Wednesday, October 20, 2021

Ask Rich Lieberman



  1. Rate the evening newscasts from best to worst in your opinion. Thanks.

    Daniel Ferreira

    1. KGO at 6 with Ashley is generally good although the "Building a Better Bay Area" shit is gross...I've begun to really like KRON's Grant Lodes-Vicki Liviakis --NBC Bay Area used to do a decent 6 but I'm down on Raj Mathai and Jess Aguirre...can't watch PIX although Liz Cook is ok...KTVU, god awful.

  2. What are the first three - five words that come to mind when you think of Morning's on 2 weekend edition? (Thanks for everything you do - Bruce, Alameda)

    1. Bruce, it's lousy, uninspiring, bland and boring but it's been that way for awhile at KTVU. And Claudine Wong is a robot. Can't watch her anymore. Mallicoat is also a bore. Back to weather.

  3. What do you think of the teases PIX does for their news. Ones like "Is life over on earth? The asteroid you should know about." instead of "We'll tell you about the asteroid that could threaten life on earth." Or "Gunfire at a Lafayette school. The carnage students saw."

    Use of "The ..." without any details sounds so stupid to me it causes me not to watch them. Isn't there a better way to tease stories?

    1. When you're dreck you project dreck. PIX is awful now, of course they are, have you seen all the reporters leaving in droves? Embarrassing.

  4. Who do you suspect will be the next on air talent to leave The Firm? Do you think anything will improve now that the corporate suits are aware and looking into things?

    1. Frank Somerville will not be back, I was told 99-1% he's done...I think that Fox looking into all the problems is worthy enough although I'm skeptical that any real improvement will happen. We'll see what happens because there is really a lack of confidence in the bosses at KTVU, I know first hand because I've talked to many of the principles complaining.

  5. Now that Amanda Starrantino, the new morning anchor on KPIX, has been there for a couple of weeks, I would like to know your opinion or review of how you think she is doing, what the KPIX newsroom people think about her, etc. Personally, when the news of her hiring broke here on your blog, I felt bad for Gianna Franco, who seemed to have been doing a good job. But I have to admit, that Amanda Starrantino is very easy on the eyes, and she is fun to look at! Thanks Rich, for all you do!

  6. I think she (Amanda) is performing the job KPIX hired her to do and that she is better than average, which in today's local TV news biz is good enough.

  7. Am I the only one who has noticed that the KTVU morning news shows on weekends and weekdays is horribly written? Say what you want about the prime time shows but at least the show seems to be written by someone with a baseline command of the English language.

    1. No, you're not the only one. KTVU has regressed. Not just morning but at night too, the writing, the anchoring, etc.

  8. Whatever happened to Ben Fong-Torres? His column was vanilla, but sometimes you're in the mood for Vanilla Ice Cream.

    1. I think he's got a book out and is the subject of a documentary. Rolling Stone days.

  9. Any memories of Ray Fosse? RIP!!

    1. I thought Ray Fosse was very solid in his analysis--he tended to be too homerish for my taste but respected his work and enjoyed his A's tenure.

      Sad ending --RIP, Mr. Fosse.

    2. IMO far more preferable to Dallas Braden, who makes me want to hit the mute button every time he speaks.

    3. Agree with 8:15 about Dallas Braden. They should replace him for sure. He causes the mute button on my telecasts. They have a good radio crew-- but no radio station!

    4. 8:15
      Per the Dan LeBatard Show's "Looks Like" segment (my all-time favorite radio segment in history):

      "Dallas Braden looks like a Renaissance-era thinker who vehemently believes the Earth is flat."

    5. Fosse was excellent at calling it straight when the A's were dominant from 1988-92. When the team fell off a cliff in '93(coinciding with KRON overpaying for the TV rights, and Dick Stockton doing play by play), Fosse became a homer.

  10. Do you think Andria Borba will ever get a lead anchor spot? Almost feels like KPIX is wasting her talents

    1. I don't care for her. She's a little too weird for my taste, supposedly she's a great reporter in the field, I don't see it. she is NOT anchor material.

    2. Too bad she isn't wearing the mask anymore. At least you can understand her now. But not an anchor without it for sure.

  11. Why is Chris Merrill on so much? How does KGO save money if he subs in since the on air talent is under a contract? I would rather listen to Nikki.

    1. Alan, I can't listen to the guy but KGO's PD, Lee Hammer, thinks he's gold. The sub job doesn't pay much. KGO isn't saving money and losing the little cred it has when the obnoxious Merrill is on.

  12. Anything new on Anna Chavez, Rich? I met her years ago when she was co-hosting the Children's Miracle Network telethons at PIX. She was always exceptionally nice and a pleasure to work with.

    - Rich in Alameda

    1. Last I heard in the peninsula out of the biz enjoying family life.

    2. I always wanted to hit that. Slap it up, flip it, and rub it down.

      <In 1999, she married venture capitalist Eugene Eidenberg, who passed away December 3, 2013. Now you know why and how she retired from local news.

    3. A post from Quora on Anna Chavez:

      Ed Casaccia
      Former Senior Marketing Director (2003-2017)
      Answered 1 year ago · Author has 102 answers and 77.1K answer views
      Anna recently sent an email to the paleo news association, a very loose ad hoc group of SF TV news veterans, myself included, from the days when dinosaurs ruled the earth. She wanted to know if anyone was interested in buying her SF condo. I believe she said something about moving far away.

      That's the last as of 1/23/20.

      p.s. The ask on the condo was intergalactically out of range for me.

    4. Thanks for all your replies.

      - Rich in Alameda

  13. Most talented Bay Area news anchors (male and female) at this moment? Least talented?

    1. Dan Ashley, Vicki Liviakis, Juliette Goodrich, Terry McSweeney, (most talented)

      Least talented -Allen Martin, Andre Senior, Liz Kreutz

    2. Al Jazzbeaux Felch at KGOOctober 20, 2021 at 3:19 PM

      I’ve met Lez Krautz. Not the happiest burrito at the Taqueria.

    3. I echo your sentiment about Andrea Senior. Whoever told him that the Mr. T faux-hawk look is a good idea needs to have their head examined.

  14. Rich any word on who might take over the Sports Phone 680 death sentence? - Darkness

    1. They're auditioning Cary Crowley and that Dieter guy both of whom BORE me (you get what you pay for) --KNBR also has a "help wanted" ad in the trades for said position.

  15. You’ve written before that the KNBR morning show might get broken up. But it also has high rating compared to other shows. In that situation does a PD still break up a show? Thank you for your time. - Silky in Alameda

    1. Any chance Cumulus has to shed salary, no one's safe, and even those on contract. Stay tuned.

  16. Guess I'll ask this one more time : what's your take on Kate Scott getting the 76ers play-by-play gig? Hopefully the third time asking is the charm.

    Peter Gallagher
    San Jose

    1. haha. Rich doesn't like Kate Scott. Hopefully Rich replies.... He doesn't think she has talent and that she gets these jobs because of her sexual orientation. I disagree with Rich there a bit. I think she's good, even though I felt there were some things she could work on a bit. It will be cool to hear a familiar voice though whenever the Sixers are on NBATV and they use the feed of the Sixers TV announcers.

      Regarding her getting the Sixers TV play-by-play gig, that's great for her, but at the same time you can't help but think man, this time a year ago she was starting out at 95.7 on the morning show and doing play-by-play of some hockey games here and there, and some college football and college basketball.

      What a meteoric rise from humble beginnings like that to calling a Warrior game on the radio filling in for Tim Roye one night earlier this year, to then calling basketball games in the Olympics this past summer, to then calling big time college football games on he radio starting last month to now getting the Sixers TV play-by-play gig.

      Not saying that she doesn't deserve it, and I'm sure she has worked very hard as some of her colleagues have attested to, but I don't think I've seen that kind of a rise from any up-and-coming media person, or someone stating out in the play-by-play game. I still get blown away thinking about it. I'm not going to raise conspiracies, but sometimes you do have to wonder a little bit.

    2. Everyone's (I guess) cup of tea, I guess --just never liked her work but she's a great salesperson, I guess.

  17. Hi Rich! What are your thoughts on Matt Bigler as a KCBS anchor? He seems to be a more obvious choice to replace Stan on the morning drive, especially since Matt used to anchor briefly every morning with Susan. One Saturday a while back he was paired with Melissa Culross and I thought that it was a no-nonsense, smooth newscast that would seem to do great during morning drive. Thanks for all you do! --Derek from Palo Alto

    1. Solid reporter. Not big enough a name to work AM drive though.

  18. I’d rather walk down the street with my eyes closed, than watch Darya. But lately I feel she’s been better. Am I crazy?

    1. No Frank, I've written as much but any day now, she's liable to prove me wrong.

    2. You know though, Darya is not your raving beauty, but, for someone her age, she is pretty smokin' hot! And I know, because I am an experienced man, that while she looks good in her clothes, I am pretty sure that those boobs sag halfway down to her waist when she takes off the bra. Still though, I have to say that I would bang her!

  19. Hello RL

    It is known throughout the land that you have a fine eye for the sistahs but the Bay Area is diverse. Can you tell us your top three Asian ladies on tv? I like Janelle Wang, Vickie Nguyen (now on NBC) and Marc Ibanez.

    Todd in Marin

    1. Todd, use your imagination.
      I'll leave it at that.

    2. Top Asian lady by far is Maria Cid Medina. Her instagram page is smoking.
      Alan SJ

    3. Hey, I like Maria Media too, but I HATE that she is now preferring that they use this new name of Maria Cid Medina. I mean, it totally ruins the great "ring" her name had as Maria Medina without the CID. I totally agree that her Instagram page is smokin' and I especially wonder about it because the lady, believe it or not, has two grown boys!

  20. Any movement at all on Ashley's contract status? Or are the Turd T's holding it up with the approval of Disney/ABC HQ?

    1. All I can say (and know) is that he's under contract.

  21. What the hell happened to Reginald ‘Reggie’ Aqui? His buffooneryism and immaturity has reached a new low.

  22. Do you ever read these comments and just sit back and laugh at how funny some of them are?

    1. Oh every day but sometimes the comments are plainly truthful. And some of the ones that aren't and "written" by some who have good (and bad) intentions, are not that funny. It's the internet, you know.

  23. Rich, have you purchased anything from the Rosemary Orozco fashion collection for your old lady?

  24. Wally from SF, soon to be NY,

    Rich, Thanks for your wonderful blog. I'll still look each day once I've relocated.

    Have you watched NEWSNET? I came across it this week since I'm without cable. It's an over-the-air broadcast channel, 24.7. It's similar to the old CNN Headline News. Not bad for those without cable or satellite channel access.

    Be well and keep up the good work. It's necessary.

    1. Haven't seen it yet, Thanks Wally for all your kind words and support. I need an overnight delivery of Katz deli corned beef on rye, mustard only, please--I will be forever grateful.

  25. Rich, any word on when The Firm will put the kibosh on the tight clubbing shirts and vinyl room schtik, and instruct Mark Ibanez to put on dress like an adult and report to the studio?

    1. Mark dresses fine and is now in-studio Wednesday and Thursday, thank god bc Fox2/KTVU remote set-up is a farce.

  26. Hey Rich,

    Not sure how much Warriors TV postgame you watch after Warrior games but, how do you feel about Drew Shiller being taken off the Warriors postgame show that comes on after the regular TV postgame show? It was called Warriors Outsiders. I guess Drew Shiller's contract wasn't renewed?

    I thought Shiller was kind of goofy but he provided some good Warriors analysis every now and then. He played college basketball at USF and Stanford. He most notably got into some hot water last season when he misconstrued Steve Kerr's words on Twitter regarding an interview Kerr did talking about KD's last season with the Warriors.

    Not sure if that played a role in NBC Sports Bay Area not bringing him back, but I wanted to see how you felt about it.

    Thanks Rich for providing this platform for us!

    San Francisco

    1. I don't like watching postgame shows, not just Dubs, but all. They basically are just propaganda shows for the team lack any significant info, I know this is crushing news but it's cranky Rich,

    2. Bingo with the analysis, Rich. Local game broadcasts are just four-hour infomercials -- counting the pre- and postgame shows. A lot of dreck.

    3. That's how I feel about most sports broadcasts, especially football. More infomercials than information. Too much pageantry, not enough play. Too many commercials, too little clutch performance in front of the home fans. More games, less ads, please. Of course, don't hold your breath.

    4. @LouisBrandeis- Yeah, for real. He had a really good thing, and it seemed like him and Grant Liffmann had great chemistry. I think they were already good friends before being paired up for Warriors Outsiders.

      But yeah, Shiller did step in it. That was the most pissed off I've seen Kerr. Shiller should've known that KD's last season with he Warriors is still kind of a touchy subject with the Warriors organization and how that season ended.

  27. What do you think of this as the next prime time team at The Firm: Cristina Rendon, Alex Savidge, Kyla Grogan, and my neighbor’s dead houseplant (to replace Ibanez)

  28. randy hahn, who does the sharks play by play on tv, said last week the reason why none of the local sport teams have had their tv commentators travelling, is becasue comcast/nbc is supposed to be doing some sort of upgrade to their equipemnt, it has nothing to do with covid or restrictions and that he thinks it will be finished by january case anyone out there was wondering

    1. credit to Teal Town USA for providing that info from Randy Hahn

  29. Anyone know of a truly good portable radio to get San Francisco AM radio stations (KNBR, KGO specifically) (don't say the internet -- need something for power outages).

    That CC Crane radio advertised to get stations from tens or hundreds of miles away doesn't do such a good job.

    1. That's not what john rothman says,you better take it up with or maybe his wife who hawk them incessantly..

  30. Retekess v112, a palm size radio and is pretty good. Comes with ear buds and USB cord. Make sure you keep the operating sheet. About $16 or so
    Found at Amazon

  31. Did NBC Sports Bay Area bump off Drew Shiller because of last year's Kevin Durant tweet that created a headache for Steve Kerr?

    1. @10:33- I think Drew Shiller's contract did not get renewed. I checked his Twitter the other day and he said that he's no longer on NBC Sports Bay Area. He didn't say why though, but I'm sure that tweet he sent last year regarding what Kerr said about KD's last season with the Warriors might've played a role.

      It's kind of too bad because even though he was a little goofy and him and Grant Liffmann would act a little goofy on Warriors Outsiders, they had good chemistry and because Drew played the game in college, he had more knowledge of the game than the average fan and can give you more tidbits.

    2. @10:33- With that being said, I think Kendra Andrews will be a good replacement. Yes, she is eye candy and beautiful to look at, but she knows the game and has covered NBA basketball for a few years. She kind of reminds me of Ros a little bit. Hopefully Kendra doesn't leave like Ros did, but Kendra has local ties being that she's from Oakland and grew up a Warrior fan, so I think that would entice her to stay to cover the Warriors.

      Ros technically had local ties too playing at Stanford, but it always felt like Ros was going to leave. Plus, she was getting too big for the Bay Area hanging out with Drake and riding motorcycles with Warriors assistant coach Mike Brown. LOL. She also was doing other media work. You can kind of tell even covering the Warriors that she wanted to do more national stuff later on.

  32. Rich, have you or anyone noticed the glitches that 95.7 has had recently? Someone told Damon about it on his show the other day and he mentioned they were working on it, but if these technical glitches persist, it's not going to be good for the station.

    This could be the reason why the hosts on 95.7 promote listening on the Audacy App as much as they do. The signal strengh of the station might not be strong as we know, so it could be better to listen on the app instead.

    1. This morning I noticed the audio kept cutting out. I thought it was my radio.

    2. @10:17- I did too originally. I thought I had to get new batteries. LOL.... They really have to get that fixed. This station is already suffering from low ratings. They can't have this problem to top it off.

  33. Otis You are the only person in the bay area that gives a dump about 95.7

    1. @12:29- I think a lot of people do. They get a ton of callers and interaction through social media.

  34. Rich, Do you know what's the best way to give feedback to KCBS management about their programming and anchors ? Thanks !

  35. Hi Rich, what do you think about a new face at KNTV - Audrey Asistio? in Anchor chair today at 5pm
