Wednesday, November 24, 2021

The Most Cliched and Boring Ritual in TV News Here and Beyond: Airport Live Shots Day Before Thanksgiving


They will all (every local TV News station) send a reporter to SFO and they will get the same old news. Well, wait a minute. There is NO news.

The reporter(s) will stake out a popular spot outside the airport --usually it's near the United check gate and then, as if on cue, inside to talk to the various masses and ask, essentially, "are you ok? are you frustrated?" Something like that--and they'll get various doofuses to respond in kind, "damn, I've been standing in line for hours--this is insane." Then reporter will pacify their grief with the obligatory nodding of the head and fake, serious look on their face as if they, the reporter, share the grief on the passenger's face.


I would reset. I would ask the passenger, "what the hell are you doing out here?" Are you serious?" You had to pick the 'Wednesday before Thanksgiving to take a flight to your inlaws' house? Really? You couldn't have taken a day off from work and fly out, say, Monday or Tuesday?" It will never happen. It should.

Because there's a cottage industry of dumb, benign, idiotic reporter who make a living standing outside SFO on the day before Thanksgiving. It's the oldest, most predictable go-to device in the TV News biz. By not going to the airport would be met with civil chaos from the bosses in the newsroom. Sure, it's a cliche and sure, we (you the viewer actually) get the same tired responce. You can pick your various PC choice too. The airport has every necessary demo: Young, old, Black, White, Brown, Yellow and they usually come up with the same tired look and feeling.

This is not only a local tired ritual, it's a nation-wide phenomena and it won't end anytime soon. It's also a way to fill time and make each station look as if they're busy and in reality, they're just following the same holiday handbook promoted by the other lemmings. Oh they have a reason now, yeah, post-Covid 19 travel, yeah sure, excuses, excuses.

It's not just SFO. I'm always yearning for the annual visit to the Costco on Wednesday (busiest day of year) to witness the various morons who couldn't pick a less busy day to they could buy their 12 tubs of mayonaisse. Just had to be the day before Thanksgiving.

Meanwhile, lets go out to SFO and see if Cindy and the kids have raeched their gate to visit grandma in Buffalo.



  1. Right up there with the airport footage is every remote weather reporter standing outside in water to report a storm (whether there is one or not) and those people who wait to the very last minute to mail their taxes at the post office.

  2. The way things are at the Bay Area news stations (especially KTVU), they should be asking the reporters if THEY're upset.

  3. The most predictable cliché is the annual rounds of the same soup kitchens providing those less fortunate with (ALL TOGETHER NOW): "Turkey and all the trimmings."

  4. I'm glad we don't have a storm or all the reporters would be in Marin at the first sight of a puddle.

  5. It's sad to see how CNN is treating a good reporter like Sara Sidner, formerly of KTVU. CNN is apparently worried that it will get sued by Kyle Rittenhouse, so it's running a 2-minute-long correction, though they're not saying that. They're admitting that things they reported previously were wrong, like Rittenhouse didn't cross state lines on the day of the shooting, that he had been staying at his father's house in Kenosha, that it wasn't illegal for him to possess the gun he had, that Rosenbaum pointed a gun at Rittenhouse, etc. Who does CNN pick to read the correction? Sara Sidner! She didn't make all those mistakes, but she has to take the fall. If CNN gets sued, I hope they don't make Sara the scapegoat! Here it is:

    1. Shocking that the media and so called "journalists" rush to judgment. I am not a Rittenhouse supporter but hopefully he does sue the hell out of CNN and MSNBC for all their bs. They did it to themselves. Next time maybe they'll wait for all the facts before they decide to bump their gums. I won't hold my breath though.

  6. Speaking of Thanksgiving, Mark Tamayo just gave the "Halloween" forecast on the 4 pm news.

    1. I saw that ...
      Trick or treat Mark...
      But it gets better !!
      The 6 PM newscast is full of taped news bullshit stories.
      Such as.....
      ...The JFK assassination
      ...Global warming tide rises on a town.
      ...Berkeley high school sexual assault victims.

      Keep in mind this CRAP was taped 6 months ago.
      Then it gets better....
      More bull shit stories of CHP enforcements.
      Homeless people stories about what they are thankful for.
      Seriously ??
      The should just replay last years newscast.
      NO NEW NEWS....
      NO live reporters...

    2. Maybe Tamayo had watched "LA Story" and was channeling his inner Steve Martin
