Tuesday, October 19, 2021

Exclusive: Fox Plans Internal Investigation on KTVU "Siege Mentality"

A FOX Senior management team that was recently formed at NY headquarters, will COME TO its Bay Area O and O and INVESTIGATE the "current conditions," at KTVU according to a high-level broadcast source familiar with the situation.

The individual spoke to 415 MEDIA on condition of anonymity.

The team will likely center on the current work environment at KTVU and its ND (News Director) Amber Eikel and "other (KTVU) management figures in cluding HR czar, Chris Nohr. Both Nohr and Eikel have presided over an "extremely tense" (as the source put it) work environment inside and outside KTVU's studios in Jack London Square (Oakland). The situation has become so dire, according to the source, that some of Channel 2's staffers have held impromptu meetings at a nearby condo parking lot. The source added "numerous" staffers complain of a "siege mentality" inside the newsroom and complian about "hostile and 'threatening working conditions."

The source indicated that the matter was all employee-management relations and that they didn't believe the investigative team was dealing with the "Frank Somerville matter." Somerville has been on an indefinite suspension for almost a month and, accord9ng to a knowledgable source (close to Somerville), is "99-1" percent NOT returning to KTVU.

A REQUEST for COMMENT was not answered by both KTVU figures.



  1. Perhaps they'll be interviewing you Rich as well. It's obvious you know more than they do.

    1. No need to interview Rich - he’s a journalist who simply reports what those with firsthand knowledge share with him. They should instead interview those employees who opt to talk to Rich because they’re afraid to speak up to their management for fear of what the consequences may be.
      In the end, Rich’s continued reporting and spotlight on these troubling issues may prove to be what helped turn the ship around.

    2. Journalism is not about expressing opinion. Talk show hosts and blog writers are not "journalists."

    3. @5:30pm: yeah. sure. ok :)

  2. Truth, Rich is like Radio free Europe during the cold war.

  3. Peter Felch and son Davis Felch at KCBSOctober 19, 2021 at 5:41 PM

    Yes, 4:08, Yes. Rich’s work here is outstanding. For as Thomas Edison once said, “Robert, I’m not driving you to work again. Go to hell!!”

  4. Yeah, that worked out well for Trixie and KGO. They sure were routed out. :-D

  5. Save us Fox Overlords!
    Unless they march Eikel, Nohr and Eikels newly installed mean girl Asst ND Simone whatever her name is out the door - don't count on any staff at KTVU believing that the reign of incompetent terror is over. And there's no way they're gonna do it. But it's nice to contemplate so - by all means keep writing about it!

  6. I bet Heather will be dressing very sexy tonight trying to get the 10PM spot in front of the executives. Too bad, she ain't single anymore making a difference.

  7. As staffers and on air talent at The Firm routinely say with increasing frequency: "Help me Rich Lieberman, you're my only hope."
