Tuesday, February 9, 2021

Evan White: As Good as it Gets

ONE OF THE BEST...still alive, at 76, to the best of my knowledge--Evan White is quiet, reclusive and livingin retirement in San Francisco. Little known fact: he was not only one of the very best newsman anchors and a real title, "managing editor" at KRON, but worked with the ND and was overly active in stories and style. An old pro who was fiercely independant and took no BS; he didn't have to. At the time, KRON was as good as it gets. Remember, White spent his early career at KGO.


  1. A great journalist. I think he's living in San Diego these days - at least in this 2014 interview.


  2. Worked with Evan at KRON. Super nice guy and always great to work with...Glad to hear he's still around.

  3. He did a series on KRON called "Old Age, Do Not Go Gentle" about how we care for our elders in this country. Stopped me dead in my tracks at the time (and, now, I'm an elder myself). The background music was the Pachelbel Canon in D - the entire series was stunning. Wish I could get my hands on a copy of it...

  4. "Bay TV is your TV"

  5. And before KRON and KGO, Evan White also spent time at KPIX around 1969-70.

  6. What? No mention of Jim Paymar??

  7. He created (with Mike Cerre) one of the coolest newscasts ever to air in the Bay Area: "Live at Five." Only lasted a few years. Was proud to have been a part of it.
