Monday, January 11, 2021

Medoro Still Wasting Away on KGO; Ken Wayne Barely Registers on KRON; Monday Open

 YET AGAIN, the nauseating sounds of KGO's insufferable Nikki Medoro the blowhard winds on Monday. It was painful, as usual to listen to and another major embarrassment on 810 AM.

Medoro interviewed Congresswoman Zoe Lofgren --it would have been a nice touch to hear and enjoy an honest back and forth except Medoro, with her painfully lecturing, sophomoric voice never shuts up. She doesn't offer up anything new, in fact, she's a boring broken record and about as informing as a KTEL commercial.

Had Medoro have a decent producer, maybe she'd become more original and refreshing. Instead, she's predictable and BORING. It's like sounding (again) like a young mother lecturing her children and an elementary school teacher telling her students what's good and bad.

Medoro never challenges. There's nothing new. It's a hodgepodge of Melba toast. And I'm probably more in line with much of Nick's politics, mind you, but I can't listen much because I know the drill and I'm never gonna learn anything new on Medoro's BORING platform someone send a shock pill already.

*TWO HALLMARK FREQUENCIES PAINFULLY WASTED EVERY DAY: KSFO AND KFRC (Family Radio) Just a painful reminder every day how these legacy stations have become EL WASTO.

*Sean Hannity on KSFO, I'm really happy (wink) that I get to hear Hannity live now (Noon- 3 PM) because you just can't get enough of Sean Hannity (wink). 

*For the millionth time, if indeed KRON were to be sold, maybe the new owners would make kRON the 24/7, "NY1ish" outlet it could salvage itself out to be, but not now. KRON is the old books on your grandmother's living-room table.

*Ken Wayne, so vital a TV News anchor voice not so long ago now mumbling way too long what a damn tragedy


  1. I always thought Ken Wayne was, to use your favorite phrase, Melba toast. I worked with him at KTVU where he had zip personality but somehow thought he was important. I guess that hasn't changed.

  2. Nikki is the worst. It sounds like its the same banal Democrat talking points now as when she was with Chimp. Terrible radio. And now she doesn't have the former San Diego conservative talker to prop her up. Who even listens outside liberal housewives on the peninsula?

  3. John rothman waxing poetic about his adventures grocery shopping at calmart is more stimulating then medoro complaining about her kids

  4. Nikki Medoro:

    1. "Exactly.."
    2. "Absolutely.."
    3. "I get it.."
    4. nasal cackling
    5. her kids, husband, drinking
    5. Required to laugh when Mark Thompson yells while previewing his upcoming show at the end of hers

    That's about it.

  5. Nikki is the anti-trifecta; annoying, dumb, and not much to look at if I'm being nice.

  6. I rarely listen to Nikki...just too tedious for me. The few times I have tuned in, she's blabbing on and on about her kids or her dog, Marley. C'mon, who gives a crap? Mix it up a little there, Nikki!

  7. Marley is her daughter lol, and she just got a dog a week ago. She mentions her family and a new dog on a morning show that’s intended to be a personality driven morning show?!? *gasp* If you don’t like the personality, change the station. You can hear Sarah and Vinny mention their pets.

    1. Well, I guess naming her daughter Marley is a step up from naming her Fido. Why do parents these days give their kids these bizarre made-up names? What's wrong with Lisa or Julie or Lori? Why give them a goofy name that they are going to have to spell out or explain twice a week for the rest of their lives? And as far as not liking the personality, I do change the station. That's why I don't listen to her much.

    2. Marley is a unisex English/German name dating back to the 12th century. Not exactly made up.

  8. I only knew of Ken Wayne by what I saw on KTVU ... don't watch KRON news so can't comment on his current status. That being said, I always thought he should have been the heir apparent to Dennis Richmond. Maybe he felt the same way, so when opportunity knocked he took it. Can't blame him for that.

  9. As for Sean Hannity and Mark Levin, I see on Yahoo that Cumulus have asked their right wing hosts, like the 2 above mentioned, scale down their message that the election was rigged, or they could be fired.

    I'm waiting for Rich to write more in depth about this story.

  10. Looking at the KRON news line-up, it is nearly all-news already. 4-10am, then again from 5p-11pm with a quick hour break in there for Entertainment Tonight. I am not sure we need much more of the same. NY1 is owned by Spectrum, which also does the same thing in Los Angeles.

  11. Wow, what did Ken Wayne do to you?

  12. He probably signed a letter.
