Saturday, July 17, 2021

Saturday Brunch Report; KRON Senior Staff want Meeting with GM Rose; Darya Needs the Gig; All Quiet at 900 Front; Moore Indifference; A Few Darts

AS LONG as Darya Folsom still has a gig at KRON, I don't think Aaron Pero will think about calling a lawyer; I'm not a loyah mind you but I don't think Pero has a case. I could be wrong. I know this: I know KRON has enough goop on Pero that could fill Lake Merritt.

*Why should Darya go anywhere. I mean, it's not as if she's got twenty stations clamoring for her services unless you think swalling bananas and mugging for the cameras is a hot commodity. Darya has a ton of overhead anyway and needs the money to cover her expenses.

*KRON senior staff want an immediate meeting with the new boss, Jim Rose. They had a meet-and-greet but this is more than that. They want to discuss the immediate future of what's happening. Not just Post-Pero, but an overall plan, (if you can call it that) as to what Rose wants to accomplish. And Rose has a lot on his plate both formally and informally. He absolutely has to make it clear that there's a new regime and that old rules and ways no longer exist. He has to be totally transpaent and play ball otherwise he'll lose the building. And in that building, the newsroom.

*KEY DEVELOPMENT: Lost in the Pero shuffle: the total SILENCE of senior anchors, including, notably, Pam Moore. Moore has been visibly quiet during the past week and not just because of her recent fall. Rumor central is that Moore wants OUT and a few bye-bye presents but we'll wait and see. Catherine Heenan was also saying nothing but that's a common Heenan theme. Vicki Liviakis was too busy to worry about another drama deal; she's seen it all.

*Giants' fill-in broadcaster, Joe Ritzo, may have committed a cardinal sin: he had the audacity to say, "Jon Miller is off this weekend" as opposed to "on assignment." What a jolt for mankind.

*Gather this again: .07: the June rating for 95.7, "The Game" --roughly speaking, that means your backyard party had more action than The Game. Probably more interesting too.

*Pero once told a longtime KRON staffer that "I'll make your life hell", which is always a great way to make your people happy.

*If Rose were to coax Nextstar into getting a thousand dollar per-worker stimulas bonus, he'll have a good start.

*KCBS has had a rough few months and numbers don't lie. They SUCK. And don't think Audac doesn't knows they suck; a senior VP in NY is headed out to SF and about to meet with ND, Jennifer Seelig. And they won't be exchanging ccookie recipes, trust me.

*If you believe word on street: KFRC, its 610 AM dial highlighted by a dead guy for years, might be SOLD soon to an Indian billionaire; lord only knows why anyone would buy an AM terrestrial station but oh well.

*KRON current staff could be energized by just a normal boss who respects his workers and doesn't make them feel like eternal shit, yep, that could go a long way, almost as good as the cash.

*Pero tried for years (and others) to finger the people at KRON who were talking to me; had he just called and asked for a coffee, I could have saved him the stress and he'd probably have his job. I would have told him that I'm not interested in naming my sources but that if he wanted productivity, he could buy nice to people. Pero didn't get the memo.

*KSFO: the casket has arrived.

*Pero got a modest severance check because KRON/Nextstar really doesn't want to deal with LOYAHS!


  1. Damn I thought we were done with Darya, I thought she would go the way of Terilyn Joe and Ray Ratto.

  2. > I don't think Pero has a case. I
    > could be wrong.

    In today's legal world, anyone who puts down a fee has a case. That's why I no longer work in law. It's all about taking people's money today, period.

  3. Does tons of overhead = the purchase of a home a few months back?

    1. Alimony & child support more like.

  4. Maybe with new ownership and the turmoil at KRON there's a possibility for Veronica De La Cruz to join the team. How about mornings with Darya and Veronica? Except that VDLC might not show up for work.

  5. .07? Even the stations that only play static do better than that.

    There is totally room in this market for an actual sports talk radio station, but The Game sadly isn't it.

    1. But bro, Covay grew up on the Peninsula in a rich white neighborhood but sounds like Vanilla Ice had a baby with Marky Mark bro. Ya feel me dawg?

    2. Covay is East Bay. Lafayette/Walnut Creek. Working class. Decent guy, out of his range on radio though. I think he paints houses as his fulltime gig. Married a Canadian girlie he met online recently. Hasn't been on radio lately, maybe his gig is up. 2 1/2 years. Lasted longer than I thought he would. Dickinson not around either, new guys on. Maybe a try out.

    3. He told a story once on KNBR (I can't remember who it was but it was someone who wouldn't be living in a working class neighborhood) about how he was in his backyard with his parents clearing brush or doing something and there over the back fence or another neighbor was some big name in the local sports or media scene. It was his back neighbor or something like that. I may be slightly off on the story but it was definitely not someone who would be living in a working class neighborhood. Someone with money. Baseball player? Can't remember.

    4. Covay wasn't a baseball player Nor from middle class he is a mid 40's white boy from the burbs. Just like Joe Hughes

  6. What in the hell is the matter with Ritzo? That was just plain out of line. Get with the program, Joe.

  7. - All non-Karnow weather anchormen should watch their shoulders closely. Because Darya has resumed her hunt. All it takes is one dysfunctional smile to cave in.
    - I keep forgetting that Catherine Heenan has always stayed at KRON. But because Rich rarely mentions her, I never noticed.
    - Since CBS sold off its radio division, KCBS radio et al have never been the same. Still a big mistake all those years later, made under heavy Big Brother pressure from the then-CEO and his wife (the latter still sadly employed, because that CBS-TV reality show still scores ratings; doesn't say much about viewer habits).
    - Let's hope that if the Indian billionaire doesn't turn his station into his own religious format, he revives it into the classic sound.
    - KSFO was part of the casket that arrived in Florida this past winter. The same casket that rolled from there to Cape Girardeau MO. KSFO never recovered from the Limbaugh loss.
    - Court case evidence advantage is overwhelming in favor of Nexstar over Darya's fired dong.

    1. Agreed! KCBS is barely listenable anymore.

  8. I tuned in KNBR to catch the Giants and during the commercial break was the "nasal lady" reading copy with no energy in her voice. I remember first hearing the nasal lady during 49er games a couple of years ago, reading all the spots where the agency was too cheap to hire anybody to do the ads. I felt sympathetic for her because it sounded like she had a severe head cold. But I would occasionally tune into KNBR and its sister cluster stations, I'd hear her voice -- a 60+ burnt out bored woman. I couldn't believe any station would hire such a voice for in-house production. Then again, it is Cumulus. It just shows that owners of stations today don't care about anything, even production.

    I don't say this to praise ad agencies and production houses. They stink too. There's a story going around about a jewelry store that has overproduced spots running at odd times. The store is owned by a woman on her death bed in Palo Alto and didn't care what her commercials sounded like. Plus she wasn't paying for them, the money was all co-op. One night she's very sick and is trying to get some comfort listening to the radio and her spot, which she had never heard before, comes on KGO. She's shocked -- who would be listening to the radio at this hour? She calls a relative who calls the ad agency. Turns out the ad agency was soaking up all of the money with production fees, that were being kicked back to the agency, and the jeweler was getting no bang for the buck with a skimpy schedule of spots.

    1. yep, that same woman. Sounds bored and has an obese tone to it. So many spots on KNBR and KGO! Must cost nothing. Kinda sad, really.

  9. If ksfo is casket ready what does that make KGMZ & KGO?

    Cremaion domanation??

    1. I don't know the first station you mentioned, however KGO has some good hosts, mainly John Rothmann and Pat Thurston. I like Chip and Mark Thompson, as well, although their shows are a mix of politics and, especially Mark's show, pop culture. Niki Medoro not so much. I use to listen to Armstrong and Getty, because I thought they were funny, their show use to cover different subjects, however when ever I listen now seems like they fall into the same category of majority of conservative hosts, democrats bad, republican's good. I listened for a little while the other day, and they kept saying that before Biden's term is out, he would be with God. Really? Biden is just a few years older than Trump and in much better physical shape. I guess saying he would be with God is suppose to softened the message a bit, which for one second I didn't buy.

  10. Why should one (Aaron Pero) receive a severance when he was fired or let go for breaking company policy and work place behavior such as having a relationship with a subordinate? I can see getting a severance when let go because of downsizing or job elimination, but shouldn't a company be able to get rid of somebody for cause without having to pay them off? It's great for Aaron since we won't have to work for a while but it seems like a reward. All because of the possibility of a law suit. If you are confident in your position to get rid of the person, then stand by it, no severance or just let the person go. Given, I don't think you (Rich) know for sure if Aaron received a severance, but it is likely. I guess the money does save time and energy but it is the principle that matters.
