Thursday, October 21, 2021

The Jerk at KNBR that Parked in Handicapped Zone; PIX Barren 3 PM Newscast; KRON Beats KGO and PIX Early PM; Dion Lim and ABC Offer; NBC SNF Michaels/Collinsworth SF; Couric Likes 'm Young at Blue Light; NPR Scouts North Beach; Thirsty Thursday

THAT JERK at KNBR who drives like an idiot,and who parked in a HANDICAPPED zone got his just desserts when the new boss REFUSED to pay for the TICKET he got. Karma is the proper word here, "like you said."

*KPIX: Literally a few bored Walnut Creek society women watch the 3 PM newscast, up from the two ladies with beehive hairdoos who watched a week before. I can't keep up with PIX's new hires, reporters who look as if they just graduated from Fresno City college.

*If you ever wanted to meet up with Al Michaels and Cris Collinsworth, you should head to the Fairmont Hotel. The entire crew from NBC Sunday Night Football are in town before Sunday Night's 49ers--Indy encounter in Santa Clara; no, Al and Chris refuse to stay in Santa Clara, go figure.

*NOT ONLY did KRON BEAT KPIX and KGO the other night, they beat 'em at 11 PM which has been happening quite a lot lately.

*Dion Lim STILL has an OFFER on the table from ABC NEWS: 4 years, $4M and a posh Hancock Park house to use and enjoy if she wanted to take a gig in LA but Dion is still committed to 900 FRONT at least for now or until the Disney suits get bored and ignore her. Or if Ama Daetz suddenly yearns NBC Bay Area.

*Lim, by the way, gets easily the MOST viewer feedback and mail at KGO (ABC7) which consistently PISSES off someone there named Countess Sze.

*If Matt Nahigian were as passionate about the direction of his radio station as he is about what I wrote, maybe The Game (all sports, 95.7 FM) could break a 1.0, at the least.

*Dan Dibley and Damon Bruce which is all you need to know why The Game has NO Game.

*Chris Merrilll is on KGO Radio as a regular fill-in and doesn't mind working on the cheap even though his fellow San Diego bud, Chip Franklin, got him the gig.

*The Voice Sybill: KNBR's Greg Papa.

*KNBR doesn't take calls because they don't hire GOOD PRODUCERS who, in the old days, knew how to SCREEN CALLS and could craft out intelligent conversation but nowadays only work there to create PHONY polls and get coffee for guys who park in handicapped zones.

*Papa's sidekick laughs at EVERY Papa story even if the story or line isn't funny because sidekick has to eat and maintain his baseball card collection.

*NPR is lookinmg for real estate in North Beach which is weird because KQED has lots of empty office space. Maybe NPR has a pizza fetish.

*Katie Couric was spotted at Johnny Love's Blue Light the other night. The guy that was with her, sipping a Greygoose martini, was about 35. Couris is north of 60, heeeey!

*The Chronicle (SF Gate) has, I swear, a "burrito" editor. Seriously. This is not a joke. Which is why the Chronicle is the Bay Area's best high-school newspaper.

*The Chron's sports writers; Jenkins, Killion and Ostler DON'T want a buyout or early retirement which means a future CONFLICT is near.

*Lani Lund: real TORTURE.

*KCBS Torture: every time Eric Thomas and Jeff Bell open their month.


  1. KGO and KNBR are unionized. There is no "working on the cheap" when you're getting SAG/AFTRA scale.

    1. Al and Chris refuse to stay in Santa Clara, go figure

      I assume its because thats where their side pieces live Collingsworth-less is terrible JUST pathetic
      and Alfalfa? meh tired schtick

  2. > KPIX: Literally a few bored Walnut Creek society
    > women watch the 3 PM newscast...

    Apparently KRON is starting one too! Everyone has something at 3:00 now. Is syndicated programming that expensive. (Answer: YES!)

    > NOT ONLY did KRON BEAT KPIX and KGO the
    > other night, they beat 'em at 11 PM which
    > has been happening quite a lot lately.

    That's impressive but I don't know why you suddenly like them so much. I tuned in the other night because you are suddenly praising them and they suck even more than usual, in part because Heenan and Moore are just phoning it in at this point. You could use their news to go to sleep. And the "reporters" sound like kids who haven't even learned to pronounce all those big 5th grade words they have to read in a newscast. My God, unwatchable!

    > I can't keep up with PIX's new hires,
    > reporters who look as if they just graduated
    > from Fresno City college.

    See my comments about KRON. As bad or worse. At least PIX has Brian and Juliette on the weekends, possibly the only REAL Bay Area anchor team in business now. The rest are pathetic. Ashley's good, though a tad sanctimonious in the Frank Somerville manner, but he has no decent partner.

    > Katie Couric ... north of 60, heeeey!

    Older women know what they want, have more experience in the sack, and are good at tying and untying knots, if you know what I mean.

    > Dion Lim STILL has an OFFER on the table from ABC NEWS

    And she is CRAZY for not taking it. KGO is now the land of mediocrities like Drew "GQ" Tuma and Sze the Merciless.

    1. KRON has had a 3pm newscast for awhile. I didn't know they had an 11pm, though. Apparently they are beating PIX AND KGO!!

    2. Agree with 12:29 PM. KRON's morning cub reporters are rank
      amateurs. Sarah - check the meaning of the word brevity in
      the dictionary. Camila - I have yet to see you do a LIVE report without stumbling. Yoeli - congratulations on your magic act. You are the only LIVE reporter on Bay Area TV that no one has ever seen.

  3. Who was it? Initials or spelled backwards if you want to.

  4. I gotta know who parked in the HC spot. It could be Kruger because he needed to use the John in a hurry after some bad Pig in a Pickle beef fat chips, or Tolbert because he’s lazy, or Papa because he’s arrogant.

    1. The biggest prick there brian "murph" murphy,he must always be in a hurry after he finishes his 20 round trips delivering pizza from his friends at amicis

  5. I Guess Ming's Dye job and hair straightening have not turned the tables on Dion.

  6. Couric is a joke. Just some over the hill post menopausal skank, looking for some dumb young meat to clean out the cobwebs.

    Not with my worst enemies Ricard!

  7. The "burrito" editor's writing sucks also. I almost puked. It was really forced and tried way too hard to be "cool" and relevant with name dropping fad mentions. There was NO value in her first article. NONE.

  8. For those who don't know Dion...she is such a sweetheart in person. This business needs more nice people like her. I LOVE working with her.

    1. Thank you Mrs. Lim. I think Dion will leave SF as soon as she reaches her primary goal -- recalling Chesa Boudin.

  9. - HC spot? Lewd? Pompous Pop? Paulie Mac?
    - PIX Middle Management actually woke up and defended the well-respected Betty Yu for a horrific diss by a Hairpiece wannabe.
    - The Silicon Valley has no miracles in store?
    - Having a 30-year flashback to when Pete Wilson led KRON.
    - The Disney suits need to show Dion a little more respect and much less Ming.
    - Nice that Ashley has a contract. Sad that Ming, Donny, Looose, and Liz Kreutz have contracts.
    - Sounds like RL touched a Nah-Nah-Nahigian nerve
    - They have had no Game for a long while.
    - Why, Chip, Why?
    - Greg Papa wouldn't last long in Sally Field's world.
    - Rich is saying that Hank Greenwald is rolling in his grave.
    - Has disabled tort suit man Scott Johnson sued Lewd Lund yet?
    - KQED's CEO will not respond to KQED subscribers, whether they read the 415 Blog or not, who criticize the station's money mismanagement. And there is a lot to pan here.
    - Couric might be on the receiving end of an interview by a younger journalist. Can't see her unhappy with her current second marriage.
    - It's unbelievable that at least one RL post a week has an indirect reference to "No. 2". "Burrito" editor? Anybody near that office?
    - We know how RL feels about Annie K. Why should Ostler leave if he is still a great writer? Oh, I see. The stupidity at the Chron continues on. Jenkins? Meh.
    - There's a Lund-ette on the air?
    - Wow, has Eric Thomas' star fallen hard!
    - Unionized at the Cloud Clown?
    - Sad that Moore & Heenan are mailing it in. Nice that Liviakis still has it, this time alongside Lodes. The rest? Meh.
    - Can't really watch any news as long as depressing stories about the Bay & Cali being so expensive, and that the current Administration is still "sausage making" (according to Jen Psaki), instead of standing up to the lobbyists who are holding back the double agreement.
    - Sounds like our readers do a No. 2 when reading the "burrito" ed.

  10. Dion needs to kick out Ming Sze first but that will be impossible. What is up with Ming Sze new mushroom long hair covering up her wrinkles?

  11. Jenkins would be missed. Killion and Ostler - don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out!

  12. That "Burrito" editor... what an embarrassment. You are writing for The San Francisco Chronicle - not Q-Vo Magazine. I was astonished that the "editors" let this thru. What a fucking joke this town has become.

  13. The Game is having major transmission issues this a.m., which is driving away its hundreds of listeners.

  14. Rich, maybe Lim doesn't feel that she's ready for a step up in class??? Are you telling me that she enjoys the Bay Area more than making money???

    1. Sze has her agent calling up LA stations trying to get them to hire Dion. Sze knows she cant hold a candle to Lim
