Sunday, November 21, 2021

Union Square/Walnut Creek Images and Video Compelling and Disturbing; Morning Yentas on KTVU; KGO/Cumulus Cal Basketball Malpractice; KCBS Flub Policy; Real Reporters vs Fakers; Sunday Media Brunch


The brazen images and video of the ransacked Louis Vuitton store in SF (and WC Nordstrom) was meant to highlight local TV News at its best, albeit disturbing as it was. My blog is not a site to blast Dems and Repubs so please, go to the Chron or KGO if you want to rant and rave.

Before waiting for "Meet The Press", I watched the various morning yentas, mostly on KTVU, with their fake smiles and disingenuous chatter. The WORST of the worst: Claudine Wong and the fashion designer masquerading as a weather anchor. Claudine, because your forced laughs and artificial attempt at humor are so contrived, when you actually offer sincere ad libs, they come off as stale and hollow emotions, it's the truth. And your weather yenta has about as much charm as a Dublin Shell station.

*Jumped the shark: Chuck Todd.

*The world is going to hell. Riots and mayhem in Wisconsin. Looting and chaos in SF and Walnut Creek. Civil war in Africa. The streets of SF more filthy and disgusting by the day and night. And what do we have? KGO Radio and Cal basketball on Monday night cancelling out John Rothmann --it's not only ludicrous and pathetic, it's a killer for both sports and newstalk fans. IT MAKES NO SENSE too but Cumulus needs the money.

*Bythe way, Rothmann will be off Monday, Thursday and Friday next week. Good news for Rothmann's wife, bad news for newstalk crowd.

*Here's the problem with KCBS (among many): it's bad enough there's a plethora of glitches and DEAD AIR and wrong sounders, hey ok, mistakes happen. But at KCBS, the alleged boss who is RESPONSIBLE for FIXING the problems, gets a PASS. Every day. Otherwise these issues would lessen if not go away. They DON'T. So either Audacy doesn't give a crap and/or the boss' boss at KCBS lets her slide because...never mind.

*On notice: the fake names-some racist--who habitually come to my site, please get lost. And sooner rather than later.

*I will be posting fresh content all week, even on Thanksgiving to entertain you and keep you informed, just please, DONATE to my site so I can at least replenish the 7-11 coffee account, cool? Thamks.

*That was kind of stormy I heard from a good contact, the Friday night in Jacksonville near the bars where Mr. Papa amd his Uber/producer from KNBR worked the taverns, more high pressure and sleet than your average night out, be careful, Greggie.

*The Rittenhouse verdict was red meat for KGO radio. It should have dominated the night on Friday and yes, even the weekend. Instead KGO went to its taped, bullcrap financial shows. Yawn.

*Ronn Owens lives fulltime in Arizona now, Union Street is mourning.

*Look up schmuck: then picture Damon bruce and Ray Ratto.

*REAL reporters, real hard workers, real TV JOURNALISTS: Rita Williams, Barbara Rogers, Marcia Brandwynne, Joyce Shank, Betty Ann Bruno, not the FRAUDS that currently invade our air every day.

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  1. Rich, have you actually seen her ‘fashion’ line? It’s bad. Like really bad. I just hope she doesn’t quit her day job.

  2. Marcia Brandwynne has been a therapist (LMFT) for the last few years. She could probably provide therapy services for some of the peeps in media, but most are beyond hope.

    She and the others mentioned above are true journalists - professional and they got to the point.

  3. If Ronn Owens, the king of SF airwaves for DECADES, appointment radio for the masses in the Bay Area for decades, now lives fulltime in Arizona, it really does show how much the city of SF has gone to absolute shit over the past 3 decades of one party control. Keep electing these morons.

    1. When John Rothmann has Susan Dyer Reynolds on his show and they discuss corruption in SF politics it really is appointment radio. John is usually "mind blown", "shocked" and "appalled". But is anyone really? She said people in the "upper levels of government" are looking into it.

    2. Ah..Susan Dyer Reynolds always with the conspiracies, none of which ever pan out.

    3. The great Rich Lieberman has reported many times that SF Gate/The Chronicle fails to report what's really going on with the leadership and corruption in SF. Over the past 5 years it's become a shithole city. Oakland is now far better even with Libby.

    4. Government corruption happens when the local news outlets employ more food reviewers than reporters.

  4. Why doesnt kgo just have rothmann come on after the cal games?..the games are usually at 6 or 7 and go two hours..I dont know what syndicated program they after rothmann usually,but you would think they could push it back after a cal game..

  5. Just wait....
    When the next Loma Prieta type earthquake happens.
    And that "Millennium Tower" tilts past the danger zone, then a portion of downtown will be off limits for months if not years.
    Thanks to your corrupt politicians & building officials.
    They will keep telling you
    "Its safe" and blame the tilt on covid or some type of baloney.
    It's not safe.
    The building is not anchored to bedrock. It is floating on bay mud.

    1. Good lord that would be horrible. I hadn't even thought of that.

  6. Good work as per usual. KCBS should just give up and take a network feed 24/7. They've lost it. The reporters, the anchors, they are so mediocre. They find new ways every day to step in something. KGO should take the same hint and get the 24/7 feed from ABC News. We won't miss anything. Neither sincerely covers anything that happens in the Bay Area anyway.

  7. Watched KRON 4 news tonight. Funny how everyone there is either very old (Pam, Catherine) or so young they look like college freshmen broadcasting to the dorms. What a sad news operation.

  8. Rich, why are lamestream media outlets afraid to share basic physical descriptions of those suspected of committing violent crimes, such as rape, sexual assault, and murder? I'm guessing that woke culture has made it such that lamestream media is terrified that the merely associating a POC with criminal activity will be enough for everyone to get their panties in a wad. In the meantime, I never know if we should be looking for a 55-year-old white woman, a middle-aged white male, or a late-teens afro-american with dreadlocks.

    1. I've noticed the same thing. It's woke culture. Though, I quickly learned that the omission of a suspect's race/ethnicity/skin color is usually indicative of one thing...

    2. Welcome to California,I live part time in AZ. and they have no problem with description of a suspect.

  9. I'm with you on Claudine. I admit not watching much KTVU news, but when I do, I wonder why she never smiles. And then one morning she did... not a good look, and she probably knows it too.

  10. - Do we really think any of the radio & TV station owners are going to do anything about the reckless incompetence at all levels?
    - If Todd jumped the shark, then there's Margaret Brennan, George Stephanopoulos/Martha Raddatz/Jonathan Karl, or Chris Wallace.
    - Ratto was a schmuck when covering high school sports. Found some archive news clippings in my garage that my father kept. Some things never change, except for the (broken) belt size.
    - Joyce Shank! Now that it is a name from the past! And one part of Barbara Rodgers - Juliette Goodrich's weekend predecessor at PIX - that is forgotten besides strong reporting and a good laugh, is that she is one smart lady, leaving the industry when she did. Rodgers knew there was trouble lurking ahead.

  11. Hey Rich you left out Marla Miller of KNTV real journo reporter, and still there, now behind the camera as a writer

  12. I laughed at your "while waiting to watch Meet the Press."
