who are UPSET and can't wait to leave once their day is over because while they are fed up with Somerville, they CANNOT STAND the ND, Amber Eikel. Two things can be mutually exclusive.

*If you believe the latest rumors, yeah even Fox has had it with Eikel and her days are numbered.

*Had the same incident that involved Somerville were that of another star Bay Area anchor, you'd have bet and you'd have won KTVU would have reported the story and they'd have been right to. By NOT even mentioning the Somerville DUI arrest should tell you what kind of news operation is KTVU today. Fred Zehnder would be PISSED.

*Yeah, the same Zehder killed by a DUI driver.


  1. Not Mr Constipation Mibach please! Andre has more gravitas for sure. I was impressed that Senior stopped wearing tight fitting suits alas Dennis Richmond.

    1. CNN is also known as the Constipated News Network for the same reasons you are calling Mike constipated. Watch one day and look at the faces. Hilarious.

    2. Since Mibach is the worse choice of the two, I'm sure KTVU management will make it. Whether it's Roberta over Kyla or putting Amber Lee on night reporting or rehiring Greg "No-Pulse" Liggins to still letting Bill Martin bumble and mumble his way through the weather, they can't seem to get anything right at that sad station.

  2. How is Mibach bigger than Senior? He hosts the worst morning show in the Bay Area except for KGO's, and he's the main reason it's the worst morning show in the Bay Area. What a stuffed shirt.

  3. > Yeah, the same Zehder killed by a DUI driver.

    Boy, KTVU really buried that story too, maybe because all the former talent they interviewed for it said Fred and only Fred made the station what it was, and wasn't it great once upon a time? Slap in the face to current management and they don't like that, so the piece ran maybe twice (unlike most KTVU content, which is typically recycled for two days after it first airs) and then was BURIED.

  4. > ON THE DAY he was DRINKING at a few Uptown/
    > Oakland bars--one, directly across the street
    > from his condo...

    THIS is what pisses me off about Mr. Sanctimonious, Mr. "I care so much about brown-skinned people." He could have drunk AT HOME and not driven his car. If he wants to get plastered fine, but don't risk killing other people——brown or white——because you're a failure. There was NO reason he had to be out in public with his demons. Shows you how much he really cares about OTHER PEOPLE. Effing hypocrite. I hope they never give him a job cleaning out the toilets at another TV station...he doesn't deserve it.

  5. Frank's days on TV may not be over. CNN has a new series that features a panel of Dan Rather, Bryan Williams, Bill O'Reilly and Chris Cuomo. Every week this panel talks about their favorite fake news stories and they reminisce about things that didn't happen to them. They have guests, too. Last week it was Robin Roberts, who talked about how she fell so hard for Jussie Smollett's fake assault story and why ABC News didn't cover his trial. Jeffrey Toobin also was a guest, though he only participated via Zoom. I think Frank could be a guest or even part of the panel for this show.

    1. All those people have national exposure. Frank doesn't.

    2. And don't forget Sean Hannity. Two-faced liar spouts crap on the air he knows is untrue.

    3. Chris Cuomo was fired at CNN.

    4. Don't forget guest host Lou Dobbs (i'll tell any lie and stand by it).

  6. My 2c: KTVU commenting on it is a conflict of interest. I think they're better off not commenting on it at all. Besides, this isn't exactly the Top Story of the Year.

    1. :-D

      You need to understand "conflict of interest" better. —From a lawyer who does

  7. I would classify Mibach as contemporary bland and suspect ratings could fall with him skippering the ten o'clock news. I'm sure he's a nice guy but he has absolutely no personality and as others say seems in a constant state of constipation. Good luck to him though and good luck to frank, it must be hard to know that nobody wants or believes in you.

  8. He has a little white lap dog like Ronnnnn.

    1. Ronn Owens and his family have adopted several dogs from Muttville, San Francisco's wonderful sanctuary and adoption service for rescued senior dogs. A dog can be small and still powerful in many ways. It's a mitzvah which returns great joy to your soul. Are you afraid of dogs who don't make you look stronger than you actually are?

  9. God, Mibach is the worst. Such a smarry, smug, privileged POS.

  10. The damage Amber Eikel has done is going to take years to repair. If ever. What a sad state of affairs at this once prestigious station. Fox has always been known for hiring cheap but they really bonked on the Amber Eikel hire. Big misstep.

    1. How do you know what her salary is? You don't. Her station's newscasts still have great ratings and continually have had great ratings. She isn't responsible for Frank's dangerous and addictive behavior.

    2. Hi Amber LOLLLL!
      She's low rent. Not a secret. "Her" station my ass. The ratings are falling and only remain because of the reputation and work from many years before Eikel crawled in. She's determined to leave the place in shambles and is well on her way.

    3. I'm not Amber. I don't know and have never met Amber. Since you seem to know and allege that everyone knows her salary, what is it? Certainly you are right that KTVU had great ratings in its Zehnder days, but those were long, long ago and the ratings are still great. Should I await your reporting of her salary?

  11. CNN was all over Chris Cuomo when he got canned, and on a side note that was my favorite show on CNN.

    1. I feel bad for you. For watching CNN that is.

    2. They were all over Chris Cuomo when he got canned, in part because he was an arrogant and condescending person to all of them.

  12. I hope it's not Mike Mibach. I can't stand the guy, he's like fingernails on a chalkboard. Maybe Dennis Richmond will come out of retirement.

  13. Last night (Monday) they still said "Frank is off tonight" at the start of the newscast. (Actually it was Frank and Julie are off tonight, to be accurate)

    1. When is Julie not off these days?

    2. She was back on tonight. She must need the nav in her car to find the place these days.

  14. I've never been in the news business, so take my opinion as a "grain of salt", especially compared to Rich L.'s opinions.

    Whether it was going to Mibach, Senior, or anybody else, there could be several other factors between KTVU management and the employees themselves:
    -work hours
    -who's available, whether from within or outside
    -keeping an entire news team (a.m. & p.m.) happy, whether weekend, weekday.
    -male vs female, ethnic group, age, attendance
    -things which hiring managers might be thinking, but can't be consciously written down or even said for hiring/personnel reasons.

    I've no opinion between Senior or Mibach. I've probably seen Senior more as I'm not watching much early morning local news, and Senior is good enough for me.

    But so are other news anchors, at least to me, whether it's Holmes, Rendon, Senior, Mibach, and probably others.

  15. Good God please no Heather Holmes. Mike or Andre would be great. We would be lucky to have them. My guess is these idiot managers bring in someone from the outside that no one knows. Random. That's what they'll probably do. Makes no sense which to this management team will make perfect sense.

  16. Anomie 5:13 and 5:24 I feel bad that you Mommy and Daddy named you anomie

  17. Mike Mibach is not very personable. KPIX went out of the market for a new anchor, a new face. Mike’s face is painful to watch.

  18. They did NOT say "...in for Frank" tonight (Tuesday). I wonder if that means the blade has fallen.

  19. In other news, Emma Goss, who disappeared from KTVU's airwaves unceremoniously a couple months ago, was back tonight!

    She's even more pinched and nasal than before, however. She really should consider some sort of surgery, if that's an option. Shame, because she's not a bad reporter.

    1. Glad someone else noticed too! I had to do a double take when I heard that distinctive voice coming from the tv. She’s a fine reporter. What if she has surgery and the voice is worse? It’d be similar to when Jennifer Grey had the nose job and lost all her previous charm

  20. Frank Sommerville...the Foster Brooks of local TV
