Friday, July 16, 2021

415 Media Exclusive: Anger at KRON: Why Was Pero Allowed to Intimidate for Years?; Relationship with Darya (Folsom) Was Well-Known By Mgt.; Rank and File Think Cover-Up

Aaron Pero has left the building; well, KRON/Nextstar told him to take a hike, finally, after 20 (15 as ND) years at the Bay Area independent TV News station. Only now, a new story: THE STORY within the story emerges: KRON's various owner/management iterations were well aware of Pero's transgressions and his relationship with Darya Folsom, and DID NOTHING! Nada.

Heck, even I knew. Years and years of asking myself: "How can all these incidents of reporters, producers, various underlings who've had confrontations with Pero? How does he get away with it? And how does he deal fairly with staff when he's living with the morning news anchor (Darya Folsom)?"

SOURCES tell me there's already a MAJOR PUSHBACK at KRON. Nobody really believes that the whole Darya/Pero CONFLICT wasn't known. It was. It was essentially, say station sources to me, not only known but COVERED UP! News Bosses, assistant NDs were well aware of the conflict yet FAILED to do anything. "They knew, they just didn't want to do anything because that would have required leadership and they had none."

So the end result is that despite Pero's firing, conflict remains. Folsom, who is, according to my KRON spies, being decidedly QUIET botn on and off the news desk. "She's trying to be mum," said a spy. For goode reason. Folsom has been at KRON for over 20 years, one of few other senior-most individual tenured at the station. Her future seems up in the air now. We'll watch over that.

Meanwhile, the fallout continues at 900 FRONT; some of the folks that received the brunt of Pero's anger and intimidating are still angry and royally PISSED OFF. Some don't even work at KRON anymore. Many do. KRON/Nextstar new VP/GM Jim Rose, who officially canned Pero, is planning on meeting with staff to, presumably, clear the air and try to unite a newsroom saddled with deep resentment and DIVISION. Pero's 86 is a temporary dynamic and for now, a band-aid. The fact Pero was allowed to conduct his reign of terror won't go away soon. I'd imagine someone might call a lawyer and KRON has to be mightily worried about that. But it's more than just Pero's embattled way with staffers. More than just the usual folks crying and maligned after a run-in with him in his office.

Stories of reporters and anchor run-ins; reports of mass intimidation. Threats and suggestions about various workers permeate KRON from 900 FRONT to the old building on 1001 Van Ness. Pero was smart enough not to mess with some of the senior, STAR anchors but he also had vendettas against others too. That may come back to haunt him.

Pero's relationship and eventual living-in-home status with Folsom remains at the center of KRON's decision to oust him. Staffers were fraught with FEAR over dealings with Darya because of her liason with Pero. "it was like a 'NATO agreement--if you piss her off, are you gonna hear from Aaron?", a source told me. This was not a uniunique charge. It was prevalent around Van Ness and 900 Front. That it was never dealt with and apparently allowed to maintain and nurture is something that could be problematic for KRON/Nextstar down the road.


  1. As I mentioned here before, Pero's been at KRON since 1994—that's 27 years, not 20. And he was a dick from the beginning. I had to work with him starting at the beginning of those 27 so I know. He was a dick when he was in Sacramento too.

    1. I must know you, Anonymous 10:18. I, too, worked at KXTV with Sir Screams-A-Lot when he was a tiny writer boy. I left in 1996 and I believe he left the year before. I eventually ended up at KRON by 1997 and stayed until shortly after Young screwed the pooch, shat the rug, etc. Yes, the Tiny Tyrant was already exhibiting the behavior that would become his trademark, but in 2004, he wasn't nearly as bad as he'd become (according to my inside sources). So who are you, Anonymous?

  2. Do you think the first question Rose will ask Darya is, "Why the long face?".

  3. Marlene, my Zebra Finch just laid two eggs, both oddly shaped.
    That tells me Darya will be gone from the netwrok before this Halloween!

  4. Limp Dick Soy Boys who are afraid to get blood on their hands.
    Management wears panties. Probably the same Eunuchs who run in women's high heels

    Simple. NO BALLS!

  5. KRON will close down without Pero.

    1. ...and reopen as——wait for it!——a NEWSROOM!

    2. I wouldn't hold your breath on that one if I were you.

  6. Darya has the best deal in town...all she has to do is say to the NEW Management 'He sexually harassed her the whole time" Get out the Check Book Boyz. Now that's Job Insurance.

    1. That might not hold up as well as you think seeing as tho they reportedly live together.

  7. The words Darya and sex should never be used in the same sentence. Scary indeed

  8. Aaron Pero. Aaron Peskin. Distant relatives?

  9. Not to fully support Aaron Pero, but I am sure being the news director at KRON has been no easy task with budget cuts and likely being told to make the most with what you have, hence the reason for all the low-grade talent. I am sure the sales department has had a greater influence over decisions, hence airing those terrible long commercials from plastic surgeons, Dr. Mark Steinberg, and others. And if Darya and him got lovey-dovey, who can blame him? Sure, one shouldn't be romantically involved with employees, but sometimes you can't stop love. Sure, he may have anger management issues, but with the pressure to cut budgets, make his bosses happy, and having to deal with disgruntled workers all the time because KRON is a pile of poo, then an outburst may happen...we all lose it sometimes. I do find all the comments here about Darya's looks...and the looks of other people on television here, rather disturbing. Yes, they are on TV and should have thick skin, but come on! Shouldn't we all be nice to each other and accept how we all look? People have no control over how they look. Everybody is attractive to somebody and there is more to it than looks.

    1. I think the reason everyone is taking shots is because *allegedly* they basically shit on people for years.

      Turnabout is fair play?

  10. I feel I need to stick up for Darya. Yes she is annoying and inappropriate. But she’s got a decent body and after watching her deep throat those bananas, does anyone doubt she was doing whatever it took to keep Pero happy? He’s not gonna say no to that

  11. Pero shouldn't be the only one who goes. If it took a new general manager to figure it out and take action then those who decided to look the other way should be at the very least suspended if not terminated. You start with Human Resources and unless that person or the people in the department are new as well, can them. What about the previous general manager? If he/she is still with Nexstar that person should also be suspended or terminated. It sounds like everyone knew this was going on and decided to ignore it. Doesn't say much for previous KRON leadership or the other department heads.

    I wouldn't worry about a lawsuit. The ownership group has more than enough evidence to back firing Pero with cause given everything that's already been shared about his workplace behavior.
