Thursday, July 15, 2021

KRON: Free At Last (The Official Memo) Rose Lays Down Hammer

BULLIES and INTIMIDATORS are jerks, plain and simple.

Kronvicts, feel as if a new era has begun. You are free from the jerk and his cruel and arrogant behavior. Nobody in this world has a right to treat people like crap. I don't care who you are. You don't have the right and yes, karma is a bitch.


  1. Peter Felch and son Davis Felch at KCBSJuly 15, 2021 at 4:42 PM

    Thank you, Jim!! The Lord shall bless you!!

  2. Hit the road you snarky bald headed parasite. Will this change KRON4? Maybe Stanley Roberts comes back. At least he did something useful.

    1. He'll have a new segment: News Directors Behaving Badly.

      "Pay attention to the little man on the left hand side of your screen. Yes, the one screaming and pounding his fist like a little Hitler with diaper rash. He is about to be fired..."

  3. I hope Josh Palefsky's name has never been misspelled Palooka.

  4. Ding, Dong The Witch is Dead, Ding, Dong the Wicked Witch Is Dead!!!!!!!!!
