Sunday, January 2, 2022

415 Media Exclusive: KTVU News Management Knew of Somerville's Drinking (On-Air and Off) But Didn't Do Anything; As Long as Ratings Remained at Top, Pass Given; KTVU Staffers Not Surprised But Dismayed; Eikel and Nohr at Forefront

COUNTLESS TIMES. Too many for those at KTVU to remember, did Frank Somerville get away with things. Story goes, and it wasn't really news to anyone at the station, was the realization that Somerville had been given numerous chances to clean up his act, time after time--be it DRUNKEN BINGES or questionable behavior with interns-- but the message was either not honored or taken seriously or Frank simply did what he did and those around him knew of his excesses and put up with them.

Somerville, who was arrested on Thursday night with a supicion of DUI looming and a career gone south, is home in Oakland having been bailed out by his ex-wife, Donna Wright, from the Alameda County Jail in Dublin. He will most likely face a criminal charge soon and numerous civil suits. His reign at KTVU was already over before last week's incident and now is about to become official soon with an outright dismissal. A FIRING.

According to my sources at KTVU, it was common knowledge Somerville had appeared either "out of it" and/or obviously "drunk" and even drunk on air at times. But he was allowed to carry on because management was happy with the ratings and Somerville, the quasi "face of the station" always had positive, popular community respect and whose presence on "The 10 O'Clock News" made it the top Bay Area newscast for years on end.

Moreover, KTVU's bosses--including News Director, Amber Eikel and former HR chief, Chris Nohr, (who retired recently) knew full well about Somerville's drinking (and other vices) but allowed him to continue his personal transgressions. As long as the numbers were solid, Somerville could carry on and he did, all at the dismay of many KTVU staffers.

When he was suspended last year after appearing drunk and under the influence on-air, those at KTVU were not surprised and unsympathetic. They told me Somerville had been given chance after chance to get his life together and he never sought help. They indicated it wasn't that they were insensitive to "his issues", but that his dalliances were besmirching KTVU and their own hard work. The activity seemed to get a nod by management as long as KTVU's ratings remained at the top.

"He'd gone on the air sloshed many tmes. Amber and Nohr knew for years. They all did. But Fox didn't know", said a station source to 415 Media. And, according to the source, when he finally had his on-air kerfuffle, both Eikel and Nohr claimed they didn't know. "But they did. Everone knew."

More word of Somerville's brash behavior is making the rounds not just at KTVU but around the Oakland area and beyond. Somerville, I'm told, was pulled over by police many times and allegedly allowed to leave because he was well-known and a celebrity-- and everything seemed cool. He managed to carry on because of his job at KTVU.

But last week, after days of hard drinking, Somerville was so smashed he couldn't find his car (the Porsche involved in Thursday night's incident)--it was parked in a Downtown Oakland parking garage and Somerville finally located it Thursday. He'd been seen drinking at various Uptown bars that day and one across the street on Grand ave. near his luxury

Oakland condo. (pictured)

The latest incident; certainly now, the most serious, has left the KTVU newsroom in another awkward situation. Now, there's outright ANGER and resentment, not just aimed at Somerville, but at Eikel and her continued managerial malfeasance. If Fox doesn't do anything now and go after Eikel, says the rank and file, there will be continued turbulence at KTVU's newsroom and most of it having little to do with Frank Somerville.



  1. Always take a picture with your phone where you park your car.
    Those of us who are older and just have trouble remembering things know this. (I think I picked up the tip from the AARP magazine.)
    Too late for Frank, of course.

    1. I should do that at Target, I always can't find my car, I swear someone has my key.

    2. That happened with me at the parking garage KCBS uses. Jan Wahl would barrel in like Leslie Nielsen, knocking over garbage cans. Then, she would break wind that would fog up the windows.

    3. I spent 20-minutes looking for my white Ford Expedition at the SF Costco a couple of weeks ago...before realizing that I took my wife's Toyota Prius--and that it was parked in the first row of that garage...right in front of the entrance/exit.

    4. The above three comments represent the diminishing demographic that is causing the death of terrestrial radio

  2. This clown is a danger to the public and should not only have his drivers license revoked but spend time in jail before he kills or injures someone. Time to deal with reality.

    1. Report him to County Child Protective Services, that dude got so drunk he was stumbling and had to be held up. Nothing like a sloppy drunk going viral

  3. Cult of Personality.Hubris is their downfall and they always fall hard! KTVU condoned his behavior and this is the result.

    These two entities have mired themselves worse than a dung beetle.

  4. The effed up part of this and there are many is that the News Director Amber Eikel let him go on air buzzed over and over again. She knew. We all knew.

  5. This guy is a civic danger. He could have killed someone. And, yes, he reeked of booze in the newsroom. His drinking was no secret. Management ignored this, while the Burgundy of the Bay Area blathered away. What a f----- disgrace.

  6. Hey Rich, watch the Sporting Green. Jenkins retired, and they are moving deadlines up to the early evening soon. That means no game-day coverage of night games for any pro teams the following morning in the paper. Or breaking news coverage of anything after 7 p.m. Way to drive away what remaining subscribers you do have.

    1. The Chronicle doesn't really do breaking news anymore. It's all food reviews, social commentary, and feature. I canceled my subscription because it wasn't worth it.

    2. That's why we have online subscriptions. Newspapers are old news by the time they are printed. Spend a few bucks on an online subscription

    3. Bruce Jenkins retired?!?..the guy that had been around since the moon landing?..

  7. Many anchors have a glass of wine with dinner between early and late newscasts. Getting drunk is a different matter.

  8. He will be required to take Alcohol education classes as part of his sentence. The duration of the classes is dependent on his bac . Probably a good thing for him.

  9. I don't get why he didn't just stay in his condo and drink there, where he can only hurt himself. What a fool. I'm sure he's got plenty of booze in his house.

    1. Perhaps he was lonely, but he certainly could afford Uber or even an old fashion taxi. His fines etc. is going to cost a lot more than a taxi would have. I had a friend who was a hardcore alcoholic, (he passed away in 2020, party due to alcohol abuse, at the age of 68) however, he got caugth driving drunk in the eigthies and was trown in jail in Oakland overnight. That cured him, if he couldn't find a designated driver or afford a taxi, he stayed home and drank.

    2. I know him well. I don't believe he DROVE to bars in Oakland - he always drank at home, or used Lyft. He probably just drove to get some food (but was too drunk to realize he should NOT be driving...)

  10. Any attorneys out there? Here's a question: If there are internal HR documents at KTVU documenting a history of alcoholism since Frank was technically employed by KTVU when this happened could they be held liable in any way?

    1. I'm no lawyer but he was on his own time.

      I fail to see how KTVU would be responsible. If they were every business in the country would be getting sued over drunk employees on their own time.

      Now if he were driving a company vehicle, I'd think they they'd bear some responsibility (especially with prior knowledge).

  11. We love building people up then tearing them down. It's easier to climb to the top than it is to stay there. We should all recognize that Frank has a disease. And shame on KTVU and others to enable his addiction for the sake of profit and ratings. Frank is no different than millions of Americans who need help but as long as they have a value to someone, they will not get the help. They will continue to be used. Frank, it's a disease but like with every disease, you must accept the fact that you need help. It's up to you to say enough - to say I want to change - and allow people with good intentions to help you.

  12. Alcohol education classes are as useless as anger management classes. just another way for the county or state to rip off more people.

  13. Here's the reason he didn't stay at home and drink:

    According to Rich, he was given a pass many times from the OPD. So why would he fear getting caught when nothing ever happened to him before?

    1. weird - he stayed home day after day, drinking, sleeping, and watching tv. I'm not buying this bar theory. He lives downtown and would NEVER drive to bars nearby!

  14. My husband has been sober for 30+ years and would frequently comment that Frank was "drunk again" when we'd watch him. This was over the course of the last 5-10 years or so. When I'd ask him how he knew he said it "takes one to know one". Sadly he was right. Frank is fucked right now but I hope he gets the help he needs.

  15. This is a neat newsy gossip blog, glad I cam across it.

    So, the word on the street with a couple folks in the 'KNOW' is that it was a planted rufie in cocktail .. A total and complete set-up. Dig deeper and go below the shiny and neat surface for the truth. Yes, I know that takes work.

    1. Dunno about that, there are definitely powers that want his azz out of this media market. He'll have a chance elsewhere once he gets himself the right help and commits 100%.

    2. Right. Same as the "I took the wrong medication" excuse from Memorial Day. No one is buying it. First step to recovery is acknowledging that you have a problem. If what you said was truthful I would not be surprised if the "'folks in the 'know'" are Frank's handlers trying to fabricate a make believe story to attempt to salvage whatever is left of his career. Hopefully LE took blood, because the toxicology won't lie. I don't wish Frank ill will but the man needs help.

    3. Yeah, I doubt Frank could drive if he was actually roofied.

  16. OPD is still giving Frank a pass by saying he 'wasn't technically fleeing hit and run.'
    Uh huh, because Audi was attached to front of car...

    1. Nope, they will make an example out of him, someone easily could have been killed that night. Frank has a long and costly road ahead – but can come back. Admitting his demons fully and apologizing thoroughly to all, once out of an extended substance abuse program, and he can climb his way gradually back up the ladder. I think he will, but it's going to cost him so much, in so many ways.

      So, we'll soon see how important his reputation and career is to him – bigger challenges have been overcome by notable people who have done far worse. Plus, people do forgive and move on in this society, far quicker than others.

    2. well said. Frank can definitely turn it around and come back. But it's entirely up to him what he chooses to do.

  17. Frank may be looking for a good defense lawyer.
    Is Christine, yes, OUR Christine Craft available to help this man?

    1. I think he needs a lawyer who focuses on DUI defense. Len Tillen would be perfect. Most of his old shows were about how to beat that rap, remember?

    2. 10:54 AM If I recall, Len Tillen tends to ramble a lot and can be rude while trying to make a joke about the plaintiff or defendant's mistakes. "You really screwed yourself royally when you did that! Can you now see how dumb that decision was?"

  18. Pill slipped in drink, it's coming out in the toxicology brief.

    1. We'll see. I don't believe it.

    2. I doubt he could drive while drugged. I watched somebody get roofied once, though I didn't know what was happening at the time. After a couple of drinks, suddenly they could barely stand up. The next thing they remembered was waking up in the "Good Samaritans'" living room around 4AM the next day. They got a taxi to a hospital.

  19. Oh man, I feel bad for this dude. Maybe just a horrible idea for attention and plea for help. Change starts with him, hope he gets that now.

  20. How in the hell did Tiger Woods get away with his accident. He was driving 80 mph plus, crossed a median and 2 oncoming lanes and he walked. He easily would have killed someone had there been a collision. Go figure.

    1. He didn't walk away....he was transported by ambulance.

    2. He was black and we were in the middle of BLM.

    3. @8:01
      "He easily would have killed someone had there been a collision."

      Did he? No. The officials found nothing untoward and the investigation is closed. Stop reaching and get over it.

    4. Bull Shit. He had no collision because of luck. No one was coming that way at the time. Sure, every one drives 80 plus and crosses over to rest upside down 100 ft away! Are you nuts??

    5. Abnormal fixation on Tiger, 6:56.

      Andy Reid's son clocked 84 mph with a blood alcohol level well over the legal limit. His ensuing accident left several cars smashed and a child brain damaged. Yet, you're obsessed with Tiger...

      "Are you nuts??"

  21. - Woods walked, because he was in a daze. When taking to the hospital, the diagnosis and pain followed. Woods only returned to friendly competition last month and isn't ready for PGA competition.
    - We still won't know for awhile whether Somerville will or will not get help for good.
    - Any chance of ending the turbulence at 1 Jack London Square will depend on the rank-and-file and community teaming up to stand up to The Firm and demand that they be respectful beyond image and ratings. And the odds are still stacked. This soap opera will last awhile. Makes The Simpsons seem functional.

    1. WHAT??? He was intoxicated on something. His speed and accident proved that. Plus, he's an addict.

    2. The employees can't "demand" anything. IF they want to continue working without the drunk anchorman and continue to get good ratings, they can stay. Otherwise, the door is available.

  22. Who are we kidding? Frank is 63 y/o. That's younger than me, but I'm not on television every other day in a dress shirt and tie. Frank would need to fully restructure what he sees as his ideal job. Where? For whom and for how much? Ron Owens may have some good advice for our friend Frank. There are lots of younger, fresher looking, never been arrested people who who jump into that drivers seat in a heartbeat. Maybe not in Franks drivers seat, mind you.

  23. When you are a celebrity of any stripe and have tons of money you get away with murder.....

    1. No one was murdered, or even injured.

    2. Tell that to Phil Spector. Oh wait, you can't any more.

    3. Ted Kennedy got away with it. And then systematically changed the United States pushing his immigration legislation to "Get back at the people that killed my brother".

      Maybe Frank should get into politics and champion black rights now.

  24. NFL has Antonio Brown and KTVU has Frank Somerville. Both need help and both need to admit that they are the problem and not their employer. KTVU should have fired Somerville long time ago for not following protocols, missing white women syndrome was his backup defense. The guy has a drinking problem, he should know better.

  25. Didn't SFPD look the other way multiple times when Barbieri was pulled over for being pickled, as well as driving the wrong way on a one-way street?

  26. You all are thinking logically. Drunks don't think logically. They think they're fine. They're just a little "buzzed." A little "tipsy." "Feeling no pain." At some point his buzzed brain reasoned that it was a good time to move his car - probably, "to a better spot" - and the rest is history as they say.

    1. Exactly! I'm sure he got used to driving buzzed, and didn't realize how BAD he was on Thursday night. I'm sure he was not driving from bar to bar! He probably just went to run an errand or get some food.

  27. 30+ years on TV, GONE

  28. Fox Corp. legal department is going to quietly allow his contract to expire the end of the month. There is nothing to be gained by a termination, it avoids drawing further attention to the station and the story.
