Saturday, November 20, 2021

KPIX's Choi and KGO's Curry On Scene Live at Location of Chaos --Louis Vuitton Store Robbed in Union Square (Video)

MULTIPLE LOCAL TV NEWS STATIONS-including THIS from NBC Bay Area--reported and played VIDEO showing LOOTERS (as SFPD referred to them as) ransacking a Louis Vuitton store in Union Square Friday Night.

KPIX's Kenny Choi and KGO (ABC7) reporter Ryan Curry were among those on scene describing the chaos. It was dramatic and vivid. And the ensuing video of SF Police officers surrounding (and taking down) some of the suspects in the Grey Mustang is beyond dramatic.

(NBC Bay Area)


  1. I read SFPD arrested all of them. Now we'll see how long before Chesa "Jethro" Boudin releases them or drops the charges.

    1. I was thing the same thing. The DA is a whack job and he sold the voters of SF a pile of feces.

  2. With all this crime in SF, it's a good thing Nash Bridges is returning. He'll solve everything!

  3. You people keep voting all these losers in year after year. Sorry, no sympathy

  4. Why isn’t Dion Lim all over this story??? Oh wait, there are no Asian ‘victims,’ which means she couldn’t care less.

  5. Now they hit Nordstrom in Walnut Creek. Great way to prove you want to earn respect and stop the cops from racial profiling, morons.

  6. Nordstrom Walnut Creek got hit last night.

  7. I wonder if Macys is feeling left out, like nobody wants their stuff.

  8. I work at Macy's, although not the City, SunValley Mall in Concord, please don't put ideas into these scumbags heads. In any case, we do not feel left out. I had 2 women grab a bunch of Addidas merchandise right in front of me, and then run out the door. A few days later a male walked in from the Mall cut the wire to 4 Coach handbags and walk back out to the mall, just saw the back of him, a customer alerted me. Addida loss less than $500.00 Coach close to $2000.00. We get stolen from every day, just on a lesser scale, and our security does catch some, but grab and run are hard to catch, they are gone, before you can alert security, and they can't be everywhere all the time.
