Sunday, February 7, 2021

Scramblin', Ramblin', Meandering, Sickening Super Bowl, Birthday Sunday Read at Your Own Risk

I CAN'T SLEEP. What else is new. I never have. I could have one of those really expensive mattresses and I'd still toss and turn, the story of my life. SUNDAY MORNING. It's freezing. I'm cold. A birthday today that I don't care about wheich is the case after you reach a certain age. You know the drill. 'm just trying to reach a few more years so I can see a few more things and have a few extra bags of coffee. That's my new vodka, Peets coffee, which is good because I can't go eat at my favorite Chinese food place in Chinatown because of you know what. I used to go there and eat and take care of my miserables and stuff. It was good food, cheap and nobody bothered me, that's what great about a hole in the wall place in Chinatown, they don't bother you. Naturally, now, I can't hang out there anymore until the virus takes a hike. I won't hold my breath. I'M UP. It's still dark outside. There's no paper (I'm one of the 2 people on the pl,anet that still read a newspaper) --even the Chronicle is bearable on a Sunday. I used to read the NY Times, looked forward to picking it up but now it costs like, what? About the price of decent used car, so I had to cancel that vice too, no Chinese food joint and no NY Times, back to reading movire reviews and the sports page. Sunday fun day, my ass. STILL COLD AND MISERABLE. Super Bowl Sunday, I'll give a glance because I have to watch, it's like sacreligious not to but it's hard because I hate and despise both teams so I'll be pissed off no matter who wins. Besides too, since the Raiders moved (again) I really don't give shit about pro football anymore, what a waste of time, yeah, pass the dip and here's your chip, sounds just great. Hell no. MY typoes suck, yes mainly because I don't have a spell check on this shitty computer. I need a new computer but don't have to cash to buy a new one so there. It's a drag too because this new set-up on my goo-goo (whatever) is aout as crappy as it gets, I can't figure it out. What else is now? Nothing, everything's the same. It always is. Birthday? Oh god, what further depression. I need a birthday now as much as I need a donut. And with time, it gets worse. I used to love birthdays now I dread them, the only thing worse is being forced to listen to the "Ronn Owens Report." One day, not now, I'll go into detail about my hatred for Ronn and his crappy reports, whcih are really Paul Harney ripoffs. Ronn is no Paul Harvey, hell he's nty even the car guy, Mike Harvey. Yeah, I'm bitter, breaking news. it's barely past 5 in the morning and I'm hungry and starved for coffee but the 7-11 isn't open yet and it's pitch dark outside. A perfect metaphor for my life now, and YOU THOUGHT YOU were depressed? Ha! I'm freezing my ass off, it's cold and I'm writing a blog on Sunday for my readers and mulling a football game I don't really give a shit about and fake (few) birthday wishes from mostly people on Facebook I don't know nor ever even met. I know that Facebook birthday greetings were a scam when a tomato can wished me a happy birthday, seriously, what a pack of shit that is. Anyway, I digress, I'm officially tired and irritated and I can't go back to sleep because I can't sleep. Irritation overdrive, what a great life. Yeah, I got your Super Bowl and birthday right here. Have a nice day.


  1. Try Melatonin, 10 mgs, get a Cuisinart Coffee maker, Get the San Jose Merc, buy an Asian hooker. All life altering.

    1. I tried some melatonin a few days ago, felt groggy the entire day, wife who is a nurse said to try 1/2 of one next time. Since Brady is a Trumper or who knows a ex Trumper, I am rooting for KC , but really don't care too much. I guess if your a Raider fan you don't like the Chiefs. Some people like to celebrate a week for their Birthdays, even when I was young, it never meant much to me. Anyway Happy BD Rich !!

    2. yeah, you have to adjust the dose based on how you react to it. agree on kc, fuck brady

    3. Fuck Mahomes. Thank God Brady won. I'm sorry for both of your tears.

  2. Uh, Happy Birthday?

  3. Early morning home brewed coffee smells great and tastes even better, with all the refills you want. And with the money you save you can buy a new computer and turn up the furnace. Cheer up.

  4. geez....Happy Birthday anyway.

  5. Go to any grocery store at 6ish on any given Saturday and find a woman buying ice cream and wine and you to can get laid.

    You're welcome.

  6. I take Melatonin, does not always help, certainly does not make me groggy. I'm not a good sleeper, never was, came in handy when I was younger and partied a lot. Now not so much, I should be retired, but am working about 30 hours retail. I sometime take "Sleep Aid" it is over the counter, and do not make me groggy, I have to get at least 6-7 hours of sleep to be able to be on my toes at work. I have taken it off and on for years, you might try it.
    Your column is not very up lifting Rich, I would have more sympathy for you if for once you could just have left out your critic of Ronn. As for depression, it is something I have dealt with over the years off and on, once when I decided to end my 9 year marriage, other times when I had some business failures which affected my finances. When I was getting divorced I sought professional help, and it really did help, and eventually I build a new life for myself and moved on. Last depression (some 12-14 years ago) I just rode it out, eventually getting a job, getting out between people and having a routine helped me. So did a 4-5 miles walk whenever I had time. I remember thinking at that time "You know your life is not working when you hate getting up in the morning and look forward to going to sleep at night". I realize that right now with the virus it is more difficult, however one can still go out in nature, and this won't last forever.

  7. The only thing worse then ronnnnnie would be his brown nosing cabana boy ryan scott

  8. I stop counting B-days when I needed to get a burn permit for all the candles on the cake.

  9. Skip a couple of the 7-11 coffees and get a bottle of Vitamin D softgels. It will help with your depression. 2,000 IU's/day until things improve, then down to 1000 IU's.
    Get some sun.

  10. Your 7-11's aren't 24 hours? They're 24 hours all over the Bay Area. Even Santa Cruz area. Must be an Oakland thing.
