Monday, January 3, 2022

KTVU Still Hasn't Even Mentioned the Somerville Story


More to the point, it tells you the kind of news operation that has become of once mighty (long, long time ago)KTVU (Fox)

They have NOT reported the SOMERVILLE arrest. Not even mentioned it. NOTHING, nada. And please, this is no longer a "professional courtesy" deal. It's about something in the news. Yeah, it's uncomfortable to have to read a bad deal involving your own but you hold your nose and read it.


  1. KTVU is a glorified Fox News affiliate. Many of the stories come from the network. Why show editorial integrity now? Sad, pathetic downward spiral.

    1. I feel like I'm watching CNN or MSNBC every time I turn on KTVU.

  2. Local TV news programs in big cities don't cover DUI's without injuries, do they?

    1. They do when the person or persons involved are well known. Hell, not even *famous,* just well known.

    2. They'll cover DUIs if the person caught is well-known, like a politician, celebrity, or professional athlete. Frank is well-known.

  3. The anchors have stopped saying the "in for Frank Sommerville" at the top of the evening newscasts. That's a small way of acknowledging the situation.

    1. ..."And Frank is out on bail"...

    2. He's likely headed back there, that's why.

  4. I'm waiting to see if tonight the anchor says, "I'm in for Frank..."

  5. What a bunch of BS KTVU has turned into.

  6. @10:38am - Sunday is usually Frank and Julie so I was surprised last night that neither anchors mentioned they were in for Frank and Julie.

  7. I wouldn't have reported it either if I were KTVU. 1) It's professional courtesy. 2) As someone said before, is it a normal news story (No), 3) You don't kick someone when they're down.

    Besides... what anchor is going to want to read that copy? Not even his worst enemy.

    Instead, I would perhaps do a, "... Frank Somerville is no longer with KTVU. We want to thank Frank for the many years as a cherished colleague and we wish him the best. Out thoughts and prayers are with Frank and his family..."

    and move on

    1. If you didn't "kick someone when they're down" half the stories you see wouldn't be there.

      There's no such thing as a "professional courtesy." News is news.

      "Is it a normal news story?" Yes. A DUI crash is quite normal. The identity of the driver shouldn't influence whether or not they cover it.

      Your news judgment sucks.

    2. What about this is newsworthy? Frank didn't kill anyone, didn't strike anyone, didn't harm any children - he hit parked cars while drunk and rammed another one into a pole. While his behavior is inexcusable and reckless, incidents like these happen all the time. They're not reported because they aren't newsworthy. I'm pretty sure if I did the exact same thing as Frank it wouldn't be mentioned anywhere, except maybe on NextDoor with a headline "Anyone know why there were a bunch of police cars on Almaden Expressway last night at 11:40?"

  8. Ch 4 had a report and a video of the accident. Said they contacted ch 2 for a comment but had not heard back. Think this was Saturday.

  9. We should just move on and maybe someday Frank will make a recovery and end up at another station and it'll be the feel good story of the year that or he'll be busted for trafficking pcp next week

  10. They should change their name to KTVCOVID-19 Central. That's about all they talked about last night.

  11. Fox is in charge of this now 100%

  12. What an embarrassment. On a positive note Greg Lee and Andre Senior last night were not a bad combo. Lee’s delivery is cleaner and snappier than the other two torsos: Mibach and Liggins

  13. Has any other local, televised news outlet reported it?

  14. Sorry for his family but not for him. He always tried so hard to overdo his "im such a nice guy" schtick. Always seemed fake to me, just something i couldnt trust about him. I guess the gut feeling wqs right. And Frank, just because you adopted a black child doesnt mean youre arent a selfish a hole. I hope this humbles you back to reality

    1. While not a fan of Frank's last few years at the anchor desk, I have to say I sat behind he and his daughter at a Cal-USC football game several years ago. He seemed like a good guy. Strangers constantly wanted to talk to him, and while it must have been annoying, he was personable and polite to everyone.

  15. It seems every local media outlet, TV and print, has reported on Frank's not-so-joy ride. Everyone, that is, but the self-proclaimed News Leader, KTVU.

  16. The muslim intern Frank had an affair with is LOL right now who loves to fool man around.

  17. Here are just a few that did the Frank Somerville DUI story.
    Maybe more.

    San Francisco Chronicle
    NBC Bay Area
    East Bay Times
    The Press Democrat
    Vallejo Times-Herald

    and of course Rich Lieberman 415 Media that has done a stellar job from the start...

  18. KPIX ran a story about it over the weekend as well. Apparently KTVU thinks that the 'see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil' mentality will make it all just magically go away and somehow absolve them of the fact that they enabled this behavior for way too long so long as the ratings were good. What a crackpot mockery of a 'news' station.
