Saturday, February 6, 2021

You Knew It Was Coming: Talk of Vaccine Job by Reporter; Cuts on Local Media

TALK OF THE TOWN... A LOCAL TV station had an original (wink) idea: send a reporter to a vaccine site --have the reporter talk about the experience of getting the shot, blah, blah, blah, right? Ther reporter took it one step furher; he/she tried to talk thier way into getting the actual shot themselves. That is prett galling but yes, it's just a second-hand story but I'm trying my best to seek its truthiness, if it is indeed true. You'll know first. Why am I not surprised at this account? Because it was bound to happen.
*Remember the days of Saturday being the slowest news day? Not so much anymore which is further puzzling since almost all the TV News outlets are in the misdt of mass layoffs, courtest Covid-19 realities. And keep in mind, there's a lot to purge on radio too, including KNBR, KGO, and even The Game too. I've heard a lot of talk about people being "freaked" out during the next couple of months. *Oh, btw? Nobody is safe, not even high-paid morning show talent and their egos. *I do a pledge break after over a month of non-donations notices; KQED TV --worth well north of $500 Million, had about 27 such pledge breaks just the other day. So, YEAH, PLEASE CONTRIBUTE to 415 MEDIA and I'll continue to oblige you with all the items you love to read (and not)

1 comment:

  1. Yes it was sad to see the circle seven reporter who lives in Novato taking a shot away from someone who is much more at risk. And will again when the 2nd shot is due but he won't be boasting on that one. It's to bad my Golden Gate Bus driver neighbor much more at risk than the above mentioned can't get his shot.
